Chapter 343: The Closed World

“I don’t believe that you have been hiding in there forever.”

Dao Sheng Mingluo sat down in this place, waiting for Ye Yun to come out quietly. If Ye Yun hasn’t come out for a long time, it means that Ye Yun is probably dead in this place.

After all, the turbulent flow of the void in this place is very chaotic, the void folds are uneven, and there are other weird existences, which are obviously also very dangerous. After Ye Yun enters it, it will definitely be more fortunate.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Mingluo Daosheng. When Ye Yun fell into this space, he felt that there were many dangers around, but Ye Yun finally avoided one by one.

After some time passed, Ye Yun found that he had fallen into another world. This world seemed not to be in the previous universe, but it still had some connections with the previous universe.

“What the hell is this place.”

When Ye Yun stood on a vast continent and looked at the surrounding scenes, his heart was filled with doubts.

The scenery here is very beautiful, and what makes Ye Yun’s heart surprised is that the Spiritual Qi here is extremely rich, even dozens of times richer than the Spiritual Qi above the Sky Wave Star Territory.

We must know that the Spiritual Qi in the Tianlang Star Territory is originally much richer than the Spiritual Qi in the Chi Heaven Realm, and the Spiritual Qi in this place is actually dozens of times richer than the Spiritual Qi in the Tian Lang Star Territory. This shows the Spiritual Qi in this place. It’s rich.

What made Ye Yun even more pleasantly surprised was that he had just found some precious Medicinal herbs when he came to this place.

If these Medicinal herbs are placed in the Scarlet Heaven Realm, each one is a legendary thing, but it seems to be everywhere here. Ye Yun just probed the distance of thousands of miles around, and has discovered this kind of Medicinal herbs for four or five weeks.

“Where is this place? Treasures can be seen everywhere.”

Ye Yun was even more surprised. He found that although there were many treasures in this place, it seemed that there were no people.

“Could it be that I’m the only one in this place?”

Ye Yun thought in his heart that he flew towards the Medicinal herbs, and after picking some Medicinal herbs, he searched for this farther place.

This continent is very vast. Ye Yun has been flying for more than an hour without seeing the end. You must know that he is now a powerhouse at the peak of the Realm middle stage, and even if the flight speed has not increased, it is better than Universe Realm. The person is not much different.

On this continent, there are also some creatures. The number of these creatures is not large, and they don’t have much power or wisdom.

It’s all ignorant creatures.

After a month passed, Ye Yun sat helplessly on a hill.

In this month, he has traveled countless places, but still can’t find a way to leave this world.

However, the Spiritual Qi here is extremely strong, and even has the power of special rules. At this time, Ye Yun’s Realm is almost breaking through to the realm late stage.

“Is it possible that there is no way to get out of this place?”

Ye Yun sat on the top of this mountain and asked helplessly, but his voice was echoing all around.

“Hey, brother, after coming to this place, do you still want to go out.”

At this moment, another voice came to mind, Ye Yun suddenly stood up: “Who? Who is talking?”

Ye Yun asked, if you know that his spirit at this time is comparable to a strong man at the top of the Universe Realm middle stage, but has he ever been able to see this person.

What’s more surprising in Ye Yun’s heart is that he is not the only person in this world, it seems that there is another person.

“The old man’s name is Wu Luo Tian Lao, and I have lived here for countless years.”

At this moment, Ye Yun saw an old man appeared in front of the owner. The old man was dressed in a plain gray coat and looked very ordinary, but Ye Yun knew that this person was definitely not ordinary, and he could not see through this person. Cultivation Base Realm.

And he called himself Wuluo Tianlao, this name made Ye Yun feel a little familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

There was a flash of light in Ye Yun’s mind. Wuluo Tianlao, he finally remembered where he had heard this name. It was in the Tianlang Star Territory that he had heard the name, Wuluo Tianlao. It is also very famous in the Tianlang star field, Ye Yun still saw it in an old book.

“You, are you Wuluo Tianlao? The Wuluo Tianlao in the Sky Wave Star Territory?”

Ye Yun finally remembered. According to his understanding, when Daosheng Minglu did not become the ruler of the sky wave star field, Wuluo Tianlao used to be the ruler of the sky wave star field, and his strength was already Universe Realm. The pinnacle powerhouse, now countless years have passed since then, what kind of Realm is the Five Luotian Lao at this time.

“The little guy has heard of my name. Is it possible that you came from the sky wave star field?”

Wu Luo Tianlao asked in surprise.

Ye Yun nodded, and then told Wuluo Tianlao about the current situation in the sky wave star field. I heard that when Dao Sheng Mingluo became the ruler of the sky wave star field, Wu Luo Tianlao’s complexion also became a little gloomy. .

“I should have killed this person, Dao Sheng Mingluo. When I was the ruler of the Skywave Star Territory, he had always been against me, and even snatched my daughter to death, if it weren’t for me. If you fall into this place, it will definitely make him look good.”

After hearing Wuluo Tianlao’s words, Ye Yun was also a little surprised. He didn’t expect Wuluo Tianlao and Mingluo Daosheng to have some reasons.

If he can rescue Wuluo Tianlao, maybe Wuluo Tianlao will be his own help.

But at this time Wuluo Tianlao’s expression became a little sad: “I have now reached the peak of the chaos Realm early stage, but I am still trapped in this place for countless years and cannot go out. Even if you come to this world, What use can it be.”

“It’s true that there were some masters who entered this place before you came. I call this place the Lost Boundary Land.”

“There are many experts in Universe Realm who are strong in Universe Realm, but they slowly died after they came to this place, and because I became a strong in Chaos Realm, my life span is countless years longer than that of them. This place survived.”

Wu Luotian spoke, and immediately after he waved his hand, the land in front of him began to tremble, revealing bones one by one. These bones still glowed with a strong aura. It was clear that they were at least as strong as Universe Realm when they were alive. By.

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