The 555th chapter Yunxian virtual city

He stretched out his own finger and poked lightly into the space in front of him, making the space almost burst.

Such a powerful feeling made Ye Yun satisfied in his heart. He felt that even if he met the master of the Realm late stage in the outside world again, he would not need much fear of him, and he could even easily control it. Beheaded by a master.

On the one hand, it’s because Ye Yun’s breakthrough outside the school. The most important thing is that Ye Yun’s breakthrough this time is not an ordinary syllable. What he broke through is a big Realm, from the Realm breakthrough at the pinnacle of Hajime to the Realm of creation. , Natural transformation is suitable.

The second is because Ye Yun had accumulated a lot before, and he used a lot of treasures when he made breakthrough.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Yun took his own steps and walked towards the outside of this void crack.

Although Ye Yun left this void crack, he also had to write down this void crack. Ye Yun felt this illusory crack in his heart. The reason why it is so special is certainly not without reason. It is very likely to be hidden here. With a secret in the Primordial Realm, Ye Yun wrote down this place, feeling in his heart that he could come to this place again when he became stronger in the future.

When Ye Yun came to the Primordial Realm again, his heart was satisfied.

However, although Ye Yun has now made breakthroughs in the Realm of creation, most of the strong in the Primordial Realm are masters of the creation of Realm.

After another period of time, Ye Yun kept wandering around in the Primordial Realm, and saw some realm masters, most of them were masters of creation raids, but this also made Ye Yun feel in his heart. Surprised.

Because he hadn’t traveled far, he had already seen dozens of masters of the early stage of the creation.

And the masters of the creation raid were also very surprised, because they actually saw a master of early stage creation in this place of the Primordial Realm.

But even if they saw Ye Yun, they didn’t shoot at Ye Yun, because they felt that Ye Yun could appear in the Primordial Realm with the Cultivation Base of the Yuanyi Secretary. His identity is naturally not simple, so for Ye Yun also has some fears.

In fact, although there are few high-speed creations in the Primordial Realm, there are some. There are many strong people in the Primordial Realm. These strong people will also give birth to children, although they are because of the Cultivation Base Realm. It is too strong, so the chance of having children is extremely small, but occasionally they will be born.

It’s just that the general masters of Realm will not have children at all, because even if they are born, the children cannot be completely protected.

Therefore, those who can have children in this place of the Primordial Realm are probably the worst masters of Realm, the pinnacle of creation.

It can be said that the royal family in the Primordial Realm, naturally not many people dare to offend.

Ye Yun was also a little surprised, because he also encountered some Realm’s tells along the way, but these masters of Realm’s creation seemed to be curious about him, they looked like eggs, and didn’t face him. Shot.

“No, but these people in the Primordial Realm are so strange.”

Ye Yun felt it in his heart, and after a while, his eyes began to search slightly, because at this time Ye Yun saw a dilapidated God City.

This God City is extremely corrupt, and even the bricks and tiles in the God City are pitted on it, but I don’t know why this God City has not been changed or renovated.

“Yunxian Xucheng!”

Ye Yun saw that there was a very precious brick on top of this god city with such a handwriting written on it.

Just seeing this handwriting, Ye Yun felt a violent killing intent swept over him, and Ye Yun seemed to have seen a new era of blood and blood.

In that era, the masters of Creation Realm were nothing, and a very terrifying battle broke out in that era. In that battle, many masters of Creation Realm and even returned to Realm died.

Before that, Yunxian Void City was still very luxurious, it was a Sacred Land in the emptiness that all the strong yearned for.

But after that battle, Yunxian Xucheng was also in dire condition, but after all, it survived.

In fact, in the past, there were countless buildings in almost every area of ​​the Primordial Realm, but at this time, there were no buildings to see, because all those buildings were destroyed, but Yunxian Xucheng was preserved. It can be seen that The glory of Yunxian Xushen City East was in the past.

After Ye Yun stood outside Yunxian Xucheng for a while, he walked towards Yunxian Xucheng, because if he stayed outside at this time, it would have no effect. He wanted to understand Taikoo. The information in the realm must enter the Yunxian Void City.

Walked towards Yunxian Xucheng, and soon entered Yunxian Xucheng, because the number of masters in the Primordial Realm is not particularly large, and they are basically masters who created and advanced, so Yunxianxu There was no guard at the gate of the city, and Ye Yun easily walked into Yunxian Xucheng.

When walking into Yunxian Void City, Ye Yun was also slightly surprised. I didn’t see many figures in the Primordial Realm before, but the strong people in Yunxian Void City were A lot.

And it made Ye Yun feel even more surprised that there are still some shops in Yunxian Xucheng. Although there are not many shops, there are some after all.

After walking in the Yunxian Xucheng for a while, Ye Yun also learned about this. The owner of the shop turned out to be the worst Realm in the late stage of the creation.

The general masters of Realm can only set up a stall here.

Ye Yun walked in Yunxian Void City for a while, but he didn’t know that there were also many powerful people in Yunxian Void City who cast their own eyes on Ye Yun.

Many experts in Yunxian Void City knew that there was a strong man in Yunxian Void City, and the early stage of creation was a strong person. This surprised all the experts in Yunxian Void City.

“Has anyone inquired about the early stage creator of the strong man? I know who he is the child of the realm strong man.”

The masters in Yunxian Xucheng began to discuss one after another.

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