Chapter 431: Exposure

This circular blade light swept all around for a while, covering all the four masters of Realm, and the three masters of Realm, the attack on Ye Yun at first Very disdainful, and Ye Yun’s attack instantly increased by 100,000 times.

Although Ye Yun’s Cultivation Base is still the primary pinnacle of Chaos, he has been in the Cangwu God Realm for some time. The rules in the Cangwu God Realm are more perfect. Therefore, although Ye Yun’s Cultivation Base Realm does not have Ascension, But Ye Yun’s strength was a lot more Ascension, so when he was cut out with this knife, it was not at all that the four masters of Realm Realm could resist, let alone Ye Yun also increased his own attack power by 100,000 times.

These four realm masters were cut across their heads by Ye Yun’s knife, and then their heads rolled down from their necks, and their eyes were still unbelievable. .

Although Ye Yun’s sword light only cut off their heads, they even killed all the spirits in their bodies in an instant. At this time, they were completely dead, and their own eyes were wide open, and they looked like they couldn’t be stunned.

At this moment, Cheng Sihai was also completely cold. Only then did he understand what kind of opponent Ye Yun he had encountered. He was not able to provoke him at all. Ye Yun’s strength was not what he could imagine. , The light of the sword that Ye Yun had just displayed made him extremely cold.

At this moment, there was a flash of light flashing in his heart. He felt that the sword light displayed by Ye Yun was so familiar, and Ye Yun’s breath was so familiar. At this moment, he suddenly thought of something: “You, you It’s Ye Yun.”

His complexion was pale and unbelievable. At this time, he finally recognized Ye Yun. When he thought of Ye Yun standing in front of him, his expression was even more drowsy, because he knew that Ye Yun was wanted by the whole country. Ye Yun, since he has been recognized, he thinks he is not even better than Ye Yun, and he will be let go. This time he may definitely die.

After feeling that Ye Yun would not let him go, Cheng Sihai immediately got up in pain and wanted to fly towards the outside of Dianxianpu. At this moment, Ye Yun lifted up his own Jiuxiao Jade Knife, and also towards Cheng Sihai. After slashing the past, this sword has also undergone a 100,000-fold increase. Cheng Sihai has just flew into the air, and he seems to be about to fly out of Dianxianpu. There is some light of hope in his eyes, but the light of Ye Yun’s sword immediately follows. He had already been cut behind his back, and then Cheng Sihai fell down.

His body was lying on the ground, it was already cold, and at this time there were some other people in the Dianxianpu. These people had witnessed Ye Yun beheading Cheng Sihai, but Ye Yun felt that there was nothing wrong with these people. , So he just stretched out his own hands, wiped out the memories of these people, and left this shop.

After doing this, Ye Yun quickly flew toward the outside of Fangjing Divine City, because he knew in his heart that he had caused such a thing this time, and he left his own breath there.

The aura of own is really too strong there. It is not impossible if you want me to come out, but it will take some time, and if you don’t wipe out his breath, you will eventually be discovered, so Ye Yun has to leave Fang quickly. In the Realm God City, staying in the Fang Realm God City is no longer realistic.

Although the identity of the owner has probably been exposed this time, Ye Yun feels that he is not without gain this time. Ye Yun opens his palm, and some Celestial Immortals coins are placed in Ye Yun’s palm. Ye There is a pile of Celestial Immortals coins in Yun’s palm, and this pile of Celestial Immortals coins has as many as 10,000.

And at this time, there were more Celestial Immortals coins in Ye Yun’s storage space. Although everyone in Dianxianpu was not killed, all the properties in Dianxianpu were turned around by Ye Yun.

Dianxianpu originally traded Celestial Immortals coins, so the Celestial Immortals coins in Dianxianpu are extremely rich. Even the strong people at the pinnacle of Beginning God will be jealous after seeing them. At this time, these Celestial Immortals coins All belong to Ye Yun.

Ye Yun holding these Celestial Immortals coins in his hand quickly flew out of the city of Fangjing, and after some time passed, some realm masters appeared around Dianxianpu, and there was even a Realm late stage. The master of Fangjing, because Fangjing Divine City is the most important city in the Tidi Kingdom, in Fangjing Divine City, there is naturally a master with Realm, the peak of the Beginning God, and the master of Realm, the peak of the refugees, is the city owner of Fangjing Divine City.

The name of the strong man who came to the late stage of the first god was called Hayabusa. He was the right and left hand of the city lord in the Fangjing God City. After checking the residual aura in the Dianxianpu, his complexion became serious: ” I know who killed Cheng Sihai this time.”

After hearing what Hayabusa said, Hayabusa’s subordinates also asked: “Master Hayabusa, who is it that killed Cheng Sihai? He was so bold and dared to be in Fangjing. Even if he did such a thing in the city of God, he couldn’t fly out even if he had wings in the country of Tidi.”

After hearing the words of his subordinates, Hayabusa also slowly said: “He is Ye Yun who has been wanted by our country for so long. I didn’t expect that he would have been in the Fangjing Divine City, and this time he also killed Fang. The owner of Dianxianpu in Jingshen City.”

“But this time he has exposed his own figure, it will be even more difficult if he wants to hide it again, and this time, he also left something.”

Hayabusa opened his mouth, and then he bent down and pinched a strip of cloth in his palm. This cloth strip was a strip of cloth on Ye Yun’s body. From Hayabusa’s point of view, as long as he had this The cloth strip can be used to lock Ye Yun’s range based on this strip, and Ye Yun can be found at that time.

After Ye Yun left the Fangjing Divine City, he hid in the surrounding jungle. The name of this jungle was Haojia Woodland.

After Ye Yun hid in the Haojia Woodland, some time in the past, he also tried to inquire about what happened in the Fangjing God City. After learning that he had left a piece of clothing in the Fangjing God City, Ye Yun felt in his heart Mian also has a slight vigilance.

He knew in his heart that if he kept evading, it would be of no use, because he knew in his heart that some of the more powerful masters could find him even with the pieces of clothes that fell, so Ye Yun’s Very vigilant in my heart.

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