Chapter 324: The Path of Light Flowing by Time

Ye Yun has entered the space connected by that formation, and Pangu is in Heaven Court.

Taiqing often came to Pangu’s residence to inquire about the news in Pangu’s Scarlet Heaven Realm, and Pangu also told Taiqing carefully.

“There are many powerhouses in the Scarlet Heaven Realm, and when we first arrived in the Scarlet Heaven Realm, the Scarlet Heaven Realm was extremely barren, but now the Scarlet Heaven Realm is completely controlled by Ye Yun.”

Pangu’s words surprised Tai Qing’s heart. From Pangu’s words, he had learned that the worst masters in the Scarlet Heaven Realm were also at the Dao Realm level.

But Ye Yun became the number one powerhouse in the Scarlet Heaven Realm in a short period of time.

Although Ye Yun may have taken advantage of some elements of luck and the power of treasures, these can also be regarded as part of his own strength, and it has not been long for Ye Yun to go to the Scarlet Heaven Realm, but he did such a thing, naturally. Taiqing was shocked.

And Ye Yun’s deeds in the Scarlet Heaven Realm gradually spread in Heaven Court. After hearing Ye Yun’s deeds, all the gods felt proud of Ye Yun.

At this moment, they also believe in their hearts that even if Ye Yun enters the world connected by the mysterious formation, he will definitely come back alive, and maybe they will also find Ye Lan and Ye Yan.

Ye Yun is walking in this space at this time. This space is very strange, with a lot of light floating around.

The place where Ye Yun stood at this time was a light path. This light path was tiled in the space, leading to the distance, not knowing where.

Ye Yun kept walking along this light path, with mysterious rays of light flowing past his body.

When these rays of light flowed past Ye Yun’s body, they did not cause any injuries to Ye Yun, but Ye Yun frowned slightly.

Although his body did not suffer any injuries, Ye Yun felt that when he walked into this light path, his vitality seemed to be exhausted.

In this space, there is actually a strong power of time flowing, and Ye Yun is the powerhouse of Heavenly Dao Realm at this time, and all have been affected. If the powerhouse in the ordinary prehistoric continent comes here, , Maybe it will age to death in an instant.

This light path didn’t know where it led, or how far it was. Ye Yun stopped after walking for a while. At this time, if he continued to walk inside, he already had some difficulties.

Ye Yun’s black hair already has a lot of white hair in it, and his skin has become a lot dry.

Only Ye Yun’s two eyes were still shining with shining light, and there was not much change, because no matter how time passed, Ye Yun’s spirit and willpower would never change.

“This light path is mysterious and weird. If I continue to walk along this light path into this space, I may not reach the end, I will age to death.”

Ye Yun thought to himself.

But at this moment, Ye Yun’s pupils began to shrink, because he saw that there was a stone monument not far from the light path.

More importantly, this stone monument seems to have just been built, and there is this fine soil on it, and Ye Yun feels the breath of the prehistoric continent on the fine soil.

It is very possible that this stone tablet and the mud were brought from above the prehistoric continent.

It was who built this stele here. After Ye Yun thought about it, he already had a guess in his heart.

His body teleported over in an instant, and then he saw the writing on the stone tablet, and it was true that the writing on it was left by Ye Lan and Ye Yan.

“Father, we think that maybe one day you will worry about our comfort, and then you come here. Although this place is very dangerous, it is an opportunity for us. We actually took the initiative to walk into this world because we I feel that in the depths of this world, there is a cordial call to us.”

“Father, you don’t have to worry about us. When you see this stele, we have already left this space. You don’t need to continue searching for us inside. One day we will meet again.”

Ye Yun looked at the handwriting on the stone tablet. These handwritings were all written by Ye Lan and Ye Yan. When looking at these handwritings, Ye Yun’s heart beat more violently, and the corners of his eyes were even moist.

It was the handwriting left by Ye Lan and Ye Yan, and the handwriting left by Ye Lan and Ye Yan also proved that they were indeed not dangerous. When he saw this, Ye Yun finally let go of his heart. He was in the past. I just heard others say that Ye Lan and Ye Yan hadn’t encountered anything, but only after they came in to confirm that they could truly feel relieved.

Ye Yun looked inside this light path. At this moment, the time around the light path had almost become a substance. If he continued to walk inside this light path, he might encounter a life crisis.

Helpless Ye Yun stayed here for a while, but could only turn around and leave.

“Ye Lan and Ye Yan, I believe you will be well, just like what you said, one day we will meet again.”

When Ye Yun walked back, he thought to himself.

After some time passed, Ye Yun walked out of this space, and he also re-entered the middle of the meteorite formation not far from the prehistoric continent.

Looking at the peacefully floating meteorites, Ye Yun knew in his heart that these meteorites were actually a very hidden natural array.

After entering that space, Ye Yun also had some guesses in his heart.

The space that contains the place of time should be created by a strong man who is proficient in the power of time, and the light path should inform a mysterious place.

Although I don’t know where it is, Ye Yun has made up his mind in his heart that one day he will also reach that place.

After Ye Yun stayed here for a while, he headed towards Heaven Court.

Soon Ye Yun once again reached the Heaven Court in the prehistoric continent, and Pangu breathed a sigh of relief after getting Ye Yun back.

“Ye Yun, how? Did you get any clues from that place?”

Pangu couldn’t wait to ask Ye Yun.

“I found the stone stele left by Ye Lan and Ye Yan in that place. On the stone stele they recorded what they had encountered and told me that they were very well, so that I don’t have to worry about them.”

“Although I wanted to go into that space at the time, that space was terrifying, and with my current strength, I couldn’t enter the deepest part of that space.”

Ye Yun told Pangu.

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