Chapter 284: Hundred Times Range

Ye Yun stretched out his hands while Heavenly Dao still added his body, and the power of Universe Dao was also integrated into his body.

He slightly moved towards the sky, and suddenly several stars formed in three places in the distance.

Generally speaking, Stars will only be formed outside the prehistoric continent, but Ye Yun’s move allowed the Star to form within the prehistoric continent. Watching the prehistoric continent form three stars, the gods in the Heaven Court, It was also full of surprise.

There seems to be some difference between these three stars and other stars. They are radiating light outwards, seeming to illuminate the entire prehistoric continent.

“Using these three stars, you can observe all the scenes in the prehistoric continent. Order Heaven Court to send some people into these three stars, and use these three stars to observe the entire prehistoric continent.”

“In this case, things that happen here in the prehistoric continent will not happen without supervision.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, the supervising in Heaven Court, the gods of the Primordial Continent also stepped forward, feeling very pleasantly surprised.

“Thank you Heavenly Emperor.”

Ye Yun turned around and left after doing this. He didn’t need to worry about the remaining things, and the gods in Heaven Court would naturally do it well.

After Ye Yun went down, the gods in Heaven Court did indeed do so.

Although the entire prehistoric continent has expanded hundreds of times, the management is still well-founded, and nothing too chaotic will happen.

As for some small troubles, Ye Yun didn’t care about them. They belonged to the natural cycle and he wouldn’t say much.

The Primordial Continent has expanded hundreds of times, and there are many other landscapes, and even some forbidden areas have appeared, which also attracted the attention of the creatures in the Primordial Continent. There are also many masters who travel to those places where the forbidden areas are explored and have their beauty.

Ye Yun Closed Door Training has been for a while. During his Closed Door Training period, the great Lu Yue posted orderly, and he constantly felt that when he broke through and became a strong Void Realm, he felt That world.

He sat in the Ling Xiao hall, feeling that the world seemed not so far away from him, but it seemed to be infinitely close, hazy, and sometimes it was not so clear.

It seems that there is a piece of paper between him and that world. As long as he pierces the paper, he can enter that world instantly.

When thinking of this, Ye Yun’s heart also moved, and on this day, he walked out of Heaven Court.

Then Ye Yun found Pangu. As Ye Yun’s brother, Pangu has a very high status in the Heaven Court.

What’s more, many people think that Pangu is the god who created the prehistoric continent.

Ye Yun discovered that in recent years, no human player had entered the prehistoric continent. Although he did not know why, he also investigated for a period of time, but he did not find the reason for the gathering.

Ye Yun found Pangu and told Pangu how he felt when he broke through and became a virtual realm.

“When I became a virtual mirror powerhouse, I actually felt a looming world.” Pangu was also surprised.

“Yes, and I feel that the world is extremely vast, and the rules in it are even higher than those in the Universe. To us, it’s like the immortal world in the eyes of mortals.”

After listening to Ye Yun’s words, Pangu was even more surprised, because Ye Yun is now a strong man in the virtual realm, and he actually compared himself to a mortal, which shows how extraordinary the place is.

“Since you can feel that world, it means that you have that world in all likelihood, and with your personality, you may try to go to that world soon after you think it will take a long time.”

Pangu spoke, and Ye Yun nodded.

Pangu sighed, then walked up and down in front of him. After a while, he raised his head and said, “Ye Yun, since you are sure to go, then I won’t do much to stop him.”

“It’s just that you must make more preparations before you go to that world, and consolidate your own Cultivation Base for a while, and I have a request at that time, please take me to that world with me.”

After hearing Pangu’s words, Ye Yun nodded and agreed, and then both of them were preparing.

A few years later, Zeus once came to the prehistoric continent.

When he stood outside the prehistoric continent once, his heart was also full of shock. Before he left the prehistoric continent, the prehistoric continent was less than one percent of its current scope.

But now I don’t know what happened, the Primordial Continent has expanded a hundred times in size.

Then Zeus guessed in his heart, all of this must be done by Ye Yun.

The moment Zeus came to the prehistoric continent, he was also discovered by the gods in the Heaven Court, and then these gods reported the news to Ye Yun.

Because Zeus was in the Heaven Court, Ye Yun also arranged a position for him, so the gods in the Heaven Court did not attack or test Zeus.

Ye Yun was surprised when he learned that Zeus had come to the wilderness continent once. He thought that Zeus would never come back once he left the wilderness continent. He didn’t expect to come back.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Yun left Heaven Court and found Zeus. When Ye Yun found Zeus, Zeus was wandering in a very beautiful valley in the prehistoric continent.

“Zeus, I thought you would never come back after you left the Great Road. I didn’t expect you to come back again.”

After seeing Ye Yun, Zeus also laughed: “Haha, Ye Yun, I have indeed been wandering in the Universe for a while, but during the time wandering in the Universe, I feel very lonely and lonely. , So I want to return to the Primordial Continent, at least there are many creatures in the Primordial Continent.”

Hearing Zeus’ words, Ye Yun also nodded. Although the universe is extremely vast, there must be some life planets in it, but even those life planets must have a lot of wars, while the prehistoric continents are different. After being supervised by Heaven Court, the mainland became prosperous, peaceful and suitable for living.

May I ask anyone who is born to like war, and it makes sense that Zeus will return to the prehistoric continent.

“Why did the Primordial Continent at this time have expanded a hundred times in size? I heard those in the Primordial Continent say that you did it.”

Ye Yun nodded, and Zeus’s eyes shrank at this time, and he discovered that Ye Yun’s aura had undergone earth-shaking changes when he left the prehistoric continent. At this time, Ye Yun was even more unpredictable than before.

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