Chapter 345: Caught the God Monkey

Ye Yun chased the monkey. The monkey’s flying speed was very fast. The two wings behind him were constantly waving, emitting black and white light, and his body disappeared into the distance at the speed of teleporting.

But Ye Yun’s divine mind had already locked it in early, and he increased his speed by a million times. Even though the monkey’s speed was very fast, he had been chased by Ye Yun all the time.

After a period of time passed, the monkey flew over a vast divine sea. This divine sea looked very calm, and there seemed to be no way to go around.

The monkey turned his head and made a chirping sound in his mouth, as if he was angry, why did Ye Yun keep chasing him.

“Tell me what kind of creature you are. During this period of time on the land, I have never seen a creature as clear as your mind.”

Although the monkey couldn’t speak, Ye Yun knew that he was very clear about his own purpose, as if he was afraid of catching him.

It seemed that the monkey was eager to be free, and Ye Yun found out that the monkey suddenly plunged towards the Shenhai in front of him.

The monkey plunged into this vast divine sea, and some waves swayed around it. Ye Yun also swiftly chased the past and entered the divine sea.

The water in the Shenhai is very turbulent, and there are all kinds of strange creatures, but unlike monkeys, these creatures have no sage.

“Even if you plunge into this divine sea, I will definitely catch you.”

Ye Yun said, and the monkey seemed to escape faster. Ye Yun chased the monkey even faster. At this moment, he discovered something weird.

There are some powerful creatures in the Sea of ​​Gods. These powerful creatures have no sense of mind. Even Ye Yun had already suppressed his own breath. He knew in his heart that according to normal circumstances, these creatures in the Sea of ​​Gods would not move towards. He attacked.

However, at this time, when the monkey flew away and Ye Yun was chasing the monkey, the creatures in the sea of ​​gods all attacked Ye Yun.

If it is just a creature with a relatively high strength, Ye Yun would not be very confused in his heart, but even if some creatures are weaker than him, I don’t know how many creatures are also attacking him. Some creatures didn’t even arrive at Sage’s Realm.

You must know that he is now a powerhouse of the Great Realm. Although these creatures do not have much saneness, they also know the truth of The Weak are Prey to the Strong. Under normal circumstances, they would not move toward Ye who is countless times stronger than them. Yun attacked.

Ye Yun also discovered that the reason why these creatures in Shenhai attacked him was because of a wave of fluctuations emanating from the monkey’s body, which seemed to manipulate these creatures in Shenhai.

What is even more weird is that some tsunamis were rolled up in the Shenhai at this time, and these waves also rushed towards Ye Yun, as if they were about to tear Ye Yun into pieces.

“This monkey is really strange, and has magical abilities. He can control the creatures in these divine seas, and can also control the generation of tsunamis in divine seas.”

Even after a while, some storms were formed, and some void cracks formed in the Shenhai, as if the entire barrier of the lost land was helping the monkeys to escape.

“You never want to escape!”

Ye Yun once again took out several million multiplier cards. At this moment, after discovering the preciousness and wonder of the monkey, he did not hide it anymore and took out his own treasures one after another. Ye Yun’s speed was also faster, even he Shuttle constantly in place.

After some time passed, Ye Yun finally grabbed the monkey. The monkey was struggling constantly in Ye Yun’s palm, looking very frightened, as if Ye Yun wanted to eat him.

Of course, Ye Yun would not kill the monkey. The reason why he caught the monkey was because of the extraordinary magic of the monkey, so he wanted to understand why this monkey was so magical, and what did he have to do with the lost land of the world.

As soon as Ye Yun caught the monkey, he felt that the entire Divide Milu radiated strong malice towards him, as if he had become the enemy of the entire Divide Milu at this moment.

More importantly, the entire Boundary Milu radiated a resistance to him, and Ye Yun even faintly felt that he was going to be driven out by the Boundary Milu.

After feeling this feeling, his heart was extremely shocked. If his feeling was true, at this time, as long as he complied with this feeling, he could leave the maze of the boundary.

You should know that Wuluo Tianlao has lived in the lost land of the boundary for countless years, but he can’t leave the lost land of the boundary, and Ye Yun seems to be able to easily leave the lost land of the boundary if he complies with this feeling at this time. Lu Zhong.

What is certain in Ye Yun’s heart is that the source of all this is from monkeys.

“What is your origin?”

Ye Yun grasped the monkey in his palm, and his eyes glowed. He opened his heavenly eyes in an instant, and when he looked at the monkey, he discovered something that surprised him.

This monkey seemed to have no life characteristics in his heavenly eyes, it seemed to be just a combination of extremely strange and pure energy.

If Ye Yun hadn’t opened the Sky Eye, he would never have discovered such a thing.

“No vital signs? How is this possible!”

Ye Yun was shocked in his heart, he picked up the monkey and watched it repeatedly.

Even if Ye Yun caught the monkey and watched it repeatedly, he couldn’t perceive some other information, and he became a little embarrassed in his heart.

“It seems there is only one way.”

Ye Yun felt in his heart that he had only one way to subdue this monkey at this moment, and that is to make the monkey recognize him as the master. If the monkey recognizes him as the master, he can definitely learn more about it, maybe. Learn the true origin of this monkey.

But what worries Ye Yun a little is that this monkey has no vital characteristics. Can this monkey really recognize him as his master?

“Maybe it’s just that I can’t detect his vital signs.”

Ye Yun thought in his heart, because no matter what, if you look at it at this moment, the monkey obviously has its own life.

At this time, Ye Yun took out a fruit from the own system space. This fruit was obtained by completing a task at a time, and the name was 100% Acknowledgement.

As long as the monkey eats 100% of the master fruit, the monkey can recognize him as the master.

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