Chapter 361: The Nine Domains Auction Starts

Jun Wuya said to everyone who had come to participate in the Jiuyu auction, and the hearts of these people couldn’t help beating, and Ye Yun was no exception.

“Is there any reason for this?” He was also a little surprised in his heart.

The entire Jiuyu auctions caused some small sensations, and Jun Wuya was obviously satisfied with the sight. He stroked the beard on his chin, walked a few steps forward, and then A fairy walked from the right side of the platform. The fairy held a plate in her hand, and the plate was covered by a cloth.

It is conceivable that there must be a precious treasure under the plate covered with cloth.

Even if it is covered by cloth, there is some light radiating through it, dazzling people.

“Hey, you must also want to know what treasure is under this cloth, and then I will reveal it for you.”

Jun Wuya spoke, and then slowly uncovered the piece of cloth, revealing the treasure on the plate, and everyone in the empty seal hall world stared wide, and there was some rush in the entire Jiuyu auction. The sound of breathing.

Placed on the plate, the first treasure to be auctioned was a jade bracelet. This jade bracelet was surrounded by five colors of brilliance and looked very mysterious. When many people saw it, they felt a little more comfortable.

“These treasures actually have some help to the gods and souls.”

Many people are very surprised in their hearts. You must know that in the universe, the artifacts that can help the soul are very precious, and very rare. Moreover, besides some help to the soul, there must be other treasures. Usefulness.

“The name of this treasure is called Kongming Deer Bracelet. The Kongming Deer Bracelet can not only refine its soul when worn, but also has a huge space inside, comparable to a powerful Minor World.”

Jun Wuya told, and after hearing what Jun Wuya said, the hearts of all the experts in the Nine Realms Auction in the Kong Yin Temple Realm became rushed.

Ye Yun also had a slight surprise in his heart. This treasure is indeed very good, but for him, it is not necessary to clap it in his hand.

Because there are still a few treasures like this in his hand.

So when the first treasure, the Kong Ming Deer Bracelet, was auctioned, Ye Yun did not participate in the auction list. Although Ye Yun did not participate in the auction, there were indeed many people participating in the auction. The price of this treasure was just started. It’s not low, but it’s also raised several times.

Until the Kongming Deer Bracelet was auctioned off, the entire Kongyin Temple was still not quiet.

Seeing this scene, Jun Wuya continued to stroke his own beard a few times, and he was also very satisfied. The first treasure was able to be sold. The price is actually very good. If someone else will host the auction. If you do, you may only be able to get 1/3 of his price.

“Well, well, it seems that everyone is very fond of the treasures on our Jiuyu auction this time, so let’s start to reveal the next treasure.”

Jun Wuya spoke, and then ordered the fairy to take out some treasures. Every treasure was very good. Ye Yun waited quietly. After some time passed, Jun Wuya took out the Heavenly Qianlong Dao Fruit.

Tianqian Dragon Fruit is the highlight of this nine-domain auction. As early as the nine-domain auction did not start, Tianqian Dragon Fruit has been promoted, and many people are staring at Tian Qianlong Tao fruit. .

When the Tianqian Dragon Dao Guo was brought out, the eighteen top boxes in the empty seal hall also trembled.

The ordinary people below are staring at the Sky Qianlong Dao Fruit, and their eyes are shining brightly, but even though they are longing for the Tian Qian Long Dao fruit for 10 points, they know that they don’t at all. It is possible to take pictures of Tian Qianlong Dao Fruit, because this Tian Qianlong Dao Fruit must be auctioned by the powerful of 18 top boxes.

“As we all know, the Sky Qianlong Dao Fruit is one of our final treasures this time. There are many treasures in this world, but there are few treasures with Ascension potential, and the Tian Qian Long Dao fruit is just the one with the potential of Ascension. One of the treasures, and the potential of the Ascension of the Heavenly Qianlong Dao Fruit is not small.”

“After buying the Tianqian Dragon Tao fruit back and using it for the own inheritor, then his future will be extremely smooth and bright.”

Jun Wuya kept talking to Tianqianlong Daoguo, and it also aroused the minds of everyone in the Jiuyu Auction.

“Tian Qianlong Dao Guo, start the auction!”

Jun Wuya fiercely picked the hammer in his hand to the table in front, and then the entire Jiuyu auction began to commotion, but in the first few minutes, no one was auctioning, and everyone was quiet. Waiting.

After a few seconds, a strong man called out a price that was not much higher than the low price.

And just when this strong man just shouted out, there was a voice in one of the top box No. 4 of the eighteen top boxes above the empty seal hall: “I’m bidding 18 million. The best god crystal.”

Eighteen million superb crystals! ! !

This price makes the ordinary people in the Jiuyu auctions all minds for a while, even if it is 1,000 super-quality crystals, it is also the wealth of ordinary people’s life, and the person at this auction is worthy of one of the eighteen top boxes. One exit is one. Thousands and eight million of the best god crystals.

But what they didn’t know was that these eighteen million top quality god crystals were nothing to that master.

“I see, he is Ji Xuhe, a realm powerhouse from the Shiqi Star Territory.”

At this time, someone in the nine regions auction heard it. This person’s voice said, and this person is indeed Ji Xuhe. The Shiqi star region is also one of the nine star regions, although it is not comparable to the Phoenix star region. But compared to Tianlang Star Field, it is stronger, I don’t know how much.

After hearing someone recognize him, box 4 also snorted coldly, looking very proud.

“With just 18 million Supreme God Crystals, I want to auction the Heavenly Qianlong Dao Fruit, are you too small to look down on the Heavenly Qianlong Dao Fruit.”

At this moment, there was a voice from another top box, the number of this top box was 8.

“Twenty-five million Supreme God Crystals!!”

Box No. 8 reported the price of 25 million Supreme God Crystals. This price was higher than the 18 million Supreme God Crystals reported by Ji Xuhe before. I don’t know how much.

Twenty-five million Supreme God Crystals, even for the people in these top boxes, was not a small amount, and the entire Jiuyu auction was silent for a while.

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