Chapter 228: Foreign Enemies from Outside the Territory

After Pangu came out, he immediately thanked Ye Yun.

Ye Yun smiled slightly and stepped forward to hold Pangu’s hand: “Pangu, what are you talking about? Both of us have common opponents. After all, your strength is also very good, and the prehistoric continent still needs the two of us to protect together.”

At this time, Ye Yun has become the master of the Primordial Continent. He needs to protect the security of the Primordial Continent. After Pangu is resurrected, he will become his ally. If Pangu guards the Primordial Continent, it will also have many benefits for Ye Yun.

Hearing Ye Yun’s words, Pangu also nodded, his eyes looked very serious: “The two of us will definitely be able to protect the prehistoric continent.”

With the resurrection of Ye Yun, the Pangu system also released a new mission for Ye Yun.

“Ding Dong, the system task is released.”

“Pangu has been resurrected, the crisis of the prehistoric continent is coming, and the extraterrestrial creatures are about to come, please guard the prehistoric continent, and work with Pangu to block foreign enemies.”

“Task rewards: one million multiplier card, ten million multiplier cards, one hundred million beneficiary government cards, emotional value…”

The voice of the system echoed in Ye Yun’s mind, and the rewards he would receive after the completion of the system mission this time made Ye Yun very excited.

“Haha, are enemies from outside the domain? I can’t wait for them to come.”

Ye Yun smiled slightly and Pangu turned and left.

Pangu, who has just resurrected, refers to the Realm with the Sage late stage. Because he was a master of the Dao realm middle stage in his previous life, he is much stronger than the average Sage late stage. Even so, he dare not have the slightest bit of Ye Yun. Ye Yun is the lord of Heavenly Dao at this time, the master of the prehistoric continent, and there are various bonuses in the prehistoric continent.

Ye Yun has even more unpredictable treasures, and he can also Ascension his own strength countless times in an instant, making Pangu even more afraid to have some other ideas.

And Pangu also admired and appreciated Ye Yun very much, and had some gratitude, so the exchange between the two people was also extremely pleasant.

Ye Yun told Pangu about the death zone of the soul division. Pangu was also a little surprised after listening to it: “This death division of the soul division is very mysterious. It should have suddenly appeared in the prehistoric continent inexplicably. Wait until you and I solve the problem. After the visitor, it is better to explore the dead zone of the soul together.”

After hearing Pangu’s words, Ye Yun nodded and agreed. With the passage of time, Ye Yun’s strength became more and more ascension, and then he was also looking forward to the arrival of those extraterritorial creatures.

In the 272nd year of the Fengshen Era, Ye Yun’s breath broke out again on this day. He sat in the Ling Xiao Palace and made another breakthrough. At this time, he had come to the Realm of the Sage late stage.

After arriving at the Sage late stage, Ye Yun became more and more unfathomable. Even when Pangu saw Ye Yun, his eyes would shrink slightly.

When Ye Yun broke through to the Sage late stage Realm, the Primordial Continent was also shaken. In recent years, the various ethnic forces in the Primordial Continent have also been disciplined by the Heaven Court, and the masters of the Primordial Continent have also entered the Heaven Court. , Heaven Court’s strength is getting stronger and stronger.

On the other hand, Ye Yun also sent some masters in Heaven Court to monitor the situation outside the territory.

And the Terran has also continuously emerged many outstanding talents, and even the Sage of the Terran has six more.

In more than 200 years, the Primordial Continent has produced many outstanding talents. There are hundreds of Sage-level masters in Heaven Court.

Hundreds of Sage Realm masters were simply unimaginable in the prehistoric continent before Hongjun died. After all, every Sage-level master could be said to dominate one side at the time.

And just in the Heaven Court controlled by Ye Yun, there are already hundreds of Sages.

And on this day, Ye Yun was sitting in the Ling Xiao Palace, and suddenly two ships came in the void outside the domain. When these two ships just appeared, the surrounding void was constantly shaking.

As if traveling through the void, it came quickly toward the prehistoric continent.

“There really is a vast continent here. It seems that the time when this continent was born is not extremely long. The strongest master among them should be Sage’s late stage.”

“Even if there are masters in the Dao realm, what can we do? This time we have 6 masters in the Dao realm, and even a disabled Heavenly Dao at the middle stage of the Dao realm.”

“Conquering a continent is really an achievement that people are looking forward to.”

Some very arrogant words came from these two ships from time to time, echoing in the surrounding void.

There are also some broken planets in the surrounding Universe void, and when those planets touch these two ships, they are silently and instantly shattered.

At this time, Ye Yun was sitting in Buzhou Mountain, drinking tea with Pangu.

It was here that Ye Yun felt some inexplicable vibrations from the void outside the domain. Who knew that Heaven Court burst out two groups of Blood Qi, and Ye Yun stood up in an instant.

He clenched his own fist. What did the two blood Qi groups just now represent? Ye Yun knew it well.

Two Sage-level masters in Heaven Court who were in charge of monitoring outside the domain had been killed by an accident.

“Ye Yun, what happened?” Pangu was puzzled.

“The master Li Ming Sage who was in charge of monitoring outside the territory broke his life card. Before he died, he gave me two scenes of two huge ships sailing from outside the territory.”

“A master from another civilization, a master from another planet, a mortal enemy of the Primordial Continent, I’m afraid it’s coming.”

Ye Yun spoke, and the extremely rich Blood Qi rose into the air from his body, his body trembling slightly.

It is not fear, but excitement.

“It’s finally here, I can’t wait to wait.” Ye Yun murmured.

“Let’s go, Pangu, the two of us are going outside the domain to let them know what this place is!”

Ye Yun spoke, and left first, and at the same time, a big wave of his voice echoed in Heaven Court: “The enemy is attacking, Heaven Court is on ninth-level alert, all Sage Realm masters gather, follow Nuwa’s orders, and follow me to the outside world! ”

For a while, Heaven Court also oscillated.

Pangu’s expression became serious in an instant, nodded, and stood beside Ye Yun without saying a word. He followed Ye Yun towards the outside world. At the moment of the enemy, the two of them didn’t have the mood to talk about the world.

The two of them swiftly headed toward the outside of the domain, and their figures had reached the sky in an instant, and then flashed past, seeing the void outside the domain.

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