Chapter 512: Convergence of Strength

Other powerhouses also responded, and Ye Yun frowned. The God Emperor Baitian did not realize that he had reached the Realm that was half a step away from the creation of the world. If the God Emperor Baitian really had any bad thoughts about them, it must be all here. People who even started can’t deal with the god emperor Baitian.

However, Ye Yun could only quietly agree at this time, and together with everyone, he broke through and returned to the enchantment around the ruins.

“In order to break the barrier of Guixuyuan, the God Emperor Baitian should want to get the opportunity in Guixuyuan. This opportunity may even be related to his promotion to the real creation of Realm.”

Ye Yun thought in his heart.

After all, the BAITIIAN Divine Emperor is now a Realm that created the world in half a step. If he goes further, it will be the Realm of the creation, but the Realm of the creation is bound to be extremely difficult to promote.

The BAITIIAN Divine Emperor has tasted the sweetness of the Creation Realm, so he must have an incomparable yearning for the real Creation Realm. If there is an opportunity for the Creation Realm in Guixuyuan, it does not make people feel very much in their hearts. Unexpectedly, after all, this place is the most wonderful place in the God Realm.

However, Ye Yun looked at the enchantment around the viewer, and he also had some doubts in his heart. If he waits for others to come out together, can he really break the huge enchantment around Guixuyuan?

Because this barrier seems to be too strong, it is much stronger than all the barriers Ye Yun has seen before.

It even exudes an aura that truly belongs to the Realm of Creation, and Ye Yun knows in his heart that this barrier must be the barrier of the Realm of Creation.

“Although this barrier is extremely powerful, if you join hands with me, you will definitely be able to break the barrier of Guixuyuan!”

“After a while, you will follow the Cultivation Technique I gave you, and then gather your strength on my body, so that I can get your strength, and then break the barrier around Guixuyuan in one fell swoop.”

The God Emperor Baitian said this, and the thoughts in everyone’s hearts were obviously guessed by the God Emperor Baitian.

Hearing the words of the God Emperor Baitian, the four-week masters also agreed.

Then, the God Emperor of BAItian distributed a Cultivation Technique to the people for 4 weeks. This Cultivation Technique could connect the power of the people and instill it into the God Emperor of BAItian.

And in this process, many masters came around Guixuyuan, which also made the god emperor Baitian feel even more happy. In fact, even with this Cultivation Technique, he could not fully guarantee that he would return. The enchantment around the Xuyuan was broken.

And after the masters in the Gods of the Gods gradually gathered to this place, the confidence in his heart could not be greatly increased.

“This time, I must be able to break the barrier around Guixuyuan.”

BAITIIAN Divine Emperor thought in his heart that confidence is also sufficient for 10 points.

And the surrounding masters are constantly practicing, worshipping the Cultivation Technique given to them by the God Emperor.

Because the people around are all masters in the creation of Realm, except for Ye Yun.

Everyone is not only strong in strength, but also their talents are not weak, so although this Cultivation Technique has some complexity, everyone has quickly learned it, and the Emperor Baitian asked everyone to stay around Guixuyuan. So, there is no danger around Guixuyuan, and the time for worshiping the god emperor is obviously very sufficient, so after a period of time has passed, everyone has also learned this Cultivation Technique one after another.

“Baitian God Emperor, now we have learned the Cultivation Technique you gave us, and now we can help you to put aside the enchantment around Guixuyuan together.”

After hearing the words of the crowd, the God Emperor Baitian was also very surprised: “Okay, now you will focus on this Cultivation Technique, and then gather your strength on my body.”

Immediately afterwards, everyone began to act according to the words of the God Emperor.

There are more than 500 masters, and the energy in their bodies is constantly flowing and surging. As for the other masters, they have not come around Guixuyuan now. The god emperor Baitian also understood that they might have died in the gods, for The sacrifice of those masters, the God Emperor also has some regrets in his heart.

He didn’t feel sorry for those people, but felt sorry for himself, because if more masters came, he would have a greater chance of breaking through the barriers around the God Realm.

The aura of the people kept surging, and the energy in them began to flow, and then blood-red Blood Qi swelled on everyone’s body, and at this moment everyone also felt some weakness, and then their bodies were ascending. After a series of Blood Qi, rushed towards the God Emperor Baitian.

Ye Yun also has some energy and Blood Qi in his body, rushing towards the God Emperor, but Ye Yun’s energy and Blood Qi are not that much, and even less than the early stage of the surrounding creations. .

However, everyone did not pay attention to Ye Yun in their hearts. First, there are too many people here, and second, because Ye Yun is the only master of Realm, so they don’t have too many demands on Ye Yun. I think Ye Yun, it is reasonable to get so much energy and Blood Qi.

The god emperor Baitian didn’t care too much in his heart. In fact, he felt that own Cultivation Technique would definitely squeeze out everyone’s potential and energy, so in his heart I didn’t think Ye Yun had hidden her privately, otherwise, everyone would not look so sleepy.

However, what he didn’t expect in his heart was that Ye Yun had systematic reasons and had many magical treasures, so he was indeed when this Cultivation Technique seemed to absorb the energy it produced and dedicated it to the God Emperor. He retained 90% of the energy in his body.

Although Ye Yun is an early stage master of Hajime, the energy in his body is not much worse than that of ordinary early stage masters.

Then these energies all gathered into a blood-red mist, rushing towards the god emperor Baitian, the god emperor was standing there, a cloud of blood-red mist enveloped the body of the god emperor, in the place where he stood. , The majestic surging momentum, so that the space has a trace of fluctuations.

Ye Yun has also been watching the red mist around the body of the God Emperor.

This mass of red fog gradually became thinner, which proved that the God Emperor Baitian was indeed absorbing the fog into his body, and the energy flow around him became more turbulent, and his body exuded a greater aura.

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