Chapter 496: Reasons for Fei Xian’s Advance

Ye Yun’s heart was also a little surprised. The God Emperor Baitian wanted to tell something so solemnly, this matter was definitely not easy, and Ye Yun became a little curious in his heart.

“What I want to tell you is that in this world, the Realm of creation is not the limit. After the Realm of creation, there is a more powerful Realm. The name of that Realm is Creation Realm.”

“And recently I have found clues about the creation of Realm.”

After saying these words, the God Emperor BAITIEN lifted up and owned Cao Jingjing, looking at the people in the Fei Xian Hui, and everyone’s hearts began to boil constantly. What the God Emperor BAITIIAN said, he unexpectedly discovered what he said. Clues to the creation of Realm.

The creation of Realm, that is the Realm that everyone dreams of in their hearts, and the God Emperor Baitian discovered the clues of this Realm, how can they not feel surprised in their hearts?

If they get this secret, maybe they can really surpass the realm of creation one day, because most of the people present are Realm of creation, except for Ye Yun and others.

At this time, everyone’s eyes were also focused on the God Emperor Baitian, and they wanted to personally worship the God Emperor and continue to tell. The God Emperor did not disappoint them, and then began to continue to talk.

“I found that place called the God-Wandering Realm. The God-Walking Realm was always hidden before, but before he existed, the reason I didn’t tell you about the place of the God-Walking Realm was because it was in the God-Wandering Realm. Only some masters who are close to the Realm of Creation can enter the world of the gods, so the place of the gods of the gods has always been hidden as the most powerful secret in the Cangwu God Realm.”

But recently I feel that hiding this secret is no longer necessary, it is too necessary to hide, so I want to be this time Fei Xian will summon you here, and then tell you about this, and then let you follow me in. Let’s explore the secrets of Realm beyond the realm of the gods. ”

By saying this, the God Emperor Baitian not only relieved everyone’s doubts, but also made everyone’s hearts more excited. They all couldn’t wait to see what kind of place the God-Walking Realm really was.

“Baitian God Emperor, thank you for telling us the place of the God Realm. We are also very curious about the God Realm. After a period of time, can we go and take a look around the God Realm.”

After hearing this person’s words, the God Emperor Baitian nodded and looked at everyone: “I will exchange you in the Flying Fairy Club, naturally I want to take you to the God Realm, if you agree to go to the God Realm. If it’s inside, I can naturally take you to visit the gods and take a look around. If you don’t want to travel inside the gods, then forget it.”

After hearing the words of the God Emperor Baitian, everyone began to become silent. He knew that there was a secret beyond the realm in the realm of the gods, but there might also be a lot of dangers in the realm of the gods, otherwise, worship the gods. It is impossible for the emperor to share all this information with them.

However, after thinking for a while, there are still many people who stand up and decide that they want to swim in the God Realm, because they feel in their hearts that they have experienced countless dangers in the Realm that they have been cultivating to such a high level. What are the dangers in the God Realm?

“Baitian God Emperor, we have decided that we are willing to travel in the God Realm, just as there are some dangers in the God Realm, but what is there? If you dare not, if you dare to risk some risks to fight for opportunities, then what qualifications do we have? Realm, ascending to a higher level of Cultivation Base.”

After hearing these people’s words, the BAITIIAN God Emperor nodded and nodded, obviously very satisfied with their answers, while Ye Yun was also slightly silent standing in the distance. There was actually some suspicion in his heart, because in him It seems that the God Emperor Baitian said easily about traveling in the God Realm, indicating that the danger in the God Realm is likely to exceed their expectations.

After all, BAITIEN’s Cultivation Base Realm is already the pinnacle of creation, and he even felt a stronger aura from BAITIEN’s body, so BAITIEN’s Cultivation Base Realm is not just the pinnacle of creation, maybe he still There are some other hole cards.

Even the God Emperor Baitian couldn’t solve the crisis in the world of wandering gods. If they walked into the world of wandering gods, they might not only get no chance, but also encounter more dangers.

And Ye Yun felt in his heart that even if they got something, it might only be accomplished by the God Emperor Baitian.

But after some thoughts, Ye Yun finally stepped forward and agreed: “Okay, BAITIIAN Divine Emperor, if that is the case, then I also decided to participate in this trip to the God Realm.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, the God Emperor Baitian turned his head and took a deep look at Ye Yun. He also had some impressions of Ye Yun, because he had also heard of Ye Yun before.

The Saduo Emperor who was standing next to him was also a little surprised. In fact, he looked at Ye Yun’s expression before, because of his understanding of Ye Yun, he knew in his heart that Ye Yun was about the world of wandering the gods this time. Ten points of fear, but Ye Yun did not expect Ye Yun to stand up and agree.

“Ye Yun, did you really decide to go to the God Realm? You have to know that there may be many dangers in the God Realm.”

Saduo Emperor walked to Ye Yun’s side, pulled Ye Yun’s body, and spoke to Ye Yun with his own spirit, but after hearing Saduo’s rumors, he nodded and agreed: “Sadou, I will not only go in this time, but you must also go in. Otherwise, I suspect that if you don’t enter the world of the gods, if you want to leave this time, you might encounter BAITIIAN Divine Emperor’s insidious calculation.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, Saduo Emperor’s heart became vigilant for an instant. He didn’t know how Ye Yun came up with such a conclusion, but he knew in his heart that Ye Yun could say this. Words, it proves that there is a great possibility that such things will happen.

If he is really targeted by the God Emperor, then he is almost ten dead and lifeless, so after the final consent, he nodded and agreed again, agreeing to enter the Wandering God Realm with Ye Yun, But he told Ye Yun that after letting Ye Yun go down, he must tell him the complete speculation.

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