Chapter 235: Expedition to Destroy the Continent of Heaven

In recent years, Changxi and Xihe are also unparalleled in Heaven Court because they are Ye Yun’s wives. There are less than 10,000 people.

Two people are also more beautiful. Although they have gone through countless years, they do not seem to be aging at all, but look younger and youthful forever.

Ye Yun once took a Medicine Pill and gave it to them. After taking this Medicine Pill, it can almost make life long and keep the face from aging forever.

Medicine Pill’s name is Shenyan Yonggu Dan. Xihe and Changxi were very happy when they got this Medicine Pill and promised to stay with Ye Yun forever.

“Msang Gong, if you leave the Primordial Continent and go to the so-called Extinction Continent, then what should we do?”

On this day, Chang Xi and Xihe held Ye Yun’s hand in the boudoir, looked at Ye Yun and said.

“Chang Xixi and you two need to know that even if I am far away in the endless universe, I still miss you all the time.”

“Although I will leave the Primordial Continent after a while, please rest assured that I will leave my three clones here. In this case, I am still with you.”

After hearing Ye Yun say this, even though Chang Xi and Xi He were a little helpless, they finally agreed.

And Ye Yun did keep his clone.

Now he is a master of the Dao Realm, and his clone strength is also very strong, with the strength of the peak of Sage.

More importantly, Ye Yun left some ten thousand multiplier cards in Heaven Court, and his clone holds more ten thousand multiplier cards.

As long as these Ten Thousand Multiplying Amplification Cards are available, even if something is discovered in the Primordial Continent, or even a master of the Dao Realm, there will be no problems with Ye Yun’s clone and Ten Thousand-folding Amplification Card.

So after a while, Ye Yun handled all the problems and called Pangu, and the two were about to leave the prehistoric continent.

The sky was very clear on this day, and a huge destroyer was floating above Heaven Court.

Ye Yun walked out of the Heaven Court step by step, and Pangu stood beside him.

“Nuwa, Taiqing, Houtu, Changxi, Xihe, I want to leave the prehistoric continent and go to the Continent of Extinction. When I am away, you must protect yourself.”

Ye Yun’s words echoed in the Heaven Court, and Chang Xixihe and others agreed.

Immediately after, Ye Yun no longer nostalgic, and Pangu stepped into the Destroyer Warship in an instant.

The destroying battleship rumblingly started, disappeared in place, and rushed out of the prehistoric continent.

Not much time has passed before the Destroyer Battleship has already moved beyond the prehistoric continent.

Ye Yun was inside the battleship, and Pangu was standing next to him. His gaze was looking outside, he saw the void of Universe, and even the primordial continent.

The Primordial Continent was getting farther and farther away from him at this time, and in Ye Yun’s eyes, the faces of Chang Xihe and others seemed to always be so clear.

“Don’t worry, I will definitely be back as soon as possible.”

Ye Yun thought of it silently.

The speed of the Destroyer Battleship was very fast, and not long after that, the prehistoric continent was no longer visible.

The World Destruction Warship floated in the Universe. For a long time, Ye Yun was also sitting in the Lotus Position among the World Destruction Warship, cultivating his own strength.

The Spiritual Qi in the Universe is very rich, but it is not very suitable for cultivation. There are many Impurities in it, but Ye Yun is different. He found that when he absorbed the Spiritual Qi in the universe, he could actually Purify the Impurities in these Spiritual Qi autonomously.

Pangu had been cultivation for a while at first, but then there was no cultivation. I was surprised to see Ye Yun been cultivation all the time: “Ye Yun, there are so many spiritual Qi impurities in the universe, you are still cultivation, so you are not afraid Ruin your foundation?”

After hearing Pangu say this, Ye Yun also smiled slightly, and then explained to Pangu the reason for his own.

Pangu was also particularly surprised when he heard that Ye Yun could pass the Impurities in the Emperor Spiritual Qi.

Although Ye Yun can do this, he doesn’t know how to give it to Pangu, because it’s like the special effects of his cultivation technique, and his cultivation technique and Pangu are naturally impossible to cultivation, so he can only give up. .

So when Ye Yun was cultivating, Pangu was often in the Destroyer Battleship, watching the scenery outside the Universe and protecting Ye Yun at the same time.

Ye Yun’s strength is also constantly Ascension.

Occasionally, he would stand up and look towards the void outside the Destroyer Battleship.

There are all sorts of strange places in the universe.

They have seen a huge storm in the void, sweeping toward the planets, turning into powder.

I have encountered a weird area, which is a seemingly peaceful void with some broken planets in it.

When Ye Yun and Pangu were riding on the Destroyer Battleship to that area, the Destroyer Battleship was under tremendous pressure and almost broke apart, and some cracks appeared on the surface of the Destroyer Battleship.

Fortunately, this Destroyer Warship has the ability to repair itself and its defenses are extremely strong, so that it passed the area safely.

There are also some areas where there is so much silence that even Spiritual Qi is not even a trace. Even if Ye Yun has the ability to evolve Spiritual Qi Impurities, he cannot be cultivated in those areas.

In the void of the Universe, riding on the Destroyer Battleship headed towards the Destroyer Continent.

Ye Yun has also seen some planets with life. He has seen more than a dozen planets with life, but the life in those planets is very weak.

Among the planets he had seen along the way, the most powerful master was only Jinxian’s Realm, and he had never seen a world as big as the Primordial Continent.

What Ye Yun didn’t know at this time was that when they were heading towards the Mietian Continent, some warships in the Mietian Continent also sailed out.

This is an extremely huge battleship, with a cold glow on its body and many barbs on it, and its size is ten times the size of Ye Yun and their Destroyer Warship.

The name of this battleship is Shenyu Skyship.

On the Shenyu Skyship, there are these two late stage masters. They are heading to the prehistoric continent, with the same purpose as the last time extraterritorial creatures.

And depending on the trend they are marching, I’m afraid it won’t be long before they will encounter Ye Yun’s Destroyer Warship.

When Ye Yun left the prehistoric continent, he killed all the extraterritorial creatures he had captured. The remnants of Heavenly Dao were no exception. This incident was also sensed by the Emperor Heavenly Demon, so he sent this trace of gods. Yutian ship and the master among them.

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