Chapter 164 Founding of the People’s Education

Ye Yun laughed and walked out of the own room. At this time, he looked confident.

After leaving the room, he walked towards Taiqing’s territory.

At this moment, Taiqing seemed to have a headache in his own territory.

“My current strength is still a bit worse. If I set up a sect rashly, it may bring some disasters to the human race.”

Taiqing thought to herself.

At the same time, a subordinate walked in.

“Enlighten the Taiqing quasi-sage, Ye Yun Ancestor Witch, please see me.”

Taiqing’s subordinate knelt on one knee and said.

“What, Ye Yun is here? Where is he? Take me to see him quickly!”

Tai Qing raised her head instantly, her voice trembling with excitement.

“No, I’m here now.”

As soon as Taiqing’s words fell, Ye Yun’s voice came from leisurely, and his figure suddenly appeared in the Great Hall.

Looking at Ye Yun, Tai Qing felt a little excited in her heart.

Even if he doesn’t know what Ye Yun is going to do this time, but based on his knowledge of Ye Yun, he has roughly guessed some.

“I don’t know what happened to you when you came here this time?”

Taiqing asked Ye Yun.

Ye Yun smiled slightly when he heard this, “Haha, Taiqing, have you forgotten, did you ask me something earlier?”

Ye Yun stared at Taiqing and spoke slightly.

When Taiqing heard Ye Yun say this, her heart became more and more excited.

“Ye Yun Ancestor Witch, is it possible that you promised to help me set up a human education?”

Taiqing’s breathing was short, her eyes flushed slightly when she looked at Ye Yun.

Ye Yun nodded slowly.

Taiqing was so excited that he almost jumped up. Isn’t that what he hoped?

“Very good!”

“With Ye Yun’s ancestor witch joining, forming a sect and competing on one side, what is there to be afraid of?!”

Taiqing spoke confidently.

He knew Ye Yun’s strength was extremely strong.

In addition, I have investigated some of Ye Yun’s growth trajectory, and found that wherever Ye Yun once lived, its prosperity is simply terrible.

He always felt that Ye Yun might be the lucky person of the entire prehistoric!

With Ye Yun’s help, he must be able to successfully establish a sect this time.

“Taiqing, the establishment of a sect is not a simple matter. Although I have promised to help you, we still need to discuss specific matters.”

Ye Yun sat on a chair in the distance and spoke slightly.

Taiqing also calmed down quickly and nodded: “Don’t worry, this is natural. Since I dare to establish a sect, I must be fully prepared.”

“I have set all the plans, only you need to join, and now that you have joined, we have nothing to fear.”

The two were sitting and chatting together, and Taiqing was also curious about why Ye Yun came at this time.

“I was hesitating before and was seen by my wife, and then I thought about it for a while and felt that a manly man doesn’t need to be timid, so I came.”

Ye Yun haha ​​said.

When Taiqing heard this, he also had some gratitude in his heart for Ye Yun’s wife.

“Heaven Court has a strong horse and a large number of soldiers; therefore, even if we form a sect, we cannot fight Heaven Court head-on.”

Taiqing took out a map of Heaven Court and spoke to Ye Yun.

Ye Yun looked at this map and was a little surprised in her heart.

On this map, not only the sphere of influence of Heaven Court is marked, but the range of the stationing of some Heaven Court masters is also marked.

For the masters of Heaven Court, they are listed carefully one by one.

“There are people I don’t know.”

Ye Yun was a little surprised at this time. It seemed that Heaven Court’s strength was indeed slightly higher than he had imagined.

But this is also normal, which force can have no own background?

What’s more, Heaven Court!

“Taiqing, after you form a sect, you must have an honorable name, so do you think of own honorable name?”

At this moment Ye Yun spoke slightly.

Taiqing heard the words and couldn’t help falling into silence.

“I also had some thoughts about this title, but I haven’t settled on it yet.”

Tai Qing said.

Immediately, he gave Ye Yun some honorable titles that he had come up with.

Ye Yun shook his head, then smiled, and said, “Taiqing, although these honorable titles you think of are good, they are not the best, and I just thought of one, do you want to listen?”

Ye Yun stood up and looked at Taiqing.

Taiqing’s heart moved, Ye Yun actually thought of the title, which unavoidably surprised him.

“Oh, what kind of title Ye Yun ancestor witch came up with, can you tell me about it?” Tai Qing raised his eyebrows and asked.

“After you have established a sect, how about calling it Taishang Laojun?”

Ye Yun smiled slightly and said.

Hearing the honorable title of Taishang Laojun, Taiqing was shocked.

He felt that this name seemed to be born for himself!

Unexpectedly, he felt that as long as the name was given, the establishment of a sect was almost a certainty!

Taiqing laughed and said, “Good name, good name! Thank you Ye Yun Zuwu for giving the name. From now on, I will be honored as Taishang Laojun!”

Ye Yun talked with Taiqing for a few hours, and then left.

Three days later, Taiqing formally established the People’s Education.

And the news of his establishment of the People’s Education is also spread everywhere.

The races in the four corners of the Primordial Continent were particularly shocked, and the human races were extremely happy.

After all, the human race is inherently weak and plagued by disasters, and the teachings established by the Taiqing at this time gave them a reason to unite.

Countless human races came towards the place where Taiqing was, and gathered like tiny rivers into the sea, and their forces gradually gathered.

After some more time, Taiqing stood outside the dojo and officially announced his own honor.

“From today onwards, I am Taiqing, and set up the People’s Education, and the honorable name is Taishang Laojun!”

After Taiqing’s words spread, countless human races stood outside Taiqing’s dojo, cheering in unison.

This day is also a memorable day for the human race.

Only one day after the old man became himself on the Taiqing ether.

There was a sudden movement outside the Taiqing Dojo, and the terrifying breath was suppressed from the sky, and countless people trembled.

A huge figure appeared in the sky.

“Taiqing quasi-sage, there are only two religions between heaven and earth, and each sect is extremely powerful and profound, so that it can exist.”

“Humans are inherently weak and weak, and today they want to form a sect, even if you are a quasi-sage.”

A voice from the Daoist shadow spread throughout the dojo.

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