Chapter 215: Killing Hongjun Dojo

Ye Yun and Hongjun respectively contacted their own friends, and Ye Yun has the human forces of the Qing Dynasty.

Although the human education was founded by Taiqing, many of the human races are led by Ye Yun.

While the two people contacted the forces on the Primordial Continent, the Primordial Continent also became turbulent again, and many ethnic groups were in teams.

On this day, Ye Yun stood on Buzhou Mountain. As night fell, a figure in the darkness appeared beside the Hunyuan Array.

The shadow of the man was very vague, with a vast Sage temperament permeating his body. Although his own aura was hidden, Ye Yun still knew clearly that it was a Sage.

“It’s quasi mention!!”

Ye Yun was surprised, but he didn’t expect Zhunti to come here.

Ye Yun smiled coldly, wouldn’t he be afraid of death when Zhunti came here?

Zhunti also looked at Ye Yun at this time.

“Ye Yun Sage, I have no ill intentions. I came here this time just to cooperate with you.”

Zhunti stood outside the Hunyuan formation and expressed his own ideas.

Ye Yun was slightly surprised, hesitated for a moment, and suppressed the murderous intent in her heart.

“Zhun mentioned, you are really bold, and you dare to come quietly around Buzhou Mountain alone, so you are not afraid that I will destroy you?”

Ye Yun had already left the Hunyuan Formation while she was taking her steps, and looked at Zhun Ti and said.

“I didn’t mean anything else when I came here, I just want to cooperate with you.”

“Although Hongjun is a superb Sage, he has never taken advantage of you. Now, Ye Yun, you have become a Sage, so I think you are not afraid of Hongjun.”

“Even so, in the final duel, there is one more benefit of Sage, and you must know it in your heart. I am willing to betray Hongjun and come to your side to help you in the final duel.”

Zhunti’s eyes are piercing. When he became Sage, Heavenly Dao once bestowed him a lot of merits, but Ye Yun plundered a lot of those merits.

At that time, Ye Yun blatantly snatched the power of merit from Hongjun and him, but Hongjun did not stop Ye Yun a bit. Since then, he has some distance between Hongjun and Ye Yun. Some admiration.

“Oh, Zhunti, are you true?”

Ye Yun was also slightly surprised.

“I am willing to take the Heavenly Dao vow.”

As for the promise, the Heavenly Dao oath is not an ordinary oath. This kind of oath cannot easily be violated after it is made. If it is violated, the consequences will be very serious.

“Today, I will take the Heavenly Dao vow to help Ye Yun deal with Hongjun in the final battle. If not, the sky will thunder and the soul will be scattered, and the Cultivation Base will not enter!”

Seeing that Ye Yun was a little suspicious, Zhunti stood decisively beside Bu Zhou Shan and said

Although his voice was not loud, there was a mysterious power in the dark, descending from Heavenly Dao and entwining Zhun Ti’s body.

This mysterious power is exactly the power of Heavenly Dao’s oath.

Seeing Zhunti doing this, Ye Yun also nodded. With the restraint of Heavenly Dao’s oath, he can believe Zhunti to do so.

“Well, well, with someone who will mention you join, it will be easier to deal with Hongjun.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t let you down, Hongjun will definitely die.”

Between Ye Yun’s sleeves, there was a temperament of surrendering from her body, and Zhunti became more convinced of Ye Yun.

“After a month, I will attack Hongjun’s dojo directly!”

Ye Yun’s eyes glowed with shimmering light.

After Ye Yun and Zhunti reached an agreement, Zhunti also left here and continued to work undercover with Hongjun.

One month passed quickly, and within this month, the various ethnic groups on the prehistoric continent also stood in line one after another.

The Monster Race and the Witch Race also had some collisions during this period of time. Although the two major races had suffered huge losses in the past, they not only did not stop fighting each other, but the friction became more intense.

There seemed to be this wind blowing in the wild continent, and as one month passed, the wild continent gradually became quieter.

But this kind of quietness is like wind and rain.

On this day, Ye Yun was above Buzhou Mountain, and below him, there were countless human races and various other races.

Countless army gathered together, although they didn’t speak, their aura was unparalleled, stirring up the sky all over the place fiercely.

“At this time, we will attack Hongjun’s dojo.”

“Today’s battle will forever be remembered in the history of the prehistoric continent.”

“After this war, Hongjun is no longer a saint on the prehistoric continent!”

Ye Yun stood above the masters of all races, his words rumbling and shaking the world.

In the distance, there are some big flags waving, and those big flags also have Ye Yun’s name written on them.

Ye Yun held the Jiuxiao Jasper Knife and waved it, pointing to the direction of the northern part of the prehistoric continent, and that direction was also the direction of the Hongjun Dojo.

In the last few days, Zhunti and Nuwa also passed some news about Hongjun to Ye Yun. Recently, Hongjun didn’t know where he got the two great purple auras. He bestowed those two great purple auras. Yuqing and Shangqing were obtained.

Yuqing and Shangqing, who got the aura of Hongmeng, immediately became Sage secretly, which is also Hongjun’s big trump card.

Therefore, Hongjun is now full of confidence.


Ye Yun waved the Jiuxiao Jade Sword in his hand. He led the Human Race, the Witch Race and his other allies, and tens of millions of troops headed towards Hongjun’s dojo.

In the current battle, his confidence in beheading Hongjun is particularly strong. Since receiving the news from Pangu’s heart, Hongjun is no longer the ultimate enemy in his heart.

“Today’s battle, I will kill Hongjun!”

The wind and clouds rolled, and the entire prehistoric continent seemed to become turbulent because of the waving of Ye Yun’s banner and the pointing of the sword soldiers.

While Hongjun was in the own dojo at this time, he also received news from Ye Yun’s army, but he didn’t seem to be anxious.

“Since I want to die so much, then I’ll wait for you!” Hongjun sat in his own dojo, standing still, he didn’t rush to Ye Yun’s Bu Zhou Mountain.

Because Bu Zhoushan has a Hunyuan formation and is Ye Yun’s base camp, plus he has some shadows on Ye Yun, so he would rather guard his own dojo, so that he has more confidence.

The sky was rolling, and after not much time passed, Ye Yun and the human army had already surrounded this place outside Hongjun’s dojo, and Hongjun’s dojo seemed to have taken everything down at this time.

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