Chapter 328: Break into it

Seeing Ye Yun so strong, Chang Wucai and Emperor Yan Yang were not to be outdone, and a sense of security rose up inside them. The two people stood on the right and left of Ye Yun and displayed their attacks.

“Fire Dragon Art!”

Emperor Yang opened his wound, and then squirted fiercely forward, and endless fire dragons spurted out of his mouth. These fire dragons appeared alive as if they were real, entering the swarms of wind-eater locusts and wreaking havoc.

“The Art of Skyfire Bomb!!”

Chang Wutiao was not to be outdone, and displayed another fire attribute Cultivation Technique. This is the most powerful fire attribute Cultivation Technique he has mastered. The reason why two people can perform such an attack is because they are Universe Realm. The strong man also has a deep understanding of the basic laws of fire attribute.

Although their knowledge of the laws of fire attributes is not as good as that of real fire attribute masters, they are the powerhouses of Universe Realm, so their offensive power is even more terrifying.

In front of Ye Yun, it completely turned into a sea of ​​fire, and in this sea of ​​fire, you can see these fire dragons raging in it, and many fireballs bouncing in it.

Although there are a large number of these wind locusts, they are extremely afraid of this fire attribute attack, and these fire attribute attacks do have a fatal impact on them, and countless wind locusts continue to die.

Even the wind-eaters around, have some fear for the three Ye Yun.

There has almost become a vacuum zone in front of them, but the fire waves they have shown have not extinguished.

Ye Yun walked into the fire waves with Emperor Yan Yang and Chang Wucai. Although these fire waves were terrifying, they were displayed by Ye Yun, so they did not harm the three people.

The wind-eaters watched Ye Yun and they entered the new realm along this sea of ​​fire, and surrounded Hunan, but they did not dare to attack.

Ye Yun entered the new life realm, stepping on the familiar land in the new life realm, but she was deeply moved in her heart.

After he killed Ye Wusheng in the Newborn Realm, he knew that the Newborn Realm would be barren, but he didn’t expect that the Newborn Realm at this moment would become like this, occupied by countless wind locusts.

And in the new realm, you can see some buildings that used to be, but these buildings are now full of holes, and these holes are created by these wind-eaters.

In some corners of the new life realm, you can still see some accidents. Ye Yun’s way of these accidents must be the masters in the new life realm who have not left the new life realm.

At this time, there was a whistling sound from a distance, and Ye Yun immediately saw a few huge wind-eaters flying over.

There seems to be some difference between these wind locusts and other wind locusts. The ordinary wind locusts are all black. These wind locusts are not only golden, but also have this sharp horn on their heads, and they are also covered with them. With strange patterns.

“There is such a wind-eater?”

Ye Yun was slightly surprised. It seemed that the Newborn Territory was indeed unique.

“We have killed several wind-eaters before. We call them God-eaters. His strength is probably Realm, the peak of the avenue, and he has overcome the fear of flames and is not afraid of fire attribute attacks.”

Chang Wucai explained to Ye Yun.

“The strength of the pinnacle of the avenue?”

Just as Ye Yun said this, hundreds of God Devouring Locust suddenly appeared all around, and these God Devouring Locust also surrounded Ye Yun and the others.

“When these God Devourers attack, they seem to rely on instinct to form a formation, so don’t look at them as the strength of the pinnacle of the avenue, but they pose some threats to the masters of Universe Realm. I was caught by a dozen God Devourers before. Surrounded by locusts, I was almost seriously injured.”

After hearing Chang Wucai’s words, Ye Yun’s expression became serious. Chang Wucai was besieged by more than a dozen God Devouring locusts and he was almost severely injured. At this time, there was a lot of money around them. Hundreds of locusts.

A wave of spiritual fluctuations spread towards Ye Yun and the others. The only message contained in these spiritual fluctuations was death.

Regardless of whether it is Wind Devouring Locust or God Devouring Locust, they don’t seem to have many settings, as if they were originally born to destroy the Scarlet Heaven Realm.

Immediately after these god-devouring locusts attacked Ye Yun and the others, just as Chang Wulei said, these god-devouring locusts did not have much fear of fire attribute attacks.

They rushed into the sea of ​​fire around Ye Yun, instinctively formed a formation, and the attack power immediately superimposed, and Ye Yun instantly smelled some sense of danger, and Chang Wucai and Emperor Yan Yang were even more nervous. .

At this moment, Ye Yun can only show his hole cards.

“A million times increase!”

In an instant, he increased his own attack power by a million times, holding the Jiuxiao Jasper Knife in his hand and swung it towards the surroundings. A huge blade of light spread towards the surroundings. Dozens of God-Eater locusts did not form a formation. Beheaded by Ye Yun.

The remaining God Devouring Locust also seemed to be furious, completing their formation in an instant.

This is a kind of battle formation, which is extremely suitable for God Devouring Locusts. With the blessing of this battle formation, both their speed and strength have increased dozens of times.

At this time, Ye Yun’s pupils shrank slightly because he saw Ye Wusheng’s mansion. Ye Yun knew in his heart that there was a mysterious teleportation formation in the secret room under Ye Wusheng’s mansion.

He hadn’t entered the teleportation formation before, and he didn’t know where the teleportation formation led to. There was also a speculation in the Ye Yun system that the appearance of these wind-eaters might have something to do with the teleportation formation.

The God-eating locusts around are very difficult to deal with, and Ye Yun does not intend to waste time here.

“Emperor Yan Yang, Chang has no tears, follow me!”

At the moment of speaking, Ye Yun rushed towards Ye Wusheng’s mansion.

When Ye Yun did this, it seemed to have triggered the taboos of those god-eating locusts. In an instant, the surrounding god-eating locusts attacked Ye Yun more fiercely, and Chang Wucai and Emperor Yan Yang also immediately Standing behind Ye Yun, followed Ye Yun towards Ye Wusheng’s mansion.

Although the strength of these locusts has been increased, the speed of the single body is much worse than that of the masters of Universe Realm, and they are soon left behind by Ye Yun.

At this time, Ye Yun also arrived next to the mansion where Ye Wusheng was before.

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