Chapter 318 The Secret of Spiritual Qi Depletion

“Chang Wucai, you come to my city lord mansion.”

Ye Yun suddenly said this to Chang Wutiao these days.

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, Chang Wucai immediately left and went to the city lord’s mansion. Looking at Ye Yun Chang Wucai in the city lord’s mansion, she had some doubts in her heart. I don’t know why Ye Yun called herself here.

“Shang Wucai, didn’t I take Ye Wusheng’s treasure before? To be honest, I found some information in his storage ring, so I want to share it with you.”

Ye Yun’s words made Chang Wucai’s heart full of surprise. She didn’t know what kind of information Ye Yun found in Ye Wusheng’s storage ring.

“Ye Yun, I don’t know what kind of information you found in Ye Wusheng’s ring, can you tell me.”

Chang Wucai asked, because he knew that the information Ye Yun was going to tell him was definitely not ordinary news, and he was full of curiosity.

“I found some clues about Spiritual Qi before it dries up in the ring of Ye Wusheng.”

Ye Yun’s words brought Chang Wutiao’s heart in an instant.

The clues before Spiritual Qi dries up, about the things before Spiritual Qi dries up, in fact, even he doesn’t know very clearly. After all, before contacting the household registration, there are many Universe Realm powerhouses on the Chitian Realm, and those Universe Realm powerhouses All disappeared inexplicably, and the battle of the Scarlet Heaven Realm was actually 10 minutes abruptly.

Although it is said that there was a master who took away the treasure of the sword on the Scarlet Heaven Realm, which caused public outrage and opened the prelude to that battle.

“Chang Wucai, I ask you, do you know who on earth took the treasure from the Scarlet Heaven Realm, and what kind of treasure the treasures they took away are.”

After listening to Ye Yun’s words, Chang Wucai finally shook his head: “It’s true, because the level of shooting in the battle was too high, so I didn’t participate in it, and I don’t know who took away from the Scarlet Heaven Realm. The treasure, but I know the name of the treasure that was taken away is called the Quartet.”

“The Sifang Divine Cauldron is the most precious treasure on the Chitian Realm. It is responsible for suppressing the four directions of Qi Luck in the Chi Heaven Realm. After the Sifang Divine Cauldron is taken away, the loss of the Chi Heaven Realm’s air luck has gradually become a scene of the depletion of Spiritual Qi.”

Ye Yun nodded after hearing Chang Wulei’s words: “Chang Wulei, what you said is really good, the Quartet Divine Cauldron on the Scarlet Heaven Realm is 10 points precious, and then someone took away the Quartet Divine Cauldron. The Scarlet Heaven Realm is plotting wrong, and it seems that it even wants to destroy the entire Scarlet Heaven Realm. In fact, no matter who takes it away, leaving this world will cause the entire Scarlet Heaven Realm to be spiritually depleted.”

Ye Yun’s words caused Chang Wucai to fall into contemplation, but he was not so surprised, because if those masters were still in the Scarlet Heaven Realm, they would not have revealed any clues for so many years.

“Ye Yun, it looks like you know who took the Quartet Divine Cauldron back then. You can tell me quickly.”

Chang Wutiao asked eagerly.

“The name of the person who took the Quartet Divine Cauldron back then was Mo Wuchang, the master of Ye Wusheng.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, Chang Wucai’s breathing became a little hurried for an instant, as if his expression was a little unbelievable: “Master Ye Wusheng, how could it be him, how could it be him, he was the whole road at the beginning. The most respected person above, otherwise, Ye Wusheng would not be the leading figure in the new realm.”

“Shang Wulei, don’t believe it, these things are all I found in Ye Wusheng’s ring.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, Chang Wucai fell silent. He knew what Ye Yun said was true. Since Ye Yun could say these things, it proved that he must have found clues to these things.

And then Ye Yun also showed evidence. The evidence he showed was that the master of Ye Wusheng, that is, Mo Wuchang. There are other evidences for Ye Wusheng’s dialogue video. This video alone can prove it. Ye Wusheng’s master was the one who took away the Quartet Divine Cauldron.

Because in this video, what I remember is the words that Ye Wusheng’s master once said to Ye Wusheng, saying that he wanted to take away the words and plans of the Quartet Divine Cauldron.

“Ye Wusheng, prepared a plan for the teacher. If it succeeds, he can surpass the entire Scarlet Heaven Realm.”

“I am going to take away the Quartet Divine Cauldron on the Scarlet Heaven Realm, and then leave the entire Scarlet Heaven Realm. At that time, I will leave you with some opportunities. You will lead some of the remaining masters to find a place to build a power and preserve your own strength. When your Cultivation Base Ascension arrives at the Realm late stage, you can go to the world I went to find me according to a place I left for you.”

These are the words in the video of Mo Wuchang and Ye Wusheng.

And after watching this video, Chang Wucai fell silent, and then lifted up to look at Ye Yun secretly: “Ye Yun, Mo Wuchang said that he left this world, but he left Ye Wusheng a channel. I don’t know. Where is that passage.”

I found clues from Ye Wusheng’s relics. The passage is probably in the Newborn Realm, under his room in the Newborn Realm.

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, Chang Wutiao nodded, and then walked forward, holding Ye Yun’s hand, holding Ye Yun and walking towards Chen Fuxing outside.

“Shang Wucai, what are you doing.” Ye Yun was a little surprised.

“Let’s go and take a look at that place in the Newborn Realm together.” Chang Wucai turned his head and said.

Ye Yun nodded when she heard Chang Wucai’s words. Anyway, he was going to check that place sooner or later. At this time, she and Chang Wucai went to check the place in the New Life Realm. There was nothing, and he felt that if If you go later, you may encounter some changes.

After all, Ye Wusheng also had some subordinates. If Ye Wusheng’s subordinates destroyed that place, it would definitely be bad news for him.

“Okay, Chang Wutiao, let’s go to the new life realm together to check Ye Wusheng’s residence.”

Immediately afterwards, Ye Yun and Chang Wulei swayed towards the new birth realm. Not long after they passed, the two were among the queens.

It’s because Chang Wutiao, the master of Universe Realm in the next life, has a speed of 10 minutes, and Ye Yun also took out a thousand-fold increase card, which increased Chang Wutiao’s speed.

In this case, although the two people are flying, they look like they are teleporting. Chang Wucai took Ye Yun and moved forward so fast that he could reach the new life realm so quickly.

After the two arrived in the new life realm, they soon found Ye Wusheng’s residence in the new life realm.

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