Chapter 188 Fighting Hongjun!

Hongjun’s pupils kept shrinking, and he couldn’t understand why Ye Yun, who was still the pinnacle of the quasi-sage before, had the breath of Sage in an instant?

“Didn’t you want me to know about the strength of Sage? Now I am Sage. See how you let me know.”

Ye Yun spoke, holding the Jiuxiao Jade Knife and looking at Hongjun coldly.


Ye Yun spoke, and the Jiuxiao Jade Blade cut through the sky, carrying his body and attacking Hongjun.

And Hongjun’s figure kept flickering, dodge all the moves Ye Yun attacked in an instant, and his hands also kept flying, constantly attacking Ye Yun.

When the two collided, Hongjun’s brows wrinkled slightly. From the bright side, Ye Yun actually fought him evenly.


A knife shadow flashed past Hongjun’s ear, making Hongjun a little surprised.

Just now, Ye Yun almost cut his head with the knife, and there were more than a dozen hairs falling off his ears at this time.

“If it is later, I am afraid it is really dangerous.” Hongjun was wary.

When the two people came to fight constantly, Hongjun’s heart became more anxious in the past moment.

He picked up the spear in his hand and his eyes shrank slightly. The spear in his hand was also an Innate spirit treasure, but at this time there were some cracks on the Innate spirit treasure.

It turned out to be chopped down by Ye Yun’s Jiuxiao Jade Knife.

“It’s the best Innate spirit treasure in the legend.” Hongjun sighed in his heart, but he was not in a hurry.

“Ye Yun, do you think that Innate Lingbao like the Jiuxiao Jade Knife is the only thing you have?”

After a while, Hongjun spoke suddenly, and immediately afterwards he took out a jade disc.

This jade dish is shining with a five-color divine light, and the atmosphere of good fortune flows on it, and the name is good fortune jade dish.

Hongjun took out the good fortune jade disc, and the good fortune jade disc seemed to suppress the surrounding space in an instant.

Ye Yun felt an invisible pressure in the air around him.

“It turns out that the good fortune jade disc has always been in your hands.” Ye Yun was slightly surprised in his heart.

There are various ancient legends circulating in the prehistoric continent, some of them about Innate Lingbao, and this good fortune jade disc is also famous among Innate Lingbao, but no one knows what the good fortune jade disc is. place.

But now Ye Yun knows it, the good fortune jade disc has always been in Hongjun’s hands.

“Ye Yun, you have a good vision. This is indeed the good fortune jade disc. Prepare to take on the power of the good fortune jade disc.”

Hongjun opened his mouth and ate the good fortune jade disc in his hand, and took a picture of Ye Yun like a sky curtain.

The good fortune jade disc covers the sky and the earth, and there is a mysterious energy flowing in the middle of the good fortune jade disc. This is the power of good fortune.

The power of good fortune is very magical, and it can turn decay into magic, and Hongjun, blessed by the good fortune jade disc, carries some of the power of good fortune in every move, and his power is also much greater.

Ye Yun quickly swung the Nine Heavens Jasper Knife and turned to defense.

In an instant, the good fortune jade disc attacked the Jiuxiao Jade Knife, and an immense force passed over, and Ye Yun continued to retreated thousands of miles.

“The good fortune jade disc is so terrifying!”

Ye Yun was slightly surprised at the power of the good fortune jade disc. On the surface, this good fortune jade disc seems to be stronger than its Jiuxiao jasper knife.

But it’s not true. The Jiuxiao Jasper Knife is a treasure comparable to the good fortune jade disc. It’s just that the focus of the Good Fortune jade disc is different. The good fortune jade disc looks a little more mysterious, so the attack is even more unexpected. .

“Ye Yun, let’s see how you resist my good fortune jade disc.” Hongjun opened his mouth and laughed, his expression a little sordid.

With the good fortune jade dish in the left hand and the spear in the right hand, Hong Jun constantly attacked Ye Yun, ping-pong-pong, and their battle was never interrupted.

And the tens of thousands of human races underneath are also shivering, and the powerhouse of this prehistoric Continent Village makes them fear and awe.

“Is this really just a game?” Someone thought in their minds, the body was trembling constantly, and finally understood their own insignificance.

“What’s the fear?”

Ye Yun opened his mouth and then he took out another card and circulated it in the palm of his hand.

The name of this card is called the Universal Copy Card. With the Universal Copy Card, Ye Yun can copy it no matter what Hongjun holds in his hand.

“You have a good fortune jade disc, and I can have it too.”

Ye Yun used the universal copy card in an instant.

Then something unexpected happened to Hongjun. The good fortune jade disc in his hand seemed to tremble, and the endless light energy gathered in Ye Yun’s palm.

Then Ye Yun took out something exactly like his hand in the dazzling divine light, and that was another good fortune jade disc.

“Good fortune jade disc? How could you have a good fortune jade disc?”

Hongjun was surprised and inexplicable.

“Just allow you to have it?”

Ye Yun, holding a good fortune jade disc, attacked Hongjun, and thunder and wind rolled in the sky.

“Haha, Ye Yun, you are really whimsical, thinking that holding a fake good fortune jade disc can withstand my attack?”

Hongjun sneered, thinking that what Ye Yun was holding was a fake.

Ye Yun didn’t give much explanation. At this moment, he only wanted to kill Hongjun. He and Hongjun did not completely tear their skins, and even the two of them helped me with each other a little bit, but he didn’t expect that it would develop eventually. To this way.

You die and die.

Hongjun’s complexion changed drastically. He felt that Ye Yun’s good fortune jade disc also had a very mysterious power. This mysterious power was too clear in his heart, that was the power of good fortune.

A strong sense of crisis swept across Hongjun’s body, making Hongjun a fight immediately.

Although in his heart he felt that Ye Yun couldn’t bring out another real good fortune jade disc, but the scene at this moment undoubtedly slapped him in the face severely.

“Good fortune, Jhin!”

Hongjun spoke, and the good fortune jade dish in his hand kept spinning and getting bigger, and the endless power of good fortune in the center of the good fortune jade dish was surging.

As if everything in it was constantly creating and destroying, an indescribable force attacked Ye Yun.

Ye Yun’s eyes sparkled, and he threw the good fortune jade disc in an instant.

“Good fortune, birth!”

Ye Yun said, his good fortune jade disc also rotates, and the good fortune jade disc also has endless power of good fortune, which rotates surgingly.

Immediately afterwards, one by one huge towering trees stretched out from the good fortune jade disc and attacked Hongjun.

The attacks of the two people soon collided together, and the deafening sound continued to sweep around, and the space where the good fortune jade disc’s attack touched, the space cracks continued to spread.

Ye Yun looked calm and calm, but Hong Jun in the distance was very dignified.

The facts at this time have proved that Ye Yun’s good fortune jade disc is not weaker than the good fortune jade disc he holds.

In other words, it is likely to be a really good fortune jade disc.

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