Chapter 276: Circulation of Heaven and Earth

These words of Zeus surprised Ye Yun too.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Yun collected these two prehistoric treasures, and then lived in Olympus for a period of time, allowing Zeus to bring himself specific information about the sky.

Zeus also brought a map to Ye Yun: “It is very dangerous in the circulation of the sky. It is the first place in our world. There are few powerful maps in which no one has ever owned it, but we Mount Linpis is extremely powerful, so a rough map has been drawn to ensure that Wu You can walk safely on the periphery of the circulation day.”

Ye Yun looked at the map and accepted it, but he was not very satisfied, because this map was only the outer map of the circulation sky. If he entered the circulation sky, he would definitely enter the circulation sky. This means that this and the map can be said to have little effect.

“I decided a few days later, I went to the sky to find out.”

Ye Yun’s words surprised Zeus. If Ye Yun went to the sky, he could continue to be the lord of the gods in Olympus.

Recently, Ye Yun was in his Olympus mountain, and he was like a little brother, serving Ye Yun all the time, which made him feel very aggrieved, but when dealing with Ye Yun, he did not I dare not. Just thinking of Ye Yun’s previous attack made him feel timid, and according to his guess, Ye Yun probably still has a stronger hole card that he hasn’t shown.

So even if he is unhappy, he can only serve Ye Yun.

And he knew that there was an incomparable danger in the Circulation Sky, and it was the number one forbidden place in this world. How could it become so famous? If Ye Yun died in the Circulation Heaven, it would not be impossible.

As long as Ye Yun falls into the sky, it is also a good thing for him.

“I won’t go to the sky alone, you will accompany me when the time comes.” Ye Yun turned his head and looked at Zeus.

Zeus was stunned for an instant, Ye Yun went to the sky, and wanted to accompany him, what is the place in the sky? He wanted to reject Ye Yun in an instant.

But when Zeus just spoke, Ye Yun stared at Zeus closely, as if he only had to say a word, Ye Yun would pull out the Nine Heavens Jasper Knife to kill him, and Zeus finally swallowed his own word. Go down: “Okay, okay.”

Zeus’s smile was so helpless, but Ye Yun’s mouth showed a bright smile: “Follow me well. If you perform well then, I will not treat you badly.”

Ye Yun’s words filled Zeus with bitterness, but he could only agree.

So after preparing for a week, Ye Yun took Pangu and Zeus, and the three of them headed towards the sky.

Zeus was like a dead mother along the way, his face was very ugly.

The two prehistoric treasures in the God’s Treasury were obtained by him in the circulation of the sky. The reason why he wanted to put those two prehistoric treasures in the deepest part of the God Treasure Treasury was not only because these two wild treasures were so incomparable. Precious, because he had spent an incomparably huge price in the Circulation Heaven to obtain these two treasures, and almost lost his own life here.

So until now he still has some shadows on the flow of heaven.

I originally thought that I would never return to this place, but now he was dragged to this place by Ye Yun, and he had to enter the deepest part of the Circulation Heaven, which showed that he felt uncomfortable in his heart.

Two days later, the three of Ye Yun stood in front of Liuhuantian.

Flowing to the sky is indeed as incomparable as Zeus said, everything is upside down, the earth is above the sky, and a black void river is surging underneath, and there are rainbow-like bridges in the middle.

“Let’s go, let’s enter into the circulation sky.” Ye Yun opened his mouth and pulled Zeus into the circulation sky. When the three people entered the circulation sky, they felt a force urging them to float upward. They The three people also stood on the ground above the sky.

“You must not be able to fly casually in the sky, otherwise you will encounter big troubles.”

Zeus told Ye Yun and Pangu.

“What kind of trouble is that?” Ye Yun was curious.

Zeus released three insects from the palm of his own hand. The thunder and lightning flashing all over the three insects are unique species in this flower world, and their strength is not weak.

When these three insects flew into the sky, suddenly in the river below, the river water rose up, as if turned into the hands of The Underworld, and caught these three insects into the river. .

These rivers are composed of extremely dense void undercurrents, which are more terrifying than any void undercurrents that Ye Yun saw in the turbulent sea. Although these three insects are not weak, they enter this river for an instant. It turns into powder.

“So scary!” Pangu was shocked and took a deep breath.

“Be careful.” Ye Yun opened his mouth, and Pangu and Zeus were walking around the sky.

There were indeed some dangers along the way, and even some land above was completely empty. When he went up, he fell downward, but Ye Yun used own means to ensure the safety of Pangu and Zeus.

After Ye Yun walked for a while, he found that the river below became more turbulent, which means that the undercurrent of the void in the river below became denser. If he fell into it, he might even be in great danger.

“I don’t know why the undercurrent of the void in this place is so dense.” Ye Yun thought in his heart, but he had a guess in his heart. There may be someone in this place connected to the outside world, and it is very likely that this place has a channel to leave the world of flowers.

But even knowing that this place has a channel to leave the flower world is useless, because this world is extremely dangerous, and the gods in Olympus such as Zeus can’t leave through this place, even if this place has a channel.

Ye Yun always knew clearly that he came to this world to complete his own task, and he came into the turbulent sea to complete this task, but now he has not completed his own task.

In the past, Ye Yun’s mission was to explore the source of the mysterious fluctuations in the turbulent sea. Now the mission has not been completed. That is to say, no matter it is the world or the mysterious flower, there should be no source of the turbulent sea fluctuations.

And when Ye Yun entered this flower world, he found that if he wanted to go out, he had to find an exit. This is why Ye Yun resolutely came to Liuhuantian.

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