Chapter 355: Lord of the Scarlet Heaven Realm

Could it be that Ye Yun took the Quartet Divine Cauldron in the hands of Daosheng Mingluo? ? How did he take away the Quartet Divine Cauldron from the hands of Daosheng Mingluo? Could it be that Daosheng Mingluo beheaded to death?

Chang Wucai, Emperor Yan Yang and the others kept thinking about it.

“Naturally, I took it from the hands of Daosheng Underworld. When I just reached the sky above the sky, I discovered Daosheng Underworld, and Daosheng Underworld was the master of the sky, so I lurked in secret. With constant cultivation, one day I finally had enough strength to kill the Dao Sage of the Underworld, so I killed the Dao Sage of the Underworld and brought back the Quartet.”

Ye Yun talked about these things very plainly. Although his tone was very plain, everyone knew that what he experienced must be full of extreme danger.

When Ye Yun just left the Scarlet Heaven Realm, it was only the strength of the Dao Realm middle stage. Now his strength has not only become the peak of the Dao Realm, but also the number one master in the Scarlet Heaven Realm. The Quartet Divine Cauldron was retrieved, and once again brought to the Scarlet Heaven Realm.

“The Sifang Divine Cauldron originally belonged to the Scarlet Heaven Realm, so this time I brought the Sifang Divine Cauldron back. I also wanted to put the Sifang Divine Cauldron in the Scarlet Heaven Realm at one time, suppressing the Chi Heaven Realm’s luck. In this case, the Spiritual of the Scarlet Heaven Realm. Qi will be richer, and Chi Tianjie will be more prosperous.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, Chang Wucai was silent. Chang Wucai and Emperor Yan Yang looked at Ye Yun with complex expressions. They knew in their hearts that Ye Yun had done something like this. It can be said that there is an unimaginable effect on the Scarlet Heaven Realm. Good fortune.

They knew that if they were changed to own, it would be impossible to take out the Quartet Divine Cauldron, because this is an extremely precious treasure, and they will definitely own what they get, not to mention Ye Yun is still not indifferent. A native of the heavens.

At this moment, in Emperor Yang’s heart, there was a feeling of admiration for Ye Yun.

Immediately after Chang Wucai and Emperor Yan Yang, as well as the many masters who were born and raised in the Scarlet Heaven Realm around them, they all bowed deeply towards Ye Yun and became grateful to Ye Yun.

They stooped down this time, extremely sincere, as if worshipping their own faith, from the heart.

“Ye Yun, what you did for the Scarlet Heaven Realm, we have nothing to repay, I represent all the creatures in the Scarlet Heaven Realm, thank you for you, I believe that when this matter is spread out, all the creatures in the Scarlet Heaven Realm will be forever Remember your kindness.”

Ye Yun nodded and raised his hand. The Quartet Divine Cauldron slowly rose from his palm, and then floated to the sky.

Immediately the Sifang Divine Cauldron drifted towards Guangyin Plain. After some time, the Sifang Divine Cauldron drifted in Guangyin Plain and fell down at the end of Shengwang River.

Before the Spiritual Qi of the Chitian Realm had declined, the Sifang Divine Cauldron was in this place, and this time the Sifang Divine Cauldron has declined from this place again, because Ye Yun has done something to the Chitian Realm. Spiritual Qi in the heavens is constantly recovering, and some vitality has also begun to appear here in Shengwangxi.

But there is still not much popularity here. Compared to other places, it is still a little barren. The reason is that the war that took place in this place was too terrifying, so the damage around Shengwangxi was also very serious.

There are many spatial cracks around Shengwangxi, and when you are asked to fall, these spatial cracks are constantly recovering. All the masters in the Scarlet Heaven Realm have seen the Quartet Divine Cauldron fall into Shengwangxi.

Immediately afterwards, waves of streams began to glow from the source of Shengwang River, flowing out into streams, and streams finally appeared in Shengwang River and began to flow.

Although not so thick, only as thin as a thumb, all the masters found in the Scarlet Heaven Realm were shocked.

At this time, Ye Yun also stood up and nodded to Shengwangxi. Then some Restrictions emerged around Shengwangxi, and he protected Shengwangxi.

The water in Shengwang Creek is very precious, and the quantity is very scarce now. Although it will continue to grow, if the masters in the Chitian Realm are greedy, they will plunder the spring water in Shengwang Creek. loss.

So Ye Yun protected Shengwangxi.

However, even if Ye Yun did not protect Shengwang Creek, it would not be so easy to get the water in Shengwang Creek. After all, there are unique dangers in Shengwang Creek.

Ye Yun gave birth to his own finger again, tapped on the middle of Shengwangxi, and then the Quartet Divine Cauldron that fell into the middle of Shengwangxi was also protected by Ye Yun.

After doing all this, Ye Yun stopped, and everyone in the Scarlet Heaven Realm felt that the rules in the Scarlet Heaven Realm were getting better and better.

The concentration of Spiritual Qi in the Scarlet Heaven Realm was obviously increasing faster, and then everyone in the Scarlet Heaven realm almost understood that this thing was done by Ye Yun, and they also knew that before Ye Yun returned The news in the Chitian Realm is still true.

Ye Yun’s contribution to the Scarlet Heaven Realm made everyone in the Scarlet Heaven Realm who believed Ye Yun almost believed, and at this moment they truly regarded Ye Yun as their faith.

And the entire Scarlet Heaven Realm also sent out joyful fluctuations. At this moment, Heavenly Dao in the Scarlet Heaven Realm was happy, and then a ray of light blessed Ye Yun’s body. At this moment, Ye Yun realized that he had naturally become the Scarlet Heaven Realm. host.

He was originally the Lord of the Primordial Continent, so he is particularly familiar with this feeling. The Scarlet Heaven Realm is stronger than the Primordial Continent. Being the Lord of the Scarlet Heaven Realm also has some advantages for him. In the Scarlet Heaven Realm, his Strength can be said to have increased even more.

At the moment of becoming the Lord of the Scarlet Heaven Realm, Ye Yun also learned more about the Scarlet Heaven Realm.

He seemed to be able to see the past of Heavenly Dao when he turned his head, and he opened his eyes as if he could see the place where Heavenly Dao was.

In his vision, the place where the Scarlet Heaven Realm is located is a peculiar space, and around this peculiar space, chaos is full of surgings.

Chaos is incomparably terrifying, the former of Chaos Realm, although it is reasonable to say that you can enter the chaos, but the general Chaos Realm will not enter the chaos at all.

Because although they can enter the chaos, the chaos still has a lot of danger for them. It is impossible to walk casually in the chaos.

Ye Yun found that the place where the Scarlet Heaven Realm was located was like a transit station connecting the prehistoric continent and the universe where the Tianlang Star Territory was located.

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