Chapter 481: Reversing the situation

At this time, Ye Yun’s strength became stronger, but the strength of the Great Dark God Bat became a little weak because Ye Yun reversed the sacrificial formation. He also suffered a little internal injury, and Ye At this moment, Yun was holding the Nine Heavens Jasper Knife in his hand, and even attacked the Great Dark God Bat.

Behind Ye Yun, Saduo Emperor and others also followed Ye Yun and attacked. They had excitement in their hearts, because they knew in their hearts that now maybe they could really stop the Great Dark God Bat from completing his sacrifice. Great array.

Even if they can’t kill the Great Dark God Bat now, after some time has passed, there will be masters in the Cangwu God Realm who will come to this place, and the Great Dark God Bat will still be a dead end.

Although the aura of the Great Dark God Bat was lowered a little at this time, his aura was still very strong.

Although I don’t know what kind of method Ye Yun used to reverse this big formation, the procurement center is full of anger, thinking that I can still own Ye Yun and cause some injuries.

“Even if I don’t know what method you used, you transferred this big formation, but as long as I kill you, I believe that this big certificate will return to normal again.”

The big dark bat said, in fact, he was right. As long as he killed Ye Yun, the formation would return to normal, but is it so easy for him to kill Ye Yun? .

Ye Yun smiled coldly: “Ten-million-fold increase!!”

At this moment, he once again displayed a ten-million-fold increase. Before, when he displayed a ten-million-fold increase, he could cause a little injury to the Great Dark God Bat, but before, even if it caused another damage to the Great Dark God Bat. Major injuries have no effect on the Great Dark God Bat, but at this time the Great Dark God Bat does not have the blessings of the sacrificial formation.

And own strength, because of the entry of these Blood Qi, the own strength is also Ascension a lot, after tens of millions of times increase, it is very threatening to the Great Dark God Bat.

Seeing Ye Yun’s sword across the sky slashed towards him, the Great Dark God Bat’s gaze was also a little panicked. From Ye Yun’s sword aura, he also felt some life-and-death crisis.

The big dark god bat dodged to the side, and at the same time raised his own palm. In his palm, there were several balls of light condensed, and each of these balls of light carried the power to destroy the world.

He threw his attack towards Ye Yun, and Ye Yun’s sword aura also fiercely attacked the light balls thrown out of his hand, and then the big dark god bat felt shocked in his heart. Now, the ball of light he attacked was wiped out by Ye Yun’s sword energy in a moment.

And Ye Yun’s sword energy hadn’t decreased much, and he still attacked it.

The big dark bat quickly dodged, and then Ye Yun’s blade aura was even faster, and in just an instant, it had already struck the big dark bat’s body.

The body of the Great Dark God Bat stood on the spot, and then huge wounds appeared on his body.

Blood spurted out, and the injuries on his body were still recovering continuously, but his aura had dropped a lot at this time.

Ye Yun passed by at this time, and the one cut after tens of millions of times had already caused a lot of injuries to him.

“But I don’t seem to be able to stay in this place anymore!”

The Great Dark God Bat thought in his heart, because he realized that he could not kill Ye Yun now, if he didn’t leave this place as soon as possible, maybe after a period of time, the masters from the Cangwu God Realm would come here.

The two huge wings behind the Great Dark God Bat were constantly flapping, and then its figure flashed quickly, unexpectedly wanting to leave this place.

“Leave the green hills, I’m not afraid that there will be no firewood, Ye Yun, I will leave first, and when I am lurking in the Cangwu God Realm and my strength is in Ascension, I will make you look good!”

The big dark god bat said a cruel word, and then quickly flew towards the outside of the hoofing kingdom. Although he followed some injuries on his body, because he was rushing desperately at this time, even some of them were displayed, so The speed at this time is faster than usual.

“If you want to leave, let’s save your life first.”

Ye Yun spoke, and the sacrificial array that was reversed again. At this time, in this sacrificial array, those Blood Qi who were heading towards Ye Yun and the big dark god bat before, after Ye Yun’s reversal again , Even heading towards the hoofing kingdom, the creatures who sacrificed thousands of times.

Many of the blood Qi that escaped from the body of those people who looked extremely weak before has recovered into their bodies, and their bodies have begun to recover quickly. Although they can’t directly return to their original state, they think It won’t be long before it will be back to normal.

After seeing this scene, Ye Yun also felt some gratitude in her heart. If we look at it now, this Tidi country should be saved, but Ye Yun still has some sorrow in her heart, because there is still some sorrow in the Tidi country today. One-fourth of the people have died.

At this time, because Ye Yun once again increased the sacrificial formation of reversal, there was a strong attraction in the sacrificial formation, and went to the big dark god bat. More Blood Qi escaped from his body, and his injuries were more serious.

And the aura on his body is also rapidly withering.

Ten million times increase! !

Ye Yun once again wielded his Nine Heavens Jasper Knife again and displayed several tens of thousands of multiplied sword auras. These sword auras seemed to cover the endless space, blocking all the routes that the big dark god bat wanted to escape. If the Great Dark God Bat flies toward the route he originally wanted to flee, it will only suffer more severe injuries.

“Damn it!”

The heart of the Great Dark God Bat was full of anger. He didn’t expect Ye Yun to be so well-informed. After causing some injuries to him and repairing the whole hoofing kingdom, he still did not let him go.

At this time, the gaze of the big dark god bat also looked outside the hoofing country, and his pupils began to shrink continuously.

At this time, five or six Daoist shadows were flying over from outside the barrier of the Tidi Kingdom, and each of these five or six Daoist shadows turned out to be masters of creation and Realm.

There is even a master of late stage creation among them.

The heart of the Great Dark God Bat became a little desperate. You must know that the Realm of his dream is only the middle stage of creation, and if this time the sacrifice formation goes on perfectly, perhaps his Cultivation Base Realm will also be promoted. At the peak of the late stage of creation, even if these masters come, he will not be afraid.

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