Chapter 193: Rescue the Witch Race

Although Ye Yun came out of his own dojo and has a lot of strength ascension, most of the forces in the predecessor are still not very optimistic about Ye Yun.

Hongjun is the best Sage, and he has many helpers.

Ye Yun can be said to be on the side of the Witch Clan, but the Witch Clan seems to be about to lose out at this time.

After Hongjun heard the news that Ye Yun had walked out of the dojo, he was also overjoyed.

And Yuqing also united with the Monster Clan and the creatures of other races to launch a general offensive against the Wu Clan on this day.

Above the territory of the Wu Clan, there are countless creatures of other races coming at this time, and the creatures of the Monster Clan are even more numerous. In addition to the creatures of the Monster Clan, more are the creatures of interpretation.

This is a plain, and there is a huge huge city in front of it. This huge huge town is the ancestral city of the Witch tribe.

At this time, the ancestral city of the witch clan looks extremely quiet, and outside the ancestral city of the witch clan, there are tens of millions of people of all races, they all want to capture the witch clan today.

The world counts the calamity, the battle of the Lich, the powerful of the ten thousand races stand in line, but Ye Yun does not have much help. Ye Yun comes to the witch clan, and sees the witch clan’s defeat.

“Today is the day when the Witch Clan is destroyed. After the Witch Clan is destroyed, you will be rewarded a lot!”

A supreme quasi-sage of the demon clan stood up, waving the banner in his hand and said.

And the mighty masters of all races behind him also responded in unison.

Inside the city of the Wu clan, there was silence at this time, and the head of the Wu clan was standing in front of many of his clansmen with a very serious expression.

“Today is the moment of survival for my clan. Tell me, are you afraid?”

The patriarch of the Witch clan glanced across the various Witch clan masters in front and said.

And at the forefront of them were a few ancestral witches, these ancestral witches looked gloomy, but they didn’t have a trace of fear.

“Hateful, if Ye Yun Ancestral Witch were here, would we still fear them?”

An ancestral witch spoke. He was also the ancestral witch of the Wu clan, but compared to Ye Yun, the ancestral witch was much inferior.

The Wu Clan is also proud of the appearance of Ye Yun Ancestral Witch.

“Hey, stop talking, stop talking.”

“It’s fine if Ye Yun can save himself at this time.”

The patriarch of the Wu clan sighed. He felt that Ye Yun might have a greater crisis, so it was impossible to save them.

What he didn’t know was that Ye Yun’s figure was quickly moving towards the Witch Clan’s territory at this time.

Just when Yuqing was leading the masters of various races and was preparing to attack the giant city of the Wu tribe, Ye Yun’s figure suddenly appeared in the distance.

As soon as it appeared, the air became heavy.

Even though there are countless people of various races around, they still panic when they look at Ye Yun.

Although they knew that Ye Yun could not be Hongjun’s opponent, Ye Yun had killed Sage’s existence after all, so when they saw Ye Yun really appear in front of them, their hearts still trembled.

Ye Yun coldly glanced at the people of all races, and swept over Yu Qing’s body.

Even though both Ye Yun and Yuqing are Realm at the pinnacle of quasi-sages, for an instant, Yuqing felt like he was approaching Death.

“What do you want to do here?”

Ye Yun stood in the void contemptuously and wondered.

“Hehe, Ye Yun, do you think you can relieve the Witch Clan from today’s disaster?”

The quasi-sage of the monster clan stood up and said that he was not afraid of Ye Yun in his heart.

Recently, there have been various rumors in the Primordial Continent. It is said that the reason why Ye Yun was able to kill the Heavenly Emperor last time was also because he used several magical treasures.

Many people think that it is a wonderful baby, and it is impossible to have many, so Ye Yun should not have such a baby now, and can no longer kill Sage easily.

This is also the reason why the quasi-sage of the monster race is not afraid of Ye Yun. On the other hand, he clearly knows in his heart that there are even two sage-level masters who are coming at this time.

The names of these two saint-level masters are Pi Lian and Qi Qi.

“I’m afraid Ye Yun still doesn’t know that there are two sage masters hidden in our group.” The demon clan quasi-sage couldn’t help feeling a little complacent.

At this time, Ye Yun was slightly surprised. The reason why he didn’t choose to shoot immediately was because he felt that there were two very not weak auras in these people, it was the aura of a saint.

Recently, he had also heard that several hidden saints appeared in the Primordial Continent, and this time the aura of the two saints who came to attack the Wu Clan had never felt before, and it must be exactly that. The hidden saint.

“I warn you that the Wu Clan has a close relationship with me. When you attack the Wu Clan, you are attacking my human race.”

“If I leave now, maybe I can let you go.”

Ye Yun pulled out the Jiuxiao Jade Knife in an instant, and said coldly.

“Haha let us go, our masters of all races came here, you actually said that you want to let us go alone.”

The monster quasi-sage laughed loudly, as if he had heard the biggest joke.

And at this time in the giant city of the Witch clan, the group leader of the Witch clan and the masters of the Witch clan have all sensed the aura of Ye Yun outside their city.

And they heard Ye Yun’s words clearly.

“Ye Yun Ancestral Witch is here, I didn’t expect that he actually came to help us!”

The creatures of the Witch race became excited. They heard that Ye Yun had been in their own dojo and never came out, so they gradually gave up the idea that Ye Yun might help them.

But he didn’t expect Ye Yun to come here after all at this most critical moment.

“The ancestral witch Ye Yun still remembers that he is our ancestral witch after all.”

The patriarch of the Wu clan stroked his own beard and sighed.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes flickered, and he seemed to be more energetic for a moment.

“Everyone goes out with me and picks up Ye Yun.”

The witch clan chief said, and he took the master of the witch clan and walked towards the outside of their city mightily.

After a while, they all came to Ye Yun’s side.

Although there are a lot of masters of the Wu clan, they are still a lot less than the masters of each clan. When fighting against the monster clan before, they also had these allies, but when Yuqing led the forces of the ten thousand clan to attack them , Their allies are too busy to take care of themselves, no longer have the ability to help them, so today’s Wu Clan is so weak.

“Ye Yun Ancestor Witch, thank you for helping us in this crisis.”

The patriarch of the Wu clan came out and hugged the cupped fist to Ye Yun, feeling very moved.

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