Chapter 418: Go to Cangwu God Realm

Pangu kept thinking in his heart, but after some time passed, Pangu also raised his head: “Ye Yun, I believe in my heart, I still want to go to a greater and powerful sky, so I will follow You go to the Cangwu God Realm together.”

“Pangu, you have to think clearly. The danger in the Cangwu God Realm is extremely dangerous. Even I cannot guarantee the safety of my own. After you go, I am afraid it will be even more dangerous. You are sure to go to the Cangwu God Realm. ?”

This time Pangu did not hesitate too much: “Ye Yun, I must go to the Cangwu God Realm.”

Hearing Pangu’s words, Ye Yun nodded and left here. Then he asked some people close to him and told them that he might go to the Cangwu God Realm.

These people were extremely surprised when they learned about it, but I also knew something in my heart. After all, Ye Yun has been constantly traveling to a larger world, from the prehistoric continent to the scarlet heavens, and then to the nine stars. Domain, now are you going from the nine star domains to the Cangwu God Realm again?

“Ye Yun, this is your own decision, and we will not stop you. This is your life. Although our life is different from yours, we are also very yearning for your life. We cannot go to Cangwu like you. In the God Realm, we also understand and support you incomparably when you go to the Cangwu God Realm, and hope that one day your strength will be stronger.”

Nuwa and others expressed such blessings to Ye Yun, and Ye Yun nodded.

So a few months later, Ye Yun summoned Pangu and Huang Daifei, and Ye Yun, Huang Daifei, and Pangu were about to keep the news in the nine star regions, and it seemed like a storm. Knowing where it began to spread, so on the day when Ye Yun took Huang Daifei and Pangu left the nine star regions, countless people came to see them off.

Ye Yun and Huang Daifei are legends in the nine star regions, especially Ye Yun. In recent years, many people have gradually believed that Ye Yun may really be capable of defeating Huang Daifei.

In fact, for countless years, a Demonic Beasts came out of the nine star regions. This Demonic Beasts is the Demonic Beasts in the void. He has 8 compound eyes and 33 tentacles in total, which looks extremely impressive. Fear, it looks like a scorpion.

And the strength of that Demonic Beasts was probably Realm, the pinnacle of Chaos. That day, even many people in the Nine Star Regions thought it was the end of the Nine Star Regions. At that time, Ye Yun stood up, and just shot that one. Demonic Beasts chopped.

The trace of Ye Yun’s knife is still engraved in the void outside the nine star regions, and it will not dissipate for a long time.

Ye Yun, Huang Daifei, and Pangu want to leave the nine star regions. Naturally, a few people will not hesitate to make a lot of backhands to ensure that after they leave the nine star regions, there will be nothing to worry about them. happen.

Ye Yun left two things in the nine star regions, the same as three jade pendants, and each of these three jade pendants could burst out, attacking him after a million-fold increase.

He gave these three jade pendants to the three people he believed most, one of which was Wu Luo Tian Lao.

Another is Nuwa, and the other is a teacher.

Both Nuwa and the teacher’s character Ye Yun are trustworthy, and Wuluo Tianlao is also extremely kind. Under normal circumstances, these three people would not use this jade pendant.

Ye Yun also left a clone in the secret, and now the strength of the clone left by Ye Yun is also extremely strong, and his clone also holds several million multiplication cards in his hands. If it is displayed, it is older than five Luo Tian. Their attack power to activate the jade pendant is much stronger.

It’s just that this clone was hidden secretly by him, and no one knew it, unless something really happened that could threaten the Nine Star Regions, his clone would stand up.

After doing this, Ye Yun was relieved, and at this time he also walked towards the endless path with Huang Daifei and Pangu.

Pangu was very surprised, because it was the first time he came to the endless path, and because of the leadership of Ye Yun and Huang Daifei, the few people encountered no danger in the endless path.

Ye Yun knew in his heart that there might be a lot of secrets hidden in the endless path, and Ye Yun felt that if he was stronger, he would once again come to the endless path to explore. The endless path might not only It’s just as simple as you and others imagine.

After walking through the endless secluded road, Ye Yun and the others came to the burial world divine cave.

Just as he walked through the three floors of the Burial World God Cave, it’s just that when Ye Yun walked through the three floors of the Burial World God Cave before, every floor was dangerous for him, but now, Ye Yun is enough to counter all the dangers.

There are many natural storms on the second floor of the Burial World God Cave. There are endless lightning flashes in the sky, falling down like raindrops.

When Ye Yun came here again with Huang Daifei and Pangu, Ye Yun just raised his hand gently, his palm became as large as the sky, and the lightning fell in Ye Yun’s palm. It did nothing to hurt Ye Yun’s palm.

Then they came to the third floor of the Burial World God Cave. The natural storms on the second floor of the Burial World God Cave have already shocked Pangu’s heart, and now he really understands Ye Yun’s Cultivation. Base Realm, as well as strength and morality, have reached what level.

He felt that Ye Yun was even a little woodfall god emperor, but he also had an inexplicable feeling in his heart. This is the Ye Yun he is familiar with, the omnipotent and unstoppable Ye Yun.

The natural storm in the second layer was just a small amount of thunder and lightning, which made Pangu feel the aura that could destroy him, but Ye Yun just stretched out his hand to resist countless lightnings like that, and accompanied it. Those lightning, there are endless storms and other natural dangers.

And the tomb of the gods in the third floor also filled Pangu’s heart with shock. Each of these thousands of eyes was full of tragic and ancient atmosphere, and it seemed that there were ancient war hymns lingering around.

The surrounding atmosphere even made Pangu feel in a trance that he was caught in a terrifying battle of endless distant ships.

Now Ye Yun also has some speculations about the origin of the tomb of the gods. In his heart, this tomb of the gods is likely to be related to the endless distance in the Cangwu God Realm, and the pre-epoch battle that fought the Cangwu God Realm. , It was because of that battle that the nine star regions separated for this reason and drifted here.

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