Chapter 451: Take the lead

Immediately after Ye Yun saw the soldiers around him suddenly rushed out of the own room, and then rushed out, they quickly came to the wall of the city, and then immediately took up their own weapons. Some even took their own weapons. There is no Realm, but he also pulled up his own weapons and began to guard against it.

In the Fenglianguan, as long as the horn is blown, it is when the battle is coming. When that time, no matter what important things you have, you must immediately take up your weapons, come to the place where you should be, and be yourself. What should be done is to protect the own kingdom of God, and protect the entire Tidi kingdom.

When I saw this scene, Ye Yun came to the Fenglianguan Pass for the first time. He was also shocked. He immediately cried out. Pangu and Huang Daifei went around the city wall together, followed by everyone. I saw that the war had started, and the endless flames of war were blooming in the distance of Fenglianguan.

There are many creatures that look like locusts, and they are rushing towards Fenglianguan. There are some masters beside those locust creatures, and even some Demonic Beasts are heating up.

“God Ye Yun, I guess you don’t know the names of those locusts are monsters.”

“These monsters are Demonic Beasts specially used for warfare cultivated in the Qayu country. They are extremely terrifying. It seems that the army that comes this time should be the Qayu country, and the Qayu country wants to be at night. It’s time to carry out a sneak attack on us, but they think too much.”

Sun Yiao said that he also belongs to Ye Yun’s team and appointed a team leader among Ye Yun’s more than 1,000 subordinates.

After hearing Sun Yiao’s words, Ye Yun nodded slightly. At this time, he squinted his eyes slightly to watch the battles that took place in the distance. The battles in this world seem to have nothing to do with Ye Yun, they are constantly in the distance. Everywhere began to erupt, people were constantly dying, and Demonic Beasts were constantly dying, and the fighting was fierce, but it seemed that there was no one who was afraid.

And Sun Yiao couldn’t wait to pick up his own weapon at this time, and the subordinates of the spontaneous organization Ye Yun rushed towards the battlefield.

“Sun Yiao, you must protect your own life and safety.”

Ye Yun said to Sun Yiao, because he has had some good feelings towards Sun Yiao recently, and Sun Yiao waved his hand after hearing Ye Yun’s words: “What is our safety, God National security is the most important.”

Sun Yiao led more than 500 Ye Yun’s men and rushed towards the battlefield. After some time passed, Ye Yun’s eyes trembled slightly, because he saw that there were already a few of those 500 men. Ten died, but during the war, it was extremely tasteful, but the person I had seen just now died suddenly in front of the owner, which made Ye Yun feel a little heavy in his heart.

“Huang Daifei, Pangu, let’s go too!”

Ye Yun spoke. At this time, Huang Daifei and Pangu rushed towards the battlefield. The masters in the past, they all like to ride Demonic Beasts to fight, so their general combat power is, some They crushed these soldiers from the country.

Because these soldiers of the hoofing country are fighting alone, and when they are fighting, because these fighters of the warrior country generally ride some extremely powerful Demonic Beasts, they have a lot of strength, and these Demonic Beasts ‘S body is extremely powerful, and some of their speeds are also extremely fast, so that these fighters of the hoofing kingdom are dispelled by them before they have formed any formations, and the losses will naturally be great.

It was originally the warriors who attacked the warriors of the country. When Ye Yun rushed into it, the battle situation changed a little. Ye Yun was like a sharp knife, deeply Inserted into the camp of the hodi warriors, his attacks opened and closed, but no one could stop him, and no one could even hurt Ye Yun a little bit.

When he first entered the battlefield, Ye Yun did not show it. The increase was because he wanted to use his own strength to experience the atmosphere on the real battlefield, and Ye Yun did feel it, and there was always around him. People die, but most of them are enemies.

But there were a few times that Ye Yun almost encountered some danger, so Ye Yun finally started the increase, but at the beginning, Ye Yun Zhi increased by a hundredfold.

Although Ye Yun only increased his strength by a hundredfold, it was like a dazzling star on the battlefield, which attracted the attention of some of the realm late stage powerhouses, and then in the Fayu country camp. A master of Realm, the late stage, rushed towards Ye Yun: “My name is Ye Yun, kid, remember my name, today I will take your life.”

A strong late stage man named Ye Yun attacked towards Ye Yun. He held a copper bar in the water. The gods of this rattan were like having own life, entwined towards Ye Yun. After coming over, Ye Yun knew in his heart that as long as he was entangled by this cane, he might also encounter some crisis.

But I want to pester myself, dreaming!

Ye Yun just gently waved his own Jiuxiao Jasper Knife, and then increased it by a thousand times. The rattan was cut by Ye Yun, and the master named Yeye was even more panicked in his heart. At this moment, he Ye Yun felt a murderous aura that was stronger than himself. Ye Yun has indeed never been on such a battlefield, but he has killed no fewer people than the Yakuza, and even more than these gods. .

But there is another difference between Ye Yun and them, that is, most of the people mentioned by Ye Yun are not good people.

Ye Yun’s knife swept across the neck of Ye Yun easily, and then the head of Ye Yun fell off. When he fell, he still couldn’t think about it. Ye Yun was clearly a realm of the middle stage of Chaos. , Why is his strength so strong.

At this time, Ye Yun had already increased his own strength by senior, and he was even more dazzling in this battle. At this time, after seeing Ye Yun beheading the Yeyalist, there was a member from the camp of the Falun country. The strong man at the pinnacle of Shishen came over, and he wanted to get rid of Ye Yun.

Regardless of whether it is in these gods or in the Fenglianguan, in addition to the gods, there are the major gods, such as the four gods in the Tidi Kingdom Fenglianguan, Jiaji Jiang Taiyi, Huang Huan, All Shan Cang books are Cultivation Base of half-step creation.

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