Chapter 464: Dive into the Locked God Prison

The two guards walked to the side, and there seemed to be two other guards flying over in the distance, to alternate with these two guards.

Ye Yun’s eyes lit up slightly: “It’s now!”

When these guards alternated, there was a clear gap time. During this gap time, Ye Yun changed his own body shape. His body shape changed to the appearance of a guard in the Locked God Prison. The guard had left the Locked God Prison earlier.

In a moment, Ye Yun used his own space ability to come to the door of the Locking God Prison, and then he was about to walk into the Locking God Prison. There was a faint light film at the door of the Locking God Prison, but before, Ye Yun already knew how to crack this light film.

Ye Yun took out a treasure, this treasure can help him break the barrier and detection of the light film instantly, and there is some round and transparent luster flowing on the surface of Ye Yun, so that Ye Yun cannot be detected by this light. arrive.

In just an instant, Ye Yun had successfully entered this light film, and when Ye Yun had just entered the Locking God Prison and disappeared at the door of the Locking God Prison, the alternation of several guards had also been successfully completed.

Once again, two guards stood at the door of the Locked God Prison, but they had some doubts in their hearts.

“Just now you didn’t see the door of the Locked God Prison, it seems that there is a Daoist shadow flashing by.”

Another guard replied: “You think too much, how terrifying this place is. Only people want to leave here, but no one wants to enter here, because ordinary people who enter here never Being able to come out and, with nephritis like our defense in this place, if someone is at this door, how could it not be discovered by us.”

The guard who had spoken before nodded, feeling that his companion was right, and then the two of them stood around and started guarding according to the usual practice. How would they know that in the locked god prison? Just that moment, Ye Yun indeed entered the locked god prison.

After Ye Yun entered the Locking God Prison, he also frowned slightly, because he felt some resentment flowing in the Locking God Prison, and it was very gloomy in the Locking God Prison, and the surroundings were very cold. Even though the own Cultivation Base is not low, some goose bumps appeared on the body after entering inside.

“No wonder the previous guards wore black clothes. It seems that those black clothes can help them resist the cold atmosphere in the Locked God Prison.”

Ye Yun thought in his heart that he would bet that apart from himself, no one in the Tidi Kingdom would like to come to this place, not to mention the extremely difficult difficulties of coming to the Locking God Prison, and going out of the Locking God Prison. After that, it will be extremely difficult, and if ordinary people don’t wear guard clothes, they will be frozen to death after a short time in the Locked God Prison.

“This Locked God Prison must have died. There are too many people who have been wronged, otherwise it is impossible to have such a big grievance in it.”

Ye Yun thought in his heart, because when he opened the eyes of the sky, he saw some heroic souls flowing in the lock god prison, presumably they died with grievances, so they were trapped in the lock god prison after death, and they died. After being unable to reincarnate, it can be extremely miserable.

Ye Yun didn’t know where Dao Buzi was in the Locking God Prison. Fortunately, although there were some guards in the Locking God Prison, the strength of these guards was not very happy, and Ye Yun’s secretive ability was extremely powerful. It was after being encountered by some guards occasionally, because Ye Yun also pretended to be a guard, so he could not be found. ”

But Ye Yun knew that if Emperor Hanpa naturally didn’t want to communicate with Dao Buzi, Dao Buzi was also very important to him. He must be locked in a deep place inside the Locked God Prison, but Ye Yun There was some worry in my heart, fearing that Dao Buzi would have died when he found Dao Buzi. After all, the place of Locking God Prison was not something that humans could stay in.

Ye Yun wandered in the Locking God Prison for a while, but his brows were all overwhelmed, because he felt that the Locking God Prison was too big, and there were countless prisoners in it. Although he used money to buy some before. Intelligence, I know what Dao Buzi looks like, but it is extremely difficult to find Dao Buzi.

What’s more, after more than a thousand years, Dao Buzi’s appearance may have undergone tremendous changes.

However, Ye Yun always walked deeper into the Locking God Prison. After walking for a while, Ye Yun found that there was a different cell in the depths of the Locking God Prison.

Dandan is this cell. There are more than a dozen Restrictions around, and there are several Restrictions, each of which is extremely powerful.

At this time, Ye Yun also discovered that there were two guards beside the cell. These two guards stood motionless in this place, looking like statues.

Ye Yun moved slightly in his heart, and then walked towards the front, and the guard who stood beside this cell before saw a strange look on his face when he saw Ye Yun coming.

“Why are you here in Changsha Dang?”

One of the guards asked Ye Yun. It seems that they also knew the guard that Ye Yun had disguised. Ye Yun’s current appearance is exactly what the Changsha Dang guard looks like, and the Changsha Dang guard left before. In the locked god prison.

“I left too hastily. After I left Jiang Yu, I realized that I still had one thing left to do, so I went back to the Locked God Prison again.”

After Ye Yun heard Ye Yun’s words, the face of one of the guards relaxed slightly, but at this time the face of the other guard suddenly changed: “You fart, you are not Changsha Dang at all! !”

The words of this guard raised the heart of another guard in an instant, and Ye Yun’s expression became extremely cold. At this moment, a small sword appeared in his hand. This small sword is the Jiuxiao Jade Sword. Changed into.

Ye Yun was holding a small sword and using his space ability to reach the two guards in an instant, then instantly pierced the heart of one of the guards with a small sword, turned around, and killed the other with a single sword. guard.

“Where did I lie? What I have to do when I come to the Locked God Prison this time is to take your dog’s life.”

With their unbelievable eyes, Ye Yun said softly, and the two guards died instantly. When Ye Yun’s Nine Heavens Jasper Blade was inserted into their hearts, there was a surging energy that cut them off. All vitality, even Hun and Po were destroyed by Ye Yun.

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