Chapter 385 Gathering

Ye Yun picked up the teacup, then drank the Qingxuling tea into own mouth and tasted it slowly.

“Good tea, good tea.”

Ye Yun admired that the Qingxu Ling tea has a delicate and aromatic taste. Although it was a bit bitter when you first drank it, there was a smell of fish around the abdomen, which was very refreshing, as if people fell into a dream.

And Ye Yun felt that after drinking the Qingxu Ling Tea, the Impurities in his body seemed to be washed out.

“No wonder Qingxu Ling tea is only available to the Chaos Realm, and the late stage strong can enjoy it. This tea is extremely precious, and presumably the quantity is also very small. The Qingxu Ling tea that flows out must be the first of the Chaos Realm late stage strong. Take it away.”

Ye Yun spoke to Huang Daifei and nodded.

Ye Yun and Huang Daifei were sitting by the lake and tasting Qingxu Ling tea. He did not ask Huang Daifei why he wanted to sit here? Because he knew in his heart that this time Huang Daifei and himself entered the endless secluded path, it was definitely not the two of them, and there should be some chaotic realm late stage powerhouses in the nine star regions.

Ye Yun was right. After more than half an hour passed, a red phantom appeared above the boundless holy palace, and then a figure in a red robe appeared. This person was full of flames and was burning. The hair is also fiery red, and the whole person looks like the incarnation of flame.

“God Emperor Huo Dao, you are finally here.”

Huang Daifei raised his head to look at the God Emperor Huo Dao in the air, and the God Emperor Huo Dao laughed, walked to Huang Dai Fei and Ye Yun’s side, and looked at Ye Yun: “Presumably this one is the last time. Ye Yun is well-known in the nine star regions. It seems that you did not expect that this time you really want to invite him to come over, let him enter the endless path with us.”

The God Emperor Huo Dao looked extremely rough, and from the words of the God Emperor Huo Dao, Ye Yun also heard that the God Emperor Huo Dao seemed to disagree with his own strength.

But this is also normal. After all, although he has some achievements to show, it is definitely impossible to suppress all the powerhouses of Chaos Realm late stage.

The fire god emperor felt that Ye Yun only used the treasure to kill the devil yoyang last time, not to mention that the strength of the fire god emperor was stronger than that of the devil yoyang. Its Cultivation Technique is all living attributes, and even more so. Make yourself look like the incarnation of flame, with extremely powerful offensive power.

And this time, the God Emperor Huo Dao was also one of the important people invited by Huang Daifei.

“The God Emperor Huo Dao believes that this time, let Ye Yun enter the endless secluded path with us, it must be a very wise decision.”

Huang Daifei’s words made the God Emperor Huo Dao feel a little surprised, but because he was destined to live a business, he didn’t say much, so he sat next to two people.

“Huang Daifei this time you should also invite the God Emperor Shuijin and the God Emperor Tsuchiya over.”

While sitting next to the two of them, the God Emperor of Fire Road asked. The God Emperor of Water and the Emperor Tsuchiya are also peak powerhouses in the nine star regions. , This is another Chaos Realm late stage powerhouse on the Phoenix Star Territory and also a master at holding the Nine Domains auction.

After hearing the words of the emperor of Huo Dao, Huang Daifei smiled and said nothing, but his smile had already shown everything.

The three Ye Yun waited quietly, and after a period of time passed, three more chaotic Realm late stage choices came here.

The three realm late stage powerhouses are the god emperor Shuijin, the god emperor Tsuchiya, and there is another person whose name is the god emperor Muluo.

In addition, Ye Yun has a total of 6 people, and except for Ye Yun, the remaining 5 people are all strong in the Chaos Realm late stage, and Ye Yun faintly feels that Huang Daifei seems to be more than just the Chaos Realm late stage. The strong is so simple, there seems to be a small universe hidden in Huang Daifei’s body, if it breaks out, I am afraid he can break out, a higher Realm strength.

When God Emperor Tuwu and God Emperor Muluo arrived, Huang Daifei stood up and said, “Okay, everyone is here, now we can go to the endless secluded road.”

Although there are only 6 people, except for Ye Yun, each of these 6 people are strong in the chaos Realm late stage. Huang Daifei can invite so many chaotic late stage corners, Ye Yun also has a slight heart in his heart. Unexpectedly, because he had also heard that, in the nine star regions, there are only less than 10 strong people in the Chaos Realm late stage.

And Huang Daifei immediately invited 4 chaotic Realm late stage powerhouses, which accounted for almost half of the chaotic Realm late stage powerhouses in the nine star regions.

Although these late stage powerhouses in the chaotic world have their own goals, after following Huang Daifei into the endless path, they will definitely encounter some dangers, and after they leave the own power, their power may be There will also be some threats.

After all, some of their chaotic Realm late stage powerhouses have left the nine star regions, and their hostile powers and the chaotic Realm late stage powerhouses may still be on the nine star regions. After they leave, the power they are in. No one can tell what will happen.

“This time Huang Daifei can do what you said before. 90% of the treasures obtained in the endless path will be given to us.”

At this time, the Emperor Shuijin stood up and said that Ye Yun was also slightly surprised in his heart. He did not expect that there would be such an agreement.

Huang Daifei nodded, and then looked at Ye Yun: “Don’t worry, Ye Yun, if you find any treasure in the endless path, it will definitely be distributed to you.”

Ye Yun didn’t care much, because he also had his own mind in the endless path.

In fact, as early as Huang Daifei told Ye Yun about the endless path, Ye Yun had already obtained a mission, which was to let Ye Yun enter the endless path.

“The name of the mission, exploring the secrets of the endless path.”

And the reward for the task is 10 ten million multiplication ska, and there are many other treasures, large and small.

With so many rewards, Ye Yun has just decided to go to the endless path after hearing the news of the endless path, otherwise he would not go to the Tianjin library to check the information carefully before.

You must know that when he completed the task before, the maximum reward was only one ten million multiplier card, and this time he directly rewarded 10 ten million multiplier cards. Just this is enough for him to break through the endless path. NS.

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