Chapter 199: Hongjun’s bold move

Although he wasn’t too worried in his heart, he also knew that if Hongjun came here with many Sages, they would attack with all their strength, I’m afraid the Hunyuan formation would not be able to stop him.

So that day Ye Yun returned to the own dojo and immediately found Luohu on the top of Buzhou Mountain.

To be precise, the reason why Ye Yun had such a struggle with Hongjun was also because Ye Yun resurrected Luo Hu.

After Ye Yun’s resurrection of Luo Hu, the luck on the prehistoric continent faintly flowed to the human race and to Ye Yun. That’s why Hongjun was furious and eventually became intractable with Ye Yun.

Although Luo Hui was resurrected, he had not much to do with him in the previous life, and he looked completely different.

Luo Hu in the previous life looked fierce and vicious. Although Luo Hu still looked like that this time, he looked a lot lighter.

It seems that everything in the world has nothing to do with me.

When Ye Yun came to the top of Buzhou Mountain, Luo Hu was thinking about what’s the same next to the Peach Tree.

“Luohu, what are you thinking?” Ye Yun walked to Luohu’s side and asked softly.

“I’m thinking about everything in the world, hundreds of millions of creatures, and tens of millions of witch races. Are they all born to fight?”

“Because of their struggle, the Primordial Continent is aging. When will their struggle come to an end?”

Luo Hu sighed, he actually made such words.

“Everything in the world is profitable. As long as the great races have seven emotions and six desires, their struggle will never stop.”

Ye Yun looked into the distance and also expressed his own thoughts.

Luo Hu nodded and then looked at Ye Yun, knowing that Ye Yun must have something to ask for when he found himself this time.

“Ye Yun, I believe you are definitely not just looking for me this time.”

“Last time you brought me back to life, so I can also satisfy your request. Just say it.”

Luo Hui spoke, and Ye Yun’s heart moved slightly.

“Actually, Luo Huo, you were born by Heavenly Dao, and the last time I resurrected you was just to complement Heavenly Dao.”

“But you also have a life. What’s more, you are different from you in the previous life. Now you have no evil, so I didn’t directly use you to complement Heavenly Dao.”

Ye Yun said, he knew that if Luo Hu was to complement Heavenly Dao, Luo Hu would definitely die.

Luo Hu nodded, obviously he knew all this well.

“Luo Hui, I hope that when Hongjun leads the masters of various races to attack me, you can help me out once.”

Ye Yun said, this was also the request he made after thinking about it for a long time.

Luo Hu was silent, but after all he nodded.

“In fact, even if you incarnate me as Heavenly Dao, it doesn’t matter. Beings have seven emotions and six desires. They struggle endlessly, and they are always in the Sea of ​​Bitterness, and they don’t know it.”

“And if I become Heavenly Dao, I can surpass it, which is actually a good thing.”

Luo Hui spoke, and Ye Yun’s heart was also shaken. He didn’t expect Luo Hui to look so open.

Ye Yun shook his head. He didn’t know why Luo Hu, who was resurrected this time, had such an idea, but he would not interfere too much, so he left here.

With Luo Hui’s promise to help him, even if Hongjun is coming with many forces, he is confident that he can stop him.

On the other side, in Hongjun’s dojo, at this time a lot of great power leaders gathered.

On both sides of Hongjun sat Yuqing, Shangqing, the ancestor of Styx, and the leader of Western religion.

The ancestor of Styx and the leader of the Western religion are the leaders of the Hades and the Western religion respectively, and the two have also become Sages during this time.

At this time, Hongjun also looked at Yuqing and Shangqing.

“Hongjun, when are we going to attack Ye Yun? At this time, with our power, even if he has a huge Hunyuan formation, he can’t resist us.”

The leader of the Western religion looked at Hongjun and said that he already hated Ye Yun a lot, and Ye Yun’s existence affected a lot of his interests.

“No hurry, Ye Yun is weird and unpredictable. He has many secrets, so we must have everything ready before we can attack.”

Hongjun spoke, and the ancestors of Styx and the leaders of Western religions were also surprised: “Is it possible that we can’t kill Ye Yun with our current strength?”

Hongjun shook his head, he was just to be more secure.

At this time Hongjun also looked at Shangqing and Yuqing: “Shangqing Yuqing, how about I give you two a big chance?”

“What’s the chance?” Shangqing Yuqing asked in surprise.

“Come with me.” Hongjun stood up and walked towards a secret room in the distance, while Shangqing and Yuqing also followed behind.

After walking into this secret room, Hongjun used his own secret method to seal the secret room.

And Shangqing and Yuqing are also staring at Hongjun closely. During this time, the two people have done a lot for Hongjun. Before Hongjun, he promised to give them two great opportunities. Is it about to be announced at this time? Yet?

“Yuqing Shangqing, do you two want to be holy?”

Hongjun spoke, and Yuqing and Shangqing also changed their faces instantly. Hongjun’s words vibrated in their hearts like a drum.

“Hongjun Sage, do you really have a way to help the two of us become holy?”

Yuqing became extremely excited in an instant. Although he was an extremely quasi-sage, there was still a big gap between him and Sage.

And he himself knew in his heart that his talents might be the worst among the Sanqing, so he was scheming.

He knew that if he wanted to be sanctified, it would take nearly a hundred years at the worst.

“What’s wrong, Yuqing Shangqing, I am sure that you two will become holy in a short time!”

Hongjun said proudly. Looking at Hongjun’s posture, Yuqing gradually believed in her heart: “Master Hongjun, I am willing to become a holy. Please help me become holy. I will never forget your help.”

Seeing Yuqing’s appearance, Hongjun nodded in satisfaction, and turned his own gaze to Shangqing: “Shangqing, how about you.”

At this time, Shangqing seemed to be hesitant.

“Hongjun Sage, it’s true that I want to be sanctified according to my own ability. Even if I don’t need help, I can become Sage in the last month.”

After thinking about it, Shangqing spoke.

Hongjun frowned, but in the end he didn’t say much, and agreed to Shangqing’s idea.

In fact, Hongjun can help Yuqing become Sage because he has a bold idea.

Ordinary methods, of course, cannot make a quasi-sage a Sage, and the reason why Hongjun is so sure is because he is prepared to draw on part of the original power of the Primordial Continent.

The power of the origin is extremely precious and is the root of the Primordial Continent. Once touched, it will have a huge impact on the Primordial Continent.

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