Chapter 299 Fountain of Source

In fact, after the Shengwang River dried up, some strong men tried to dig up the soil in the Shengwang River, but the gains outweighed the losses and they had to give up in the end.

And the more the soil in Shengwang Creek is dug, it seems that some rules will be violated, and the more dangers will be encountered around Shengwang Creek, so in the end, not many people collect the soil.

Ye Yun collected some of the mud in Shengwang River and did not stop, but increased his own defense power and speed by ten thousand times at one time.

This time he stretched his palm into the dry Shengwangxi River and collected a lot of dirt, which was a hundred times more than the first time, and the danger he encountered was even more terrifying, but this time Ye Yun will own it. The speed and defense have increased ten thousand times, so he still didn’t suffer any injuries in the end.

Immediately after, Ye Yun collected the mud twice. The red mud in the river channel he obtained was already a lot, and it was enough for own to use, so he stopped and his own hands continued to walk forward.

What I saw along the way was a barren scene. I walked along the river course of Shengwangxi in Guangyinyuan for three days and three nights, but no one was seen, and the Spiritual Qi around was getting thinner and thinner gradually. Even Ye Yun couldn’t sense Spiritual Qi.

After walking for a while, finally reached the end of Shengwang Creek. Ye Yun saw the river course of Shengwang Creek and slowly disappeared in a place ahead, which means that the place ahead should be the birthplace of Shengwang Creek. .

What disappointed Ye Yun’s heart was that he didn’t seem to see anything else here.

Ye Yun sighed, “Could it be that I guessed wrong?”

Just when he wanted to leave, he continued to search here for a while, and finally turned around and prepared to leave. At this moment, Ye Yun stopped his own footsteps.

He felt that he was at the source of Shengwangxi, where there seemed to be a mysterious and obscure wave.

If it weren’t for the strong sense of own, and if it was sensed here for a long time, it might not have sensed this mysterious and cryptic fluctuation.

“This mysterious and obscure wave seems to be coming from under the soil of the birthplace at the end of Shengwang River.”

Ye Yun was a little surprised to inform, and he hesitated. You should know that he encountered a lot of dangers just by collecting the soil in the ordinary river, but this time it was the soil at the end of the birthplace of Shengwang River. If he wants to explore it clearly , How the obscure fluctuations in it are produced, it is definitely necessary to dig the soil here.

At the same time, digging up the dirt here means that there will be more danger, even more dangerous than the possibility of collecting all the dirt before.

Ye Yun didn’t hesitate for long, because he came here for what, and the reason why he came here was to investigate the reason why the Chitian Realm Spiritual Qi dried up.

But now he really found a trace of abnormal fluctuations at the end of Shengwangxi, if he didn’t check it, he would definitely not be reconciled in his heart.

Thinking of this, Ye Yun walked to the camera of the birthplace of Shengwangxi in one step. He gave birth to his own hands and fiercely inserted into the river at the end of Shengwangxi.

At the same time when his palm was up and down, the endless space around him had begun to burst. Before his palm was inserted into the river channel, the space had been shattered by 90%.

It is conceivable that if his palm is really inserted into the river, it will definitely cause a more terrifying scene than it is now.

But Ye Yun did not hesitate, nor did he have the slightest fear. Instead, his eyes became firmer.

“A million times increase!!”

In an instant, he multiplied the speed and defensive power of his palm by a million times. His million multiplier cards weren’t very many, and one less card was used, but Ye Yun still used it decisively.

Not at this time, but when.

Ye Yun’s palm was inserted fiercely into the land at the end of the river. Even though the surrounding space was completely shattered, it still did not cause much injury to Ye Yun’s palm, because he increased the defensive power of his palm. Much.

However, even more terrifying things were happening. A void vortex appeared around Ye Yun’s palm.

But none of these could stop Ye Yun’s movements. Ye Yun’s palm was inserted again. After the land was here, a powerful force burst out of his palm, followed by a fierce force from his hands.

Bang! !

The mud in the surrounding rivers burst open completely.

At the same time, Ye Yun’s palm rose into the mud of the pure river channel, and he felt a refreshing feeling.

“Under the ground at the end of Shengwang River, there is a stream of water?”

The river water is indeed river water. Ye Yun’s palm goes deep into the end of Shengwang River, and what he touched is indeed a puddle of river water. The water is extremely cool, and the injuries he had suffered at this time in his hand were instantly Healed.

Ye Yun also made sure that these rivers must be the rivers of Shengwangxi.

Legend has it that this kind of Shengwang River has completely dried up, but at this time Ye Yun has determined that there is still some river water remaining at the end of Shengwang River. One drop of these river water can fill the ocean, and the energy contained in it is extremely huge. Said to be the treasure of the Scarlet Heaven Realm.

Ye Yun’s palm was pulled out from the ground, and there was a small spring in his hand, and huge energy was condensed in this small spring.

Moreover, Ye Yun felt that the spring water in his hand seemed to be more pure than the spring water of Shengwangxi that he had known. It is indeed the spring water obtained by the lens of the birthplace of Shengwangxi.

Moreover, this spring water contains extremely powerful vitality, which is the most powerful among the treasures Ye Yun has seen today, and at the same time there is a good fortune lingering.

And when Ye Yun held the spring water in his hand, the surrounding Spiritual Qi also became rich, and it seemed to be born out of nothing.

Ye Yun was also overjoyed when he saw such a scene. His guess was good. As long as he had this spring water, the Scarlet Heaven Realm would have the possibility of regaining the former scene.

Except for the spring water that Ye Yun was holding in his hand, some spring water still appeared at the end of Shengwang River. Ye Yun hadn’t finished catching all the spring water just now.

However, Ye Yun did not collect the remaining spring water: “It seems that the original war dried up Shengwangxi, but Shengwangxi did not completely dry up. It still left behind this spring water. If this spring water is there, maybe One day, we can regenerate life and forget the stream.”

And Ye Yun also discovered that the spring water at the end of Shengwangxi seems to have the ability to create Spiritual Qi.

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