Chapter 168-Taiqing became a holy

Erlang Shen said nothing, and the others were also silent.

“Heavenly Emperor, I have an idea.”

After a while, another quasi-sage also stood up and said to the Heavenly Emperor.

This person has white hair and golden light in his eyes.

“Oh? Lingyu Xianzun, what do you think?”

Heavenly Emperor asked, and also revealed the quasi-sage’s name.

“Heavenly Emperor, we also know that Ye Yun is extremely weird. If you rashly shoot, I’m afraid it will hit Ye Yun’s arms.”

“In my opinion, we might as well watch the changes. Ye Yun is extremely ambitious, not to mention there is an ambitious Taiqing.”

“Maybe soon, they will plan to attack Heaven Court. At that time, we only need to wait for him to come. Heaven Court is the foundation of your majesty. How can he escape when he comes?”

Lingyu Xianzun spoke, and after hearing Lingyu Xianzun’s words, some people in the Ling Xiao Hall changed their expressions.

“Heavenly Emperor, don’t, Heaven Court is our territory, if they come by then…”

Someone stood up and said.

Heavenly Emperor raised his head, interrupted his words, and said, “I think the method of Lingyu Xianzun is very good, then, according to the words of Lingyu Xianzun, let’s have a turtle in the urn!”

The Heavenly Emperor looked outside the Heaven Court, his eyes gleaming fiercely.

If it weren’t for Ye Yun’s own weirdness, he would have taken action early, but until now, he couldn’t see what Ye Yun was hiding, and Heavenly Emperor had to be patient to observe.

“Want to challenge Heaven Court? Then prepare for destruction.”

Heavenly Emperor waved his sleeves and walked outside.

In recent days, Ye Yun has been in Taiqing’s dojo, and when he is free, he will go around the dojo to see the situation of the human race.

The human race at this time exuded a breath of new life, which made Ye Yun’s heart full of joy.

After all, he still has one task that he hasn’t completed, and that is to help people teach to become the No. 1 Great Teacher!

At first, when the system released this task, Ye Yun also had a headache, but now it seems that the task is just around the corner.

“Heaven Court has a profound background. Now that Taiqing and I have killed the four quasi-sages, there is no action, most of them are planning something.”

Ye Yun thought so, and also told Taiqing his own idea.

Taiqing frowned upon hearing this, and said, “You are right, Heaven Court should not be underestimated. At least, Heaven Court is the first power in the wild.”

“Now that Heaven Court is hidden in a dark place, it will only increase hidden dangers. Ascension own strength must be as soon as possible.”

“I think it’s only a little bit away from Sage Realm… Give me a year and I will try to breakthrough Sage Realm.”

Taiqing said that he also had some expectations for the breakthrough Sage Realm.

“Well, you can go, I am taught by others.”

Ye Yun nodded.

Taiqing was more grateful to Ye Yun again.

However, Ye Yun only did this because of the mission.

Moreover, the news of the killing of the four quasi-saints by thunder means has long been spread, and ordinary forces will not come to provoke people in a short time.

At least, on the face of it, they dare not.

Taiqing turned and left, officially starting Closed Door Training.

His Huntian Duster hangs outside the Closed Door Training. With the induction between him and Huntian Duster, if there is a crisis near the dojo, he can also sense it for the first time.

However, as Ye Yun expected, during the year of Taiqing Closed Door Training, Human Race did not encounter any danger.

After all, for the strong, one year is just a blink of an eye.

During this year, Ye Yun has also Closed Door Training several times. By his side, Innate Peach Tree rises and falls.

The breath of Innate flat peach trees also provided some help to Ye Yun cultivation.

The majestic vitality surging around Ye Yun, even if Ye Yun encounters a crisis during cultivation, this Innate peach tree can also ensure that Ye Yun is safe.

Heaven Court also made moves during this period, even if Heavenly Emperor didn’t worry about Ye Yun or Taiqing leading people to kill.

Nuwa also received the Heavenly Emperor news, hoping that Nuwa could take action to get rid of Ye Yun.

Nuwa hesitated and didn’t make a direct shot.

But Heaven Court also has a lot of roots for her, and Nuwa didn’t know how to choose for a while.

Just as Nuwa hesitated, Hongjun appeared in Nuwa’s dojo.

“If it’s hard to choose, you might as well watch from the sidelines, Nuwa, this time in the sectarian dispute, I advise you not to interfere.”

Hongjun spoke to Nuwa.

After listening to Hongjun’s words, Nuwa gradually calmed down.

“It’s reasonable, it’s their business, if that’s the case, let them fight for themselves.”

Nuwa spoke lightly, deciding to leave it alone.

But she was finally a little curious about the outcome of this matter. Who will win the struggle this time?

Although Ye Yun and Terran are developing extremely fast, Heaven Court has a solid foundation and unimaginable background. She is still worried about Terran.

On this day, in the dojo of Taiqing, a huge breath exploded and spread everywhere.

That breath is vast and majestic.

That is the breath of the saint of human race!

Countless human races were all stunned by this breath and couldn’t help kneeling to the ground.

“Lord Taishang! It is Lao Taishang who has become a saint!”

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