Chapter 183 The Secret of Black Lotus Flower

There was no one else around at this time, and Ye Yun also took out a Qi and Blood Pill again, which he had refined a lot before.

The moment Ye Yun took out the Qi and Blood Pill, he saw that the black Lotus flower began to fluctuate slightly, exuding a vast attraction.

Immediately afterwards, some red silk threads came out of the Qi and Blood Pill, and they poured into the black Lotus flower. A few seconds later, the Qi and Blood Pill that Ye Yun was holding in his hand had disappeared. .

Ye Yun also felt that the disappearing Qi and Blood Pill had been completely absorbed by the black lotus flower.

“This black lotus flower can absorb Qi and Blood Pill.”

Ye Yun was very surprised. Although he didn’t know why he was, he could also think that there must be some secrets hidden in the black lotus flower.

Ye Yun became more curious about the secrets hidden in the black lotus flower, and he felt that the secrets hidden in the black lotus flower was also an opportunity for him, so Ye Yun kept taking out the Qi and Blood Pill. I want the black Lotus flower to absorb, but I don’t know how much Qi and Blood Pill the black Lotus flower can absorb.

Of course, this time after Ye Yun took out the Qi and Blood Pills, he also took out the Amplification Cards one by one, and then increased the efficacy of these Qi and Blood Pills hundreds of times.

When the efficacy of the Qixue Pill was increased by several hundred times, the Qixue Pill also seemed to be even more blood red, dripping red.

At this time, the Qi and Blood Pill, more like a giant savage beast, slammed into Ye Yun’s palm indiscriminately.

Ye Yun took out the black lotus flower again and rode out the black lotus flower, the Qi and Blood Pill became quiet.

Immediately after that, the Qi-Blood Pill that had been increased by a hundredfold by Ye Yun was absorbed by refining. This time the black lotus flower had been absorbed for a few minutes before it stopped.

After some time passed, the black lotus flower absorbed Qi and blood pills slowly, and now the black lotus flower also emits a black gas surrounding the entire black lotus flower.

This black gas is extremely vast and profound, and Ye Yun also doesn’t know what kind of gas this black gas is. He has never seen such a gas before.

After some time, the black lotus flower finally stopped absorbing the Qi and Blood Pill.

And the black lotus flower at this time has also undergone an unexpected change that Ye Yun could not imagine.

I saw the black lotus flower blossoming. Inside the black lotus flower, there was just a black little person. The black little person is lifelike, but Ye Yun can also see at this time that the black little person just has a body. But there is no god.

“I didn’t expect that there is such a secret in the black lotus flower. There seems to be a god in the heart of the black lotus flower, but I don’t know what this god is.”

Ye Yun thought in his heart that if he could also see at this time, the god in the heart of the black lotus flower must be a very powerful Innate god.

[“Ding, the annihilation gas is detected, activate the mission, and revive the demon ancestor Luo Hu.”

“Task name: Resurrect Luohu, the demon ancestor.

Task content: Rahu is one of the means of Heavenly Dao cycle, Karma is immortal, Rahu is immortal. Please revive Luo Hu to complete Heavenly Dao.

Task overview: Luohu’s remnant soul has been wandering in the wild world, looking for a chance to rebirth. Now that the Six Paths of Reincarnation is first completed, Luo Hu’s disciples guide Luo Hu’s reincarnation, and then Luo Hu’s reincarnation will cause turmoil in the world. Resurrecting Luo Hu can weaken Luo Hu’s strength and place him under the jurisdiction of Heavenly Dao.

Mission rewards: 1. Open up a new Minor World. Second, give the Terran great luck, so that the Terran race for hegemony in advance. “].

At this time, such news came in Ye Yun’s mind, and Ye Yun knew it too. It turned out that the name of the god in this black lotus flower was Luo Hu.

“It turned out to be the legendary demon ancestor Luo Hu.”

Ye Yun was shocked. This Rahu was not an ordinary god, but a god related to Heavenly Dao. As long as Heavenly Dao was immortal, Luo Hu would not perish theoretically.

And from the task of the system, Ye Yun also learned a piece of information. Today’s Heavenly Dao is actually flawed, and the ancestor Luo Hu doesn’t know why Hun and Po are incomplete, floating between the heavens and the earth.

But now that the six realms have just formed, Luo Hu’s disciples want to reincarnate Luo Hu, and when Luo Hu is reincarnated, it will definitely cause turmoil in the heavens and the earth, which will not be a good thing for Heavenly Dao and all things in the world.

And this time the task is to resurrect Luo Hu. If he will go to Luo Hu to resurrect, not only can Luo Hu’s strength be weakened, but the most important thing is that he can be placed under Heavenly Dao’s jurisdiction.

What makes Ye Yun even more excited is that this time the mission rewards are also extremely rich. Since it is a direct reward for a Minor World, and it is not an ordinary world, it is the system that helped Ye Yun to develop a Minor World himself. .

You must know that in the prehistoric continent, even Sage does not have a Minor World.

As long as Ye Yun completes this task, even if he is not Sage, he can still get an enviable Minor World.

And this quest is also helpful to the previous main task. It can donate some great luck to the human race. In this way, the human race can become the No. 1 Great Master in advance. In this way, Ye Yun can also complete his previous main task.

The rewards of the system are the richest, of course, the main task rewards are the richest.

Ye Yun was excited, and he secretly vowed to find Luohu’s remnant soul to complement Heavenly Dao. After all, this is also a good thing for all beings in the world.

“But this Luo Hu is not a good thing, I have also heard of his deeds before.”

“He is the demon ancestor, the head of the ten thousand demons in the world. He once caused a lot of turmoil on the prehistoric continent, but the reason why Heavenly Dao is lacking today has a little relationship with him.”

Ye Yun thought in his heart that there was no burden in his heart for letting Luo Hui resurrect, weakening his strength, and letting him be under the jurisdiction of Heavenly Dao.

But Ye Yun had one more thing to do before searching for Luo Hu’s remnant soul.

Standing in the own dojo, Ye Yun took out a sapling. The sapling was all green and dripping with verdure, and its majestic vitality surged around.

This is the Innate flat peach seedling.

“It’s time for this Innate flat peach sapling to be planted.”

Ye Yun thought in his heart that the wind was beautiful and sunny, and countless human races were working around Ye Yun’s dojo, and Ye Yun walked into his own dojo.

In Ye Yun’s dojo, there is a towering giant peak, and on the top of this towering giant peak, there is also a vast area.

Ye Yun walked here and then stopped. He was going to plant this Innate flat peach tree on the top of the mountain behind his dojo.

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