Chapter 548: Void Island

Ye Yun has made a lot of preparations. Although he has already set up this formation, Ye Yun still has to make a lot of preparations. After all, what kind of things will happen to this formation after he walks in? Ye Yun was not completely certain in his heart.

Then, in the last few days, Ye Yun started testing the formation. After testing for a while, Ye Yun found that the formation he created didn’t seem to have any other problems, and his heart began to change. Stupid, eager to try.

In the recent period, Ye Yun has refined several clones. Although these clones are not comparable to his own strength, their strength is not much worse. Moreover, Ye Yun has left some for the own clone, which can be used to transfer own. Treasures that have increased billions of times in strength are ready to leave.

In this case, whatever happens in the first god Cangwu God Realm, his own clone and Yongxuan can also be solved. After he finishes this, Ye Yun stepped on the formation he set up and prepared to go to the realm. In the court.

“Now I can finally go to Jiexianting. I don’t know what the scene is like in Jiexianting. When I go to the Jiexianting, what will happen?”

Ye Yun also had some curiosity in his heart. When he stepped into the formation he set up, when did the formation first get up, a ladder appeared on the official website of the formation. This ladder looks like a Jie Yun ladder.

When Ye Yun walked into this formation, it was like stepping on this ladder step by step. His body seemed to be constantly imagining and twisting. After a period of time, Ye Yun had disappeared. In the same place, even those who disappeared with it had this formation.

Because this formation of Ye Yun not only allows Ye Yun to go to the realm of the immortal garden, but also allows Ye Yun to return to the Cangwu God Realm in the realm of the immortal garden. It is also extremely convenient, but it can only Use it back and forth, once at a time.

The distance between Jie Xian Ting and the Cangwu God Realm is far greater. I don’t know how many billions of light-years Jie Xian Ting is from the Cangwu God Realm. It is already very good to be able to use this formation to get to the Jie Xian Ting. If you fly into it by yourself , I’m afraid that when all his years are gone, he won’t be able to fly into the Fairy Garden.

“This time, can I really go to the Fairy Garden smoothly?”

Ye Yun also had some curiosity in his heart, and at the same time, he was extremely excited in his heart.

Time was lost bit by bit, he seemed to be walking on a ladder all the time, and every step he fell, there seemed to be a starry sky passing under his feet. It was obvious that he had crossed countless distances every step of the way.

There seemed to be countless starry skies around Ye Yun’s body. After a period of time passed, Ye Yun’s intelligence began to shrink, because at this time he saw that there seemed to be an island in front of own. It was very mysterious, floating in the void, and there didn’t seem to be any planets around the island.

What’s more important is the route of this small island, which seems to be in the middle of the route from the ladder to the fairy garden in his own world. Ye Yun felt surprised in his heart.

“Although this small island seems to be in my route, I can easily do it if I don’t want to enter this small island.”

Ye Yun didn’t care much when he thought of it in his heart. This time he didn’t plan to enter this island. When Ye Yun passed by the island, suddenly there was a sound from his island. The sound of calling, the sound of calling was very strange, Shenzhen Ye Yun’s body couldn’t help but trembles twice, as if to walk into this small island by himself.

This made Ye Yun’s heart feel shocked even more. He didn’t expect such a voice to come from this small island.

In addition, Ye Yun still felt extremely irritable in his heart, and he was also extremely curious in his heart, what kind of secrets were in this island, and why such a sound was produced.

Ye Yun was bold and felt extremely bored in his heart, and finally gritted his teeth and jumped towards the island: “I will see what kind of secrets you have in this island. What kind of master is hiding, if you want to harm me, then I will make you look good.”

Immediately afterwards, Ye Yun had already jumped into this small island. When Ye Yun jumped into this small island, he also looked at this small island for 4 weeks, and found that this small island seemed extremely ordinary and small. Inside the island.

When Ye Yun walked into this small island, he found that this small island seemed very different. There were many trees on the small island, and there was nothing unusual about these trees. Then Ye Yun walked quietly inside. Because he felt that there was a lot of mist in the island, and made himself unable to detect the scene inside the island.

After a while, Ye Yun finally walked to the innermost part of the island and found that there was a hut at the innermost part of the island. Although this hut seemed to be different, Ye Yun felt that the hut was different because in this There was a realm atmosphere above the small room, and it was not the atmosphere of ordinary creation atmosphere.

Even in this hut, there are some Jixi who surpassed the creation Realm. With these words, Ye Yun felt surprised in his heart. Recently, he also learned that the Realm that surpassed the creation Realm is called the Realm of Return. But until now, he has not seen a master of the return series.

“Could it be that there is a master inhabitant of Realm in this place?”

Ye Yun guessed in his heart that if there is really a master inhabitant of the miracle of returning to this place, then if he enters this place rashly, there may be some dangers.

However, when Ye Yun approached the hut, he found that there was no one living in the hut. This also surprised Ye Yun’s heart. There was no one in this hut, and this hut was already It is the most central area of ​​this small island. I have also walked through the small island. It seems that there are people in other places on the small island. Is there no one on this small island?

Ye Yun didn’t believe much about owning this guess. There must be a master in this small island, because he was also clear before and heard that voice.

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