The 471st chapter four god-tier will choose

“Ye Yun, I once thought about having a day, but I didn’t expect this day to come so quickly.”

Jiaji stood on the Fenglianguan and sighed. He looked at the distant Tidi Kingdom. He knew that after a long time, Ye Yun might be in the Fenglianguan. Then the four gods would be there. Shot.

“What Jia Ji really wants to say to Ye Yun, you must know that he was one of us before, not to mention that he has made a lot of contributions to Fenglianguan to the entire Tidi country.”

Jiang Taiyi came to Ye Yun’s side and looked at Jiaji and said, Huang Huan and Shan Cangshu were also standing by, and their hearts were full of sadness.

Several people were very entangled in their hearts, and grandpa also turned his head: “What you said is not wrong. Ye Yun is indeed exactly the same as our companion. He is like our best friend. Normally, we were more He was named the fifth god general.”

“And his influence in Fenglianguan is not weaker than that of our vocational high school. This time this order was conveyed by Emperor Hanpa himself. Although I don’t know why Emperor Hanpa conveyed such words, but Hanpa The emperor is the supreme leader of our Tidi country, so we must do our best to do what the emperor Hanpa conveyed.”

Jia Ji’s voice is a bit bitter, so he doesn’t want to shoot against Ye Yun, but this time there is no way, and he knows in his heart that if they really do not shoot against Ye Yun, wait until this incident is over. The emperor will definitely make trouble for them.

Although their strength is extremely high, but if compared with Han Pahuang, it is so bad, not even the slightest.

Han Pahuang is the creation Realm Cultivation Base. Compared with their Cultivation Base, it is much more tyrannical. But for their current Realm, it is just a little stronger, which can be said to be a huge distance.

The four gods know in their hearts that even if they join forces, they are probably not the opponents of the Emperor. If they don’t fight against Ye Yun, then there is only one choice to make, and that is to judge the hoof. Di Guo, they knew in their hearts that they couldn’t do this at all, because there were still relatives and friends in Di Di Guo.

Even if they die in Tidi country, they will die in Tidi country. Naturally, it is impossible to leave Tidi country.

“However, according to the truth, the Emperor Jiajihan could not attack Ye Yun like this for no reason. Maybe there is some hidden feeling in it.”

Huang Huan suddenly spoke. After hearing Huang Huan’s words, Jia Ji nodded: “But what can we do now, we don’t have time to inquire about it. The hidden secrets in it, I believe that we will deal with Ye Yun this time. Ye Yun will definitely feel forgiveness in his heart.”

Everyone is helpless, this time it can only do so.

There is no past, and after all time, the four gods will stand on the wall of Fenglianguan, and they will already see an incomparably terrifying aura emerging from the distant sky.

There is a figure flying incomparably fast in front of him. Even the four god generals are beyond the reach of this flying speed, and these four god generals can see it instantly. The figure flying in the front is Ye Yun.

“It’s Ye Yun! He has come to Fenglianguan!”

Jia Ji spoke, and the other three gods also fought their minds.

Ye Yun’s gaze shrank slightly, because at this time he also saw the four god generals in the Fenglian Pass, the leader of which was Jia Ji.

The eyes of the four gods are very complicated, and Ye Yun also knows what they are thinking.

At this time, I saw the four gods flying up suddenly, and then attacked me towards Ye Yun. Ye Yun had already thought of this scene in his heart, but when this scene really happened, his heart Feeling all the sorrow, these four gods do not even know the true identity of Emperor Hanpa.

How do you know that the real Emperor Hanpa is dead, and that they are destroying the entire Tidi Kingdom by attacking themselves now.

“Although Ye Yun doesn’t know what you have done to ask Emperor Hanpa to issue such an order to us, we, as the gods of the Tidi kingdom, will have to stop it.”

Jia Ji took the shot and came over lonely at Ye Yun, and Ye Yun looked at them with no complexion: “You guys do it, but I want to tell you one thing, that is, if you do it at me, you will definitely regret it. Believe it or not, I still want to tell the fact that the current Hanpa emperor is not the real Hanpa emperor at all.”

Ye Yun’s words echoed in the ears of the four gods, and when the four gods heard the words, they all shocked.

They thought of various reasons, but they didn’t expect Ye Yun to say such words when they met them, and according to their understanding of Ye Yun, Ye Yun would definitely not say such words easily. , And this time, Han Pahuang was too weird about Ye Yun’s shot. At this moment, Jia Ji even believed in Ye Yun a little bit in her heart.

No matter what Ye Yun said, it really made them feel some hesitation. Then Ye Yun quickly flew out of the seal. It is precisely because of the hesitation of these four gods that they connected themselves overnight. Time couldn’t stop it. Seeing Ye Yun had left the Fenglian Pass, Hanba Huang’s heart was full of anger.

Ye Yun just flew out of Fenglianguan, Emperor Hanba was already standing on the wall of Fenglianguan, his god was burning with surging anger.

Turning his head to stare at the four god generals, and the four god generals were also cold for an instant, as if they had fallen into an ice storehouse.

“You rubbish group, what happened just now, you didn’t shoot Ye Yun to stop him. If you stop him for a second, I can keep him and let him last forever. Died in the Tidi Kingdom.”

The great dark god bat voice said coldly, and the four gods also knelt down on the ground after hearing the words of the emperor Hanpa: “Please forgive the emperor Hanpa. Just now it was Ye Yun who deceived the crowd and bewitched them. Our mind, and his speed is so fast that we can’t react to it, so that he can leave the seal in an instant.”

After hearing Jia Ji’s words, the face of the dark god bat became even more ugly. He stared at the four gods closely, and then asked quietly: “What Ye Yun said that made your mind shake? That’s it. What kind of words are it!?”

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