Chapter 230: Confronting Extraterritorial Creatures

“If you want me to catch it, I really think too much.”

Ye Yun smiled disdainfully, these extraterritorial creatures were so cruel, so when he saw these extraterritorial creatures, countless murderous intent had already risen in his heart.

Ye Yun raised his hand, and then there was endless light coming towards Ye Yun on the great road.

As if the entire prehistoric continent was worshipping Ye Yun, those rays of light reached Ye Yun’s surroundings and surrounded Ye Yun’s body, making him look like he was blooming with boundless light.

At this moment, Ye Yun was like the Lord of Heaven and Earth, and the expressions of the creatures outside the Territory changed one after another. Even the remnant Heavenly Dao in the Destroyer Battleship had a ugly expression.

“It turned out to be the Lord of Heavenly Dao on this continent!!”

The disabled Heavenly Dao stood in the Destroyer Battleship, and his heart was quite shocked. He did not expect that Ye Yun was just the Realm of Sage’s pinnacle, and he had already mastered Heavenly Dao of the Primordial Continent.

In his opinion, the Heavenly Dao who masters a continent must have the strength of the middle stage of the Dao realm. Ye Yun is just the Realm at the peak of Sage. How to do such a thing.

He really didn’t know that Ye Yun was originally like the chosen son of Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric continent, and he was entangled in luck. What’s more, he was stronger than the average Sage pinnacle, how many times stronger he became the lord of Heavenly Dao. Of course.

And at this moment, the masters in Heaven Court also rushed towards Ye Yun.

More than one hundred Sage Realm masters stand behind Sage. This is also the total number of masters in Heaven Court in recent years.

In this battle, almost all the Sage masters in Heaven Court came here, and at this moment they stood behind Ye Yun, looking at the thousands of extraterritorial creatures in front of them, and felt a huge sense of oppression in their hearts.

And the immeasurable light that bloomed on Ye Yun seemed to disperse the oppression in their hearts.

“Heavenly Emperor, who are these people?”

Seeing clearly, he walked to Ye Yun’s side and asked.

“They are extraterritorial creatures, they want to occupy and destroy the prehistoric continent.”

“Tell me, you guys don’t agree!!!!”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, the faces of the masters in Heaven Court behind him changed drastically. In an instant, a sense of mission rose from the heart, even if the group of extraterritorial creatures in front of them looked like this. So strong, but Ye Yun stood in front of them, and their homeland behind them, the sense of mission in their hearts gave them enough courage.

“If you want to destroy the prehistoric continent, first step over my Taiqing corpse.”

Taiqing’s voice rumblingly vibrated around, and most of the remaining Sage masters also agreed.

Ye Yun nodded. At this moment, his aura even crushed the thousands of outside experts on the opposite side.

“What about even the Lord of Heavenly Dao? After all, it’s just the pinnacle of Sage.”

The cannibal Heavenly Dao smiled coldly in the Destroyer Battleship, and then he directed the surrounding extraterritorial creatures to attack Ye Yun.

And Ye Yun’s knife just now only killed hundreds of extraterritorial creatures, and he was still one of the weak.

Therefore, your total strength remains the same, not much lower.

These nearly a thousand extraterritorial creatures came from Ye Yun’s attack, and there were nearly 500 Sages among them.

And they are all wearing uniform armor, and their strength is stronger, their aura is faintly gathering together, looking unmatched.

At the Heaven Court behind Ye Yun, everyone’s complexion changed slightly. They clenched their own fists and the weapon in their hands, but did not back down.

Because they know that if they are retreated, but the prehistoric continent behind them cannot be retreated, there is also their family and friends in the prehistoric continent. They grew up on the safflower continent and will never be able to look at the prehistoric continent. Trampled by others.

“Even if you die today, you must protect the prehistoric continent!”

Nuwa is a woman, but at this time his eyes are also particularly sharp, looking at these creatures outside the domain and said.

Ye Yun took the lead, killing these creatures out of the territories the fastest. At this time, he was blessed by the power of Heavenly Dao. What are the fears of these creatures outside the territories?

In an instant, Ye Yun rushed into the group of these extraterritorial creatures, as if carrying the power of heaven and earth in every move.

The space is shaking. At this time, every one of his moves is not so complicated, but it is like a natural magical power, with infinite power.

One by one extraterritorial creatures were beaten into flight by Ye Yun, and even two extraterritorial masters in the early stage of the realm attacked Ye Yun, and they couldn’t help Ye Yun.

And at this time, seeing all the remnants of Heavenly Dao in the Destroyer Battleship, their expressions were also a little gloomy.

In an instant, he controlled the Destroyer Battleship and released a beam of light attack on Ye Yun. This beam of light seemed to contain the power to destroy everything, to destroy everything in front of him.

Ye Yun’s face changed slightly. Although the attack speed of this Destroyer Warship was fast, it was not that difficult for him to avoid it.

However, Ye Yun knew that he could not hide, even if he did, the Sages behind him would not be able to hide, even if the group of Sages behind him hide, could the Primordial Continent hide?

The blow from this battleship even had the power of the Dao Realm late stage. If it attacked the Primordial Continent, it would surely cause a huge catastrophe, and even the origin of the Primordial Continent would be lost.

Ye Yun’s eyes became fierce in an instant. He grasped the Jiuxiao Jade Knife in his hand, raised the Jiuxiao Jade Knife over his head, and then slashed it out with his own body, heading towards the beam of light. .

He actually wanted to use his own body to counter the blow out of the Destroyer Battleship.

This scene is like moths fighting a fire.

“Ye Yun…”

“Heavenly Emperor, no…”

The complexion of everyone in Heaven Court changed drastically. From their point of view, this beam of light cannot be blocked by humans. They wanted Ye Yun to hide, but before they had time to speak, Ye Yun hit the beam of light by himself. Past.

Pangu’s complexion was also slightly gloomy, because he had already seen that these extraterritorial creatures used their mentality to protect the prehistoric continent, so they madly attacked the prehistoric continent, and everyone had to resist these attacks.

Sage in Heaven Court was anxious, and there were so many creatures outside the territory, and their strength was stronger than them, and many people were injured in an instant.

Although no one has fallen at this moment, it’s because we all help and support each other and are very united, but it is certain that people will inevitably come in after a few minutes.

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