Chapter 542: Life and death are from the sky

Especially Ke Wuxin was extremely frightened, because he had said a lot of bad things about Ye Yun before. Ye Yun had already killed Dan Shuangqi at this moment, so I’m afraid he will be the next one.

Ye Yun also looked for the owner at this time, and looked at Ke Wuxin and others. Ke Wuxin’s heart was full of fear. At this moment, Ke Wuxin’s body quickly started to shuttle, wanting to leave the Feixian Emperor City. Just when Ke Wuxin did this, Ye Yun hadn’t done anything yet, and Yong Qi and others had already surrounded the past to stop Ke Wuxin.

Ke Wuxin has some despair in his heart. At this time, he also has some regrets in his heart. He regretted that he shouldn’t have said those words against Ye Yun before, but it was already too late. Ye Yun was beheading Dan Shuangqi. Then he walked towards Ke Wuxin.

What kind of resistance Ke Wuxin wants to make, but Ye Yun can check Dan Shuangqi, so the power in his body is indeed very strong now. Ye Yun grabbed Ke Wuxin’s neck all at once, Ke Wuxin was saved, and when Ke Wuxin was saved again, the life and death power in his body also continued to flow into Ke Wuxin’s body, and Ke Wuxin’s face was constantly changing and aging.

“Ke Wuxin, please tell me what you said before.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, Ke Wuxin kept shook his head, saying that the previous thing was indeed his all so that Ye Yun didn’t want adults to ignore the villains, but how could Ye Yun not care in his heart.

At this moment, there is a strong life and death force in Ye Yun’s palm, and Ke Wuxin’s body is constantly getting old, and the whole person looks extremely old. When Ye Yun saw Ke Wuxin look like this, There was also a sense of disgust in my heart.

Ye Yun blocked Ke Wuxin’s Cultivation Base in an instant, and then quickly pushed the life and death force in her body, and Ke Wuxin’s face was constantly changing. Need, although Ke Wuxin had 10 points for Ye Yun. Ye Yun’s hatred, Ye Yun had already blocked his Cultivation Base at this time. He didn’t even have a chance to resist, and could only silently endure Ye Yun’s attack on him.

When my face began to change with the feeling of aging, he still looked like a young man, but after Tianhe passed, he was gray-haired and his vitality was also lost a lot.

“Ke Wuxin, you have only 10 years left in your life.”

Ye Yun opened his own mouth and said to Ke Wuxin. After Ke Wuxin heard Ye Yun’s words, there was still some confusion in his eyes, and Ye Yun continued to remind: “Your life span is only 10 years left. In this 10-year life span, the loneliness and extreme sorrow you will live through will be rejected by everyone and become a real waste.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, a color of fear appeared in Ke Wuxin’s eyes.

And Ye Yun did not tell lies, because at this time he had already turned Ke Wuxin into an extremely old one, which made Ke Wuxin lose his beautiful face and the future, and his Cultivation Base was also absorbed by Ye Yun. Many of them are just less than the Cultivation Base of the early stage of the beginning god.

After seeing the end of Ke Wuxin, the other masters around were also extremely frightened, and immediately many masters began to kneel down and worship: “Ye Yun dominates, Ye Yun dominates our fault, please forgive us, we I was bewitched by Dan Shuangqi and Ke Wuxin before.”

After hearing the words of these powerhouses, Ye Yun glanced at these powerhouses with disdain. He knew in his heart that the reason why these powerhouses would say such a topic was that they wanted to survive.

Ye Yun is also very good, and continues to quarrel about this matter. After seeing dozens of realm masters, after seeing it for a while, his Rubik’s Cube is quite thoughtful. Another half-step Realm master. .

The name of this other master publishing Realm is Qian Gua. Before Qian Gua, he and Ke Wuxin came to the Feixian Emperor City together, trying to forcibly grasp the talents and strengths in Feixian Emperor City. Child, but was caught by Ye Yun earlier and yelled angrily.

“Forgive you, if I forgive you, then who will spare the innocent dead people in the Cangwu God Realm.”

Ye Yun’s gaze became a bit sullen and he said. After hearing Ye Yun’s words, the surrounding masters were also extremely panicked, not knowing what kind of words Ye Yun would say.

Ye Yun stepped forward and waved his own palm. In Ye Yun’s palm, a large shadow surged toward these masters, and these shadows had already penetrated into the bodies of these masters.

Only after a short period of time passed, the Cultivation Base in these masters began to lose. After a short period of time passed, they looked like a mortal.

“You have done a lot of bad things before, so of course I cannot let you go. This time is your destiny, and you only have about half a year left. In this half a year or so, You can truly be a human being.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, the hundreds of masters above late stage also nodded in agreement, and looked at Ye Yun’s gaze with some gratitude.

Ye Yun’s haha ​​was about to raise his own hand and snap his fingers softly, and then all these masters were all scrapped by Ye Yun Cultivation Base.

“Yong Yun dragged them down, then threw them into the desert, life and death depend on the sky.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, Yong Xi nodded, and then walked out, and sent these masters to a mountain around Feixian Emperor City. There were two people around Feixian Emperor City. A desert, and Ye Yun will call the place where these masters should be sent to the Blood and Sweat Desert.

There are a lot of Demonic Beasts in the blood and sweat desert. In addition to Demonic Beasts, there are also a lot of hiding, and Ye Yun once stayed around this snowy mountain, and it feels very good.

Ye Yun can say that he has overcome these at this moment. The strong man who came out of the statue, this result is extremely shocking and unexpected in people’s heart. Before, when Ye Yun came to the Fei Xian Emperor City. , Most people thought that Ye Yun was looking for death, but they didn’t expect the final result to be like this.

After thinking about it for a while, many people finally know in their hearts that Ye Yun can do such a thing because his accumulation is extremely deep, and his accumulation of laws is extremely deep, that’s why he did such a thing. .

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