Chapter 327 Mental Energy Ascension

Their bodies trembled slightly, and at this time, it was observed that Daosheng Mingluo was in a very bad mood. If Daosheng Mingluo was offended, Daosheng Mingluo might even kill them.

According to rumors, Daosheng Mingluo has a very violent temper, and they are subordinates of Daosheng Mingluo, so they have some understanding of the personality of Daosheng Mingluo. According to their understanding, personal personality is not only irritable, but even moody.

At this time, Daosheng Mingluo seemed to gradually become quiet.

“Go back to Shen Luozong first.”

Immediately after, Daosheng Minglu brought the masters of Shenluo Sect back to Shenluo Sect. When Daosheng Mingluo returned to Shenluo Sect, he also took out a few treasures. There is a place in Shenluo Sect called Shenluo Sect. The place of performance.

In the land of the gods, the world’s billions of things can be deduced, and Daosheng Mingluo is a master of Chaos Realm. His deduction ability is already very superb. In the land of the gods, his deduction ability can be increased a lot.

“With my ability, if I use my heart to deduct it, I might be able to deduct it to Ye Yun. At this moment, he must have not left the Sky Wave Star Territory. Even if he wants to leave the Sky Wave Star Territory, it is impossible.”

Sacred Heart of Mingluo thought that because the sky wave star field is under his control, if Ye Yun wants to leave the wandering novelty, he will definitely touch the Restrictions around the wandering ball and be sensed by him at that time.

“Ye Yun, just let me see where you are hiding.”

Daosheng Mingluo began to deduct it in the place where the gods are performing. His hands glowed complicatedly, and his hands were constantly waving in the air. After some time passed, his color was slightly happy: ” found it.”

But at this moment, Daosheng Mingluo’s brows suddenly frowned. Originally, he felt that he was about to find Ye Yun, but suddenly his deduction for Ye Yun began to become confused.

Until the end, he could not deduce the specific position of Ye Yun, only a general position.

“It seems that Ye Yun is really not easy. I can’t deduce what he really is with my realm and strength.”

According to Daosheng Mingluo’s guess, either Ye Yun has a superb treasure in the universe, or Ye Yun himself has a huge origin, and Daosheng Mingluo can’t know what kind of possibility it is.

“Although it is impossible to deduce a specific position, only a rough position is highlighted, but I can force him out as long as I get there.”

Thought Luo Daosheng in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, he immediately summoned the masters from Shenluo Sect, among which there were only 4 masters from Universe Realm late stage.

“Everyone immediately followed me to Xinglan City.”

After hearing Daosheng Mingluo’s words, the masters in Shenluo Sect were also a little surprised, wondering why Daosheng Mingluo asked them to go to Xinglan City.

“According to my inference, at this moment Ye Yun is hidden in Xinglan City, so everyone immediately followed me to Xinglan City and completely surrounded the entire Xinglan City, so that Ye Yun had nowhere to escape.”

After hearing the words of Daosheng Mingluo, the masters in the culture understood, and immediately afterwards, they all headed towards the Starlane City.

Soon after, they surrounded the entire Xinglan City, and Dao Sheng Mingluo immediately showed his own figure after arriving here, and the aura enveloped the entire Xinglan City.

If Ye Yun were here, he would surely be forced to trigger mental fluctuations, and Ye Yun would be discovered by then. However, what disappointed the heart of Dao Mingluo was that Ye Yun was not here at this moment.

Ye Yun had already left Xinglan City.

Ye Yun was in Jiufeng City at this time. He had left Xinglan City a long time ago. According to his inference, the longer he stays in one place, the greater the danger.

At this time, Ye Yun was hidden in Jiufeng City, and a Medicine Pill appeared in his hand. The name of this Medicine Pill was Teng Xian Guo.

After he killed the female insect on the teleportation square and took away the Forbidden Divine Leaf, he also completed the system task given to him by the system and obtained the rewards of the system, including this Tengxian Guo.

Teng Xian Guo can be said to be the most precious thing among the system mission rewards this time, and it can increase his Mental Energy dozens of times.

Ye Yun couldn’t wait to swallow Teng Xianguo. When Ye Yun swallowed Teng Xianguo, his Mental Energy began to fluctuate, and there was a slight fluctuation in the whole person. This fluctuation, although Subtle, but the words in his sea of ​​knowledge can be described as turbulent waves.

At this time, in Ye Yun’s sea of ​​consciousness, the Mental Energy in his sea of ​​consciousness is now constantly expanding, and the sea of ​​consciousness is also expanding. It hasn’t been long before 1 Ye Yun’s Mental Energy has increased by dozens of times. There are so many, and this trend is still increasing.

Knowing that after a few hours passed, Ye Yun’s spirit had increased more than fifty times, which was an earth-shaking change.

At this moment, even if he uses Mental Energy to attack, he can already kill the strong in the same Realm. Now his Mental Energy is comparable to the strong in Universe Realm, and he can also increase Mental Energy.

The benefits of Mental Energy are not only that, there are also some benefits to the prediction of dangers.

After the Ascension in Ye Yun’s spirit was more than fifty times, his sense of danger became more acute, and he intuitively felt that he could not stay in Jiufeng City forever.

“The sense of crisis in my heart should have been brought to me by Daosheng Mingluo, indicating that Daosheng Mingluo should be looking for me in the entire sky wave star field.”

Ye Yun guessed in his heart.

“I can’t stay in one place all the time, but it’s impossible to avoid his search all the time. I have to give him a bit of color.”

Immediately afterwards, Ye Yun went down and found some news in Jiufeng City, and found out that Shenluo Sect had some other branches besides the headquarters of Shenluo Sect.

Ye Yun’s eyes flickered, and these branches had already been regarded by him as new targets.

“At this moment, although I cannot destroy the entire Shenluo Sect, destroying these branches of the Shenluo Sect can also cause a huge blow to the Shenluo Sect, and these things are relatively easy for me.”

Ye Yun thought in his heart that at this moment Shenluo Sect would definitely not have thought that Ye Yun actually achieved the goal of Shenluzong’s branch.

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