Chapter 517 Come out safely

At this moment Ye Yun also stretched out his hand and took Dao Ember Flower in his hand with one hand. When he just held Dao Ember Flower in his hand, he felt a message coming from Dao Ember Flower. An extremely gentle and harmonious energy was instilled into his body.

This energy is not only extremely gentle and comfortable, but also contains some lawful power. In addition to the lawful power, this energy seems to have a very high level, which makes Ye Yun feel extremely surprised in his heart.

“Sure enough, choosing to obtain Dao Ember Flower Liquid this time is not a wrong decision.”

Ye Yun thought to himself that after putting Dao Ember Flower in his hand, he immediately put the frog in his own storage space.

After doing all this, Ye Yun looked around for 4 weeks, and felt that there seemed to be nothing worth exploring around him, so he flew outside towards Guixuyuan.

At this moment, it has been several hours since Ye Yun entered the Guixuyuan, so the masters outside also have some anxiety in their hearts at this moment, and they did not hear any voices in the Guixuyuan, and In the field of vision Ye Yun entered, they couldn’t help but see Ye Yun.

“Ye Yun entered the Guixuyuan this time, he won’t die, after all, there are a lot of dangers in the Guixuyuan.”

Someone guessed that after hearing the words of this strong man, although other strong men around did not dare to admit it in their hearts, they also had such thoughts in their hearts.

“What should I do? Who else would go into Guixuyuan to have a look?”

At this time, a powerful late stage creator said so, and other powerful people also frowned. Although they also hope that someone will enter the Guixuyuan to see it, if they change to own words, they will feel it in their hearts. The face definitely disagrees.

After all, as long as they are fools, they know in their hearts that there are many dangers in Guixuyuan, so if they enter Guixuyuan, they are likely to die, and naturally it is impossible to enter Guixuyuan.

But they also know in their hearts that if Ye Yun Zhengdao encounters some dangers in Guixuyuan, if they don’t enter Guixuyuan, then eventually they will stay in the gods, and they will probably die. , So at this time, everyone’s hearts became a little tangled.

After a period of time, some strong people felt that perhaps a few people should really stand up. At this time, they went into Guixuyuan to see what Ye Yun should be like. Finally, they voted out after a lot of voting. Yong Yun, prepare to put Yong Yun into sleep, to find out what happened to Ye Yun.

“Yong Yu, don’t worry, if you encounter any danger in Guixuyuan this time, when we return, we will treat your relatives and friends very well and give them a great reward.”

After hearing what they said, Yong Yun nodded helplessly. To be honest, who didn’t want to live, so of course he didn’t want to enter Guixuyuan in his heart, but he didn’t have any way. If you don’t experience Guixuyuan, I’m afraid that only some masters will attack him now, because they were just selected by him in a fair manner.

“Well, don’t worry, I will enter the experiment now, and then I will explore what happened to Ye Yun in Guixuyuan.”

Yong Yu spoke. Although he said so, he seemed to be slowly rising at this moment, not wanting to enter the Guixu Yuan, and the surrounding masters were also staring at him, giving him some pressure.

Yong Xi gritted his teeth and was about to enter Guixuyuan at all costs. Suddenly, the space around Guixuyuan began to vibrate, and these masters were surprised to find in Guixuyuan. The figure that came out was Ye Yun.

Ye Yun walked out of Guixuyuan, and it was just that his aura seemed stronger.

In fact, when Ye Yun inputs Dao Ember Flower into his storage space, Dao Ember Flower will continuously spread out. Energy is nourishing Ye Yun’s body, so Ye Yun’s strength has also increased. Although it is not particularly obvious, it can also be felt by those on the court.

They felt what kind of change Ye Yun seemed to have, but they couldn’t guess what kind of change happened.

And in their hearts, they were even more amazed at Guixuyuan. After all, Ye Yun had only entered Guixuyuan for a few hours. He seemed to have gained some great benefits in Guixuyuan. .

“Haha, what are you looking at me doing? Do you think I died in Guixuyuan?”

Ye Yun laughed loudly, and the surrounding masters thought this way in their hearts before, but of course they would not admit it like this: “Ye Yun, you came out. This is a great thing. This time, you will take it with you. Let’s leave the wandering god realm now.”

After hearing the words of these powerful people, Ye Yun waited for the two sides, because before, he said that he would take these powerful people out of the realm of the gods, so this time he had to do this.

“Okay, now you are even more behind me, and I will take you out of the mouth of the gods.”

After Ye Yun heard Ye Yun’s words, these powerful men also stood behind Ye Yun, and Ye Yun led them to the distance.

In fact, most of the masters also have some doubts in their hearts, because they feel that even though Ye Yun said that he can take them out of the gods, but whether Ye Yun can do this, in their hearts Some doubts remain.

After all, they are extremely mysterious in the Wandering God Realm, and the vast number of them is the first time to come to the Wandering God Realm. Why does Ye Yun have a way to leave the Wandering God Realm?

As Ye Yun took them away, their hearts became more puzzled, because the place where Ye Yun took them was extremely peaceful and safe to say, no one came here. Place too.

This is an uninhabited area, there is not even a bit of green grass, and even some places are about to become deserts, and there is still a breath of life around.

After walking for a while, everyone’s hearts were even more surprised, because at this time they discovered that there were some graves in four weeks.

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