Chapter 185: The Secret of Nether Abyss

Ye Yun stood outside of Netherworld and looked towards Netherworld carefully for a while, and finally he walked in toward Netherworld.

“Even if this place really makes the saints feel terrified, so what?”

Because Ye Yun had a systematic existence, he also had some confidence in his heart. He believed that his ability to escape was much stronger than that of ordinary saints.

In this mountain and river, there is a deep valley, and this deep valley is also the core area of ​​the Nether Abyss.

Ye Yun already felt that Luohu’s remnant soul was in this core area of ​​Netherworld.

There was black lava flowing all over the ground here, and there was an extremely cold breath in the air. This cold breath made people’s souls seem to be frozen here.

When walking here, Ye Yun was also slightly wary.

When he went to the Jedi Valley of the Nether Abyss, he felt that there was indeed an extremely dangerous aura around him, and Ye Yun didn’t even know where it came from.

After a while, Ye Yun’s heart was also a little relieved, because at this time he had already seen the remnant soul of Luo Hu.

Luo Hu’s remnant soul was floating in the deep Jedi Valley of Nether Abyss at this time, looking muddled.

Ye Yun also came to Luohu’s remnant soul in an instant, and then stretched out his own hands, trying to hold Luohu’s remnant soul in his hand.

At this moment, there was an extremely frightening breath in the Jedi Valley. The entire Jedi Valley seemed to collapse at any time, and countless magma began to boil, as if the sky would be submerged.

Ye Yun was shocked. He felt that the reason for these changes was not far from Luohu’s remnant soul to the left.

Ye Yun looked towards that place and saw that in that place in the Jedi Valley, there was a faint temple, and in that temple, there seemed to be a huge heart beating.

And before, it seemed that the huge heart shook, that’s why it triggered such a change here.

“There is such a huge heart here.”

“What kind of god’s heart is this? It just shook slightly, and it actually made me feel a sense of panic.”

Ye Yun finally understood why in the legend, even if a saint came here, it was an accident.

Before he could think about it, Ye Yun immediately grasped Luohu’s remnant soul, and then flew towards the outside of Jedi Valley.

Countless purple-black lava bursting upward, with the terrifying breath of the freezing and cracking spirit, surged towards Ye Yun.

At this time, Ye Yun’s body shape kept changing, avoiding the black lava that was rolling in.

At this time, he even felt that many imaginary black cracks appeared in the air. These cracks were not ordinary spatial cracks, and there were extremely terrifying spatial storms hidden in them.

After being separated by these mysterious space cracks, Ye Yun also believed that he would definitely encounter great danger.

At the moment of crisis, Ye Yun used a thousand-fold multiplier card and dodged the surrounding attacks dangerously.

After a while, Ye Yun stood outside the Forbidden Land of Netherworld, and finally heaved a sigh of relief in his heart.

“It’s very dangerous. If I hadn’t run fast just now, I’m afraid my body would have been submerged in those black lava.”

“And those black magma looked ordinary before, but I didn’t expect that there is a huge power that can annihilate the soul.”

Ye Yun thought in his heart that what made him feel even more jealous was the huge heart hidden in a temple in the Jedi Valley in the Nether Abyss.

“It seems that there are indeed many secrets hidden in the Primordial Continent that I don’t know. Even now I can rely on the system to counter the saints, but I still cannot despise the Primordial Continent.”

Ye Yun thought to himself, after all, although his time to come to the prehistoric continent was not short, it was only a short moment compared to the prehistoric continent with a long history.

In this infinite prehistoric continent, in the past years, no one knows how many powerful gods have appeared.

At this moment, Ye Yun opened his own palm and looked at a broken and weak soul in his palm.

Although this soul looks weak and small, it seems to exude a vast mysterious aura, that is the aura of Heavenly Dao.

And this soul is also Luo Hu’s soul.

“At this time, I have already got Luo Hu’s soul, and I must raise my hand to resurrect Luo Hu.”

Ye Yun suddenly became a little excited, because it meant that he could complete another task and also get more precious rewards.

Ye Yun acted immediately, and he took out the black Lotus flower.

At this time, the black Lotus flower seemed to feel that Ye Yun had obtained Luo Hu’s remnant soul. The black Lotus flower exuded an attraction, as if it wanted to attract Luo Hu’s soul in Ye Yun’s palm.

After seeing the black lotus flower like this, Ye Yun also spread out his palm.

Immediately afterwards, Luohu’s remnant soul in Ye Yun’s palm moved towards the black lotus flower at an extremely fast speed. In an instant, he was already submerged in the black lotus flower.

When Luohu’s remnant soul entered the black lotus flower, a burst of thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, and even Ye Yun felt a little bit deafening.

Invisibly, he felt that the surrounding space seemed to be faintly shaking, and all this was due to the black Lotus flower at this time.

The black Lotus flower exudes a deep and vast aura. It seems that he was incomplete in the past, but now it is truly complete after the remnant soul of Luohu.

And the little person in the heart of the black Lotus flower became a little real at this time, and there was a wave of life emanating from his body.

“Luo Hui is about to resurrect.”

The endless rain fell majestic, lightning entangled in the air.

The aura in the black lotus flower became deeper and deeper, and the figure became more and more real.

It can be clearly seen that it is a man who looks extremely evil, his eyes are like a scabbard, his eyebrows are particularly sharp, and his eyes seem to have pierced the sky.

Luo Hui gradually came back to life.

The fluctuation in the black lotus flower became more and more intense. After some time passed, a huge golden yellow lightning fell from the sky and penetrated into the black lotus flower.

Lightning is destruction and rebirth.

At this time, the figure in the black lotus flower was completely resurrected.

He opened his own eyes and looked at Ye Yun. The space around him buzzed and vibrated, and a voice rang in Ye Yun’s mind.

“Did you resurrect me?”


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