Chapter 534 Little Bug

After a few days, the two half-step Realm masters also stood up and said this, and began to appease the masters in the Cangwu God Realm.

And the masters in the Cangwu God Realm just now heard the words of these two external fresh robot masters, their hearts were indeed a little better.

“In fact, a long time ago, we were also strong in the Cangwu God Realm. At that time, the Cangwu God Realm was very prosperous, and then who would have thought that after some time of our decadence, the Cangwu God Realm would have already declined. With this appearance, what is even more ridiculous is that I haven’t heard that the lord of the Cangwu God Realm turned out to be just a middle-stage young man of the First God.”

“Hehehe right, his name should be Ye Yun, if he dares to come back, I will hammer him into scum!”

A half-step Realm master said, his name is Ke Wuxin.

After hearing Ke Wuxin’s words, the masters on the Cangwu God Realm were all daring to be angry and not daring to speak, but after seeing their appearance, Ke Wuxin was obviously extremely satisfied in his heart.

“To tell you the last time, Dan Shuangqi, a master of the creation Realm, our master, will also come to the Cangwu God Realm, but his strength is relatively strong, so he wants to break the statue. The scenery of the city is also more difficult, and it will take a while to be able to.”

Ke Wuxin said that recently, they have united these powerful men who came out of the statue to bring the statue of their master Dan Shuangqi into the Feixian Emperor City.

There is a formation in the imperial palace of Feixian Emperor City. The beauty of the world absorbed by this formation allows Dan Shuangqi to get out of the seal of that statue as soon as possible, so this is another reason why they occupy Feixian Emperor City.

As for asking them to govern the Cangwu God Realm, they would not do it at all, and they didn’t have the same ability. Even though their Cultivation Base was extremely powerful, they did not have experience in this area.

Ye Yun didn’t know this. If he knew this, he would be extremely angry.

But when Ye Yun entered Guixuyuan, his heart also beat slightly, feeling that what might have happened in the Cangwu God Realm, but Ye Yun did not know that he was in Cangwu. What exactly happened in the God Realm, so he did not have too much concern, but in his heart he also decided that he was in the Guixu Yuan, this time he would stay a little less time, and then return to Cang. In the Wu God Realm.

Little by little time passed. It has been more than half a month since Ye Yun came to the members. During the time of more than half a month, Ye Yun also encountered some things and encountered some dangers. , I have also obtained some treasures, and each of the treasures in Guixuyuan is extremely precious. Ye Yun feels in his heart that it is an extremely correct decision to come to Guixuyuan this time.

In Guixuyuan, Ye Yun also walked right away. After a period of time, he seemed to have come to a very strange place. There was a green temple in this place, and this green temple was actually floating in Guixuyuan. Among them. .

Ye Yun was also extremely surprised when he saw this green temple.

Soon after, Ye Yun walked into this green temple. When he walked into the green temple, he also learned the name of the green temple. The name of the green temple was called Bo Luo Temple.

After entering the temple of Bora, Ye Yun seemed to find that there seemed to be no treasure in the temple of Bora.

But after walking for a while, Ye Yun found some clues. There seemed to be some books in the temple of Bora, and there were some pictures on the walls of the temple of Bora. These pictures were carved on the walls. , And these pictures look extremely legendary.

Ye Yun stood quietly in front of these walls in the Temple of Bora and looked at them for a while, and then flipped through the books. Then he learned the information recorded in these data. In these data, there were many records. The information of the world is in it, and there is also the information in the Cangwu God Realm.

Ye Yun looked at these again. The pictures on the walls found the pictures on these walls. If you just look at the pictures on these walls, Ye Yun seems to be incomprehensible. Ye Yun opened some books and started to watch them for a while. After that, Ye Yun learned some information, yes, about the information in Guixuyuan.

When he learned the information about Guixuyuan, Ye Yun was also extremely surprised, because he had already understood that there seemed to be an extremely powerful demon seal sealed in Guixuyuan.

“In the Guixuyuan, an extremely powerful book of the Demon King is actually sealed. It says that the strength of the Demon King is about to surpass the Realm that created the world.”

Ye Yun felt shocked in his heart. He did not expect that he would have learned such information. If you know that it is only the creation of Realm now, it has made him feel really incomparable in his heart. He did not expect that this place was sealed with transcendence The master of the creation of Realm, surpassing the creation of Realm, what kind of Realm is that?

However, the above information did not say what Realm that transcended the creation of the world, what kind of Realm is, and Ye Yun learned some other information here.

The information that Ye Yun learned here is the news from the Jie Xian Ting. He had also learned some news about Jie Xian Ting at a time, but when he learned about the Jie Xian Ting at that time, Ye Yun’s heart Mian didn’t believe so much, but at this time, I learned some more specific news.

Judging from the news in the books of the Bo Luo Temple, there was a great battle in the Realm Fairy Garden long ago, and this great battle spread the entire void.

Not only in the fairy court, all the top masters in the void participated, and this battle also caused almost all the top combat power in the entire void to be killed and injured.

And the Demon King was sealed in this place during that battle.

When he learned about the news in the book, Ye Yun was shocked in his heart, and at the same time, he relaxed in his heart. If the masters in Jie Xian Ting still exist, he must look like a man now. Like a small insect under the eyes of a giant, although he has not been able to spot the giant, in the eyes of the giant, his actions are extremely clear.

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