Chapter 537 The Wrath of Return

After Ye Yun absorbed these powers of life and death, the benefits for him were also enormous. Ye Yun also felt extremely information in his heart.

It took some time for Ye Yun to stand up and own his body. At this time, his aura was not only extremely powerful, but also contained an extremely magical power.

This kind of extremely powerful force is naturally the power of life and death, and it can be said to be one of the most powerful forces in the void.

Ye Yun was satisfied at this time. He stood up and walked towards the outside of the cave. When Ye Yun came outside, he walked towards the distance. After a period of time, Ye Yun fainted. About to leave the world of wandering gods.

When I came to the edge of the world of wandering gods, as before, I made a passage out of the world of wandering gods, and then Ye Yun walked out of the world of wandering gods.

In just an instant, Ye Yun had already reached the Cangwu God Realm. When Ye Yun came to the Cangwu God Realm, he had already felt the difference in the Cangwu God Realm in an instant.

Ye Yun has become the master of the Cangwu God Realm for some time recently, and naturally also carries a courageous force in the Cangwu God Realm, and is extremely sensitive to some temperature trends in the Cangwu God Realm.

At this time, he felt that the qi in the Cangwu God Realm seemed to no longer walk towards Feixian Emperor City, but towards other places.

He even felt that there were more masters in the Cangwu God Realm, but these masters seemed to be different from those he was familiar with before.

“If I didn’t guess wrong, something great should have happened in the Cangwu God Realm.”

Ye Yun thought in his heart that after a period of time passed, he saw a god city, and then immediately went to the god city and grabbed a master.

When this master was just caught, there was still a little bit of boredom in his heart, because he had an extremely important thing to do, and then turned his head and found Ye Yun, his face became extremely shocked: “Ye Master Yun, you are back.”

Before this strong man, he did not regard Ye Yun as the master, because he was extremely dissatisfied with Ye Yun in his heart. After defeating a master from the pinnacle, he was convinced of Ye Yun in his heart. After all, Ye Yun’s Cultivation Base Realm only has the Realm of the middle stage of the beginning god, but he can do so many things. It is a true legend.

“Tell me what happened in the Cangwu God Realm in the last period of time.”

Ye Yun asked. This master was obviously also serious with 10 points. Standing in front of Ye Yun, his expression became more serious. Then he began to tell Ye Yun: “Is Ye Yun the master? Want to play, in this period of time when you left the Cangwu God Realm, a lot of things have indeed happened in the Cangwu God Realm. First of all, it means that there have been masters in the Cangwu God Realm, and those masters who have won a lot of them seem to be just statues. But after you left, those statues shattered, and many masters of them came out.”

Hearing what the strong man said, Ye Yun was also extremely surprised sometimes. He didn’t expect so many things to happen in the Cangwu God Realm during this period of time when he left the Cangwu God Realm.

“By the way, the name of the first strong man who came out of the statue is Dan Shuangqi. It seems to be the strong man of Realm, so Ye Yun is the ruler. I suggest you not go to Feixian Emperor City for some time now. Otherwise, Dan Shuangqi knows that you may be in great crisis.”

Then the former told Ye Yun that not only was Dan Shuangqi, but also Ke Wuxin and another strong man who were also masters in the half-step creation of Realm.

After learning about this, Ye Yun was also extremely surprised. He didn’t expect that during the period of time when he left the Cangwu God Realm, so many things would happen in the Cangwu God Realm, even in those inexplicable statues. So many masters came out, and their strength is still so high.

“Damn it, no matter how high their strength is, but they dare to occupy the Feixian Emperor City, and to drive Yong Qi out is to be an enemy of me. If I am an enemy, their fate will be terrible.”

Ye Yun was also very angry when he opened his mouth. Then he left the strong man and quickly rushed towards Feixian Emperor City, because he now has a lot of Ascension strength, and he understands the power of life and death and The Four The power of Divine Beasts, so he was not so afraid of those strong in his heart. After a period of time, Ye Yun had already seen Feixian Emperor City.

By the time Ye Yun walked into the God-Baitian Emperor, the strong men in Feixian Emperor City also knew the news that Ye Yun had returned to the Cangwu God Realm.

They also have some curiosity about Ye Yun in their hearts. They don’t know what Ye Yun looks like. Even though they knew Ye Yun was the ruler of the Cangwu God Realm, they were extremely disdainful of Ye Yun in their hearts. But I also heard about Ye Yun, so I still have some curiosity about Ye Yun.

When Ye Yun approached Feixian Emperor City, suddenly a master flew over next to Feixian Emperor City and grabbed Ye Yun.

Ye Yun was a little surprised. Turning her head, she found that it was Yong Yun.

“What’s wrong, Yong Xi, what are you doing while holding me?”

After Ye Yun heard Ye Yun’s words, Yong Xi also opened his own mouth: “Master Ye Yun, you want to go to Feixian Emperor City, so there are masters of Realm in Feixian Emperor City. And this time you heard the words in Feixian Emperor City, I can understand your feelings, but you are not so rational in doing so, because I think you should hide it now, because Dan Shuangqi has also received it. , When you go to Feixian Emperor City, he must leave your head behind, because he thinks you have defiled the Cangwu God Realm.”

After hearing Yong Xi’s words, Ye Yun also laughed: “Hehe, have I defiled the road of Cangwu God Realm? Then let me go over and see who has defiled Cangwu God Realm.”

Seeing Ye Yun’s obsessiveness, Yong Qi was also anxious, because he is almost completely tied to Ye Yun in the same boat now. If Ye Yun encounters any kind of crisis, he may never be there anymore. For the chance of revenge, he hated Ke Wuxin and Dan Shuangqi in his heart.

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