Chapter 459: Lost in the Mist

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, Jian Jianjun Xihua shook their heads.

At this moment Ye Yun felt a strange feeling in his heart. After looking around for a while with Jian Jianjun Xihua 㢧, he found that there were some messy traces in a place not far from them, and there were still signs on the ground. After Ye Yun carefully searched for some blood stains, he picked up a piece of flesh and blood the size of a sesame cap.

“Fang Cun is probably already killed.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, Jian Jianjun Xihua’s expression changed. The reason why Ye Yun was able to make such a judgment was that the flesh and blood he picked up was really the flesh and blood on his body, and it was Fang Fang. Keep the flesh and blood on the heart.

It seemed that Fang Cun had already encountered danger before he knew it. Ye Yun felt a little surprised in his heart that they unexpectedly encountered danger in this mist, if only they encountered danger. , He would not be so surprised in his heart.

Moreover, Ye Yun still has a feeling in his heart. In the mist, I am afraid it will make them feel disoriented. Otherwise, according to the truth, although the speed of himself and others are slow, they should be close to the meteorite outside the sky, but they are now I didn’t even see the shadow of the meteorite coming to the sky.

Ye Yun stretched out his hands and held a rope in his hands: “Wrap this rope around you and connect it with me, so that it won’t be lost easily.”

Join Jianjun Xihua also had some panic in his heart. After hearing Ye Yun’s words, they immediately picked up the rope in Ye Yun’s hand, and then wrapped the rope around their bodies.

When the rope was wrapped around their bodies, there was also a sense of security in their hearts. After doing this, Ye Yun stepped on the spot again and thought about it.

“Since this place will disorient us, but it can’t reverse the reality of matter, then we will use this place to walk around the meteorite outside the sky.”

Ye Yun spoke, and then grabbed one end of the rope tightly and stretched the rope straight. In this way, even if they lose their sense of direction in this place, the rope keeps pointing straight at a place, how can it be inexplicable? Become crooked, after all, this rope is manipulated in the owner’s hand.

According to this method, after they continued to walk for a while, they finally became a little surprised, because in their vision a meteorite from outside the sky appeared dimly.

And at this moment, a hazy shadow suddenly appeared in the surrounding fog, Ye Yun’s heart became vigilant, and for an instant there was a Jiuxiao Jade Knife in his hand, and he wanted to face this haziness. ‘S shadow attacked, because it was very weird in my mist, how could it be possible for someone to come out inexplicably now.

Just when Ye Yun was about to take a shot, the Jian Jianjun Xihua next to him spoke: “Fang Cun, why are you here?”

Fang Cun! ?

Ye Yun was surprised. After all, Fang Cun was determined to be dead by him before. How could it be possible to come out now, and Jianjun Xihua also noticed an abnormality and closed his own mouth.

Fang Cun did come out at this time, Ye Yun also saw Fang Cun’s face, but what made him feel alarmed was that Fang Cun’s face was pale and colorless, and his eyes seemed to have some blood flowing down. There are many tentacles waving behind his body.

Before the blue ginseng was the Cultivation Base of the Major General, but at this moment, his Cultivation Base strength has not been reduced, but it seems ascending a little bit.

Suddenly Fang Cun attacked Ye Yun, even at a fast speed, so that the Jianjun Xihua 㢧 did not react.

“God will be careful.”

Join Jianjun came and shouted loudly, but Ye Yun Ye Yun picked up and tried the Jiuxiao Jade Knife in his hand, and slashed it fiercely.

Ten million times increase.

A knife passed, even though Fang Cun was very powerful, and there were a lot of strange tentacles dancing behind him, but Ye Yun’s Nine Heavens Jasper Sword hit Fang Cun’s body in an instant, and fought directly from Fang Cun’s head, the soles of his feet. All of a sudden, the deposit was divided into two halves.

When Fang Cun died, Ye Yun seemed to see a look of relief drifting past his hollow, godless eyes.

Fang Cun’s corpse fell to the ground, and Ye Yun walked over and found that the boy’s heart was empty, and Fang Cun’s heart ran out of many tentacles like snakes, burrowing into the ground and disappearing in an instant.

“I am afraid that Fang Cun was controlled by these tentacles before.”

“And these tentacles must have something to do with that outer meteorite.”

Ye Yun began to join Jian Junlan and Lanshan had a very good relationship. They confirmed Fang Cun’s Death at this time, and Fang Cun’s body was in front of them, and there was some grief in his heart. They saw Fang Cun before. , I thought Fang was alive in my heart, but didn’t expect it to be such a result in the end.

“God Ye Yun, no matter what secrets are hidden in the meteorite, we must avenge Fang Cun!”

Join Jianjun Xihua 㢧 clenched his own fist, looked at Ye Yun and said firmly, an angry flame was surging in his eyes, and there seemed to be magma erupting in his heart.

Ye Yun nodded. He turned his head and saw a huge and incomparable meteorite in the mist. The size of this meteorite is thousands of meters tall, and it exudes an inexplicable force, as if there is dongdong in it. The sound of Dong came over, making Ye Yun’s heart beat along with it.

And Ye Yun felt that after they came here, the surrounding Spiritual Qi also seemed to be surging along this outer meteorite.

The sound of breathing is often heard in meteorites outside the sky.

“Okay, don’t be sad, stand up, and even now we will go around this outer meteorite to see what weirdness is inside this outer meteorite.”

Ye Yun spoke, joining Jianjun Xihua 㢧 also stood up and stood behind Ye Yun, and then the three of them walked towards the meteorite outside the sky. After a while, they had already occupied the surroundings of the meteorite outside the sky.

At this moment, Ye Yun is even more sure in his heart that there are indeed weird and monsters in this outer meteorite, because the sound of breathing and heart beating is constantly coming from this outer meteorite, just like a huge monster outside this heaven. Hidden inside the meteorite.

After Ye Yun picked up the Jiuxiao Jade Knife in his hand and multiplied it by a million, he slashed fiercely on the meteorite outside the sky, making him feel that something amazing had happened in his heart. After he slashed on the meteorite outside the sky. , Unexpectedly did not cause any damage to this outer meteorite.

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