The 569th chapter is the best dark horse

Even if it was, Kuang Yansheng, who was standing in the distance, was extremely shocked. No one could have imagined that Ye Yun was not only so fast, but also that other strengths were so strong that he would defeat Xing Wushuang so easily.

Kuang Yan rose like this, his pupils shrank, and his heart throbbed, but in his heart he believed that Ye Yun was not an own opponent, because Ye Yun didn’t show how big it was when he defeated Xing Wushuang. strength.

“Although Ye Yun seems to be 10 points strong, it is absolutely impossible for him to be stronger than Lingyu. If his Lingyu is even stronger, wouldn’t it be said that he is the first genius in the Primordial Realm? ”

Kuang Yansheng thought of this in his heart, and he deceived himself, soothing himself.

After Ye Yun defeated Xing Wushuang, he looked very calm and still walked towards the bottom of the ring. When Ye Yun walked down the ring, Cang Nian and Huo Jiading in the distance were also attracted, looking at Ye Yun. Ye Yun’s body was shocked in their hearts.

Cang Nian was shocked and surprised at the same time. He did not expect Ye Yun’s strength to be so strong, and Wu Pingye Dihe came next to Ye Yun, and his eyes were full of shock.

At this time, while he had some pride in his heart, there was also some fortune. The proud one was Ye Yun, his junior, and what was fortunate in his heart was that he almost had some friction with Ye Yun before, and also After receiving a treasure of Ye Yun, when he thought of this, there was some embarrassment in him.

Ye Yun’s talent, let alone enter the Emperor Spirit Sect, even if it enters other sects, it is very easy.

“I’m sorry, Ye Yun, I had some misunderstandings about you before. I can return the treasures I collected from you now.”

After hearing his words, Ye Yun waved his hand and said that those treasures are not very precious to him, so he didn’t care much in his heart: “Nothing, Wu Ping’s protection has been sent out by me. Then I will never take it back again. Don’t worry in your heart. In fact, you helped me a little bit. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be able to enter the Emperor Spirit Sect so easily. ”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, he hid in his heart and felt a little more comfortable, but there was actually another talk in his heart that he was determined in his heart. If Ye Yun needs help in the future, he will do his best to help Ye. Yun’s, and he also wanted to make a good impression in Ye Yun’s heart.

After Ye Yun defeated Xing Wushuang, he went on, but the surrounding masters were still talking about Ye Yun, and Ye Yun also heard such things, but he could not always be quiet in his heart. Waiting for the start of the third game of Lingyu.

After some time passed, Kuang Yansheng also went to the ring. Kuang Yansheng’s opponent was also an extremely powerful late-stage creator, but this powerful late-stage creator saw that his opponent was crazy. When Yan Sheng, he immediately gave in.

He is not a dark horse like Ye Yun, so after entering the ring, he can only choose to endure it quickly, so that his own life can be saved.

After seeing this master made such a choice, Wu Ping also nodded, because this choice is the most witty choice. Although Kuang Yansheng lost to Ye Yun before, it does not mean that his strength is weak, on the contrary. His strength is extremely outstanding in the Primordial Realm.

And among the younger disciples of Emperor Lingzong, no one is invincible.

Kuang Yansheng walked towards the ring in this way, and then quickly walked down. Immediately after a period of time passed, the second round of Lingyu Dabi was over, and after the second round of Lingyu Dabi, he began to work hard. The third round of Yuda Bi.

Today, there are only more than 100 masters who have passed the second round of Lingyu Grand Competition. Even Wu Ping was defeated by a master in the second round.

At the beginning of the third round of Lingyu University, Kuang Yansheng also watched frequently brushing his teeth. There was a strong killing intent in his eyes, Ye Yun, as if he didn’t feel Kuang Yansheng. Watch, his I don’t care much in my heart.

“Ye Yun, thank you for not being touched by me.”

Kuang Yansheng thought in his heart, how could he know that Ye Yun was thinking like this in his heart.

If Kuang Yansheng meets Ye Yun, Ye Yun will definitely let him know why the flowers are so brilliant.

“The next thing we are going to do is the third round of Lingyu University. When the third round of Lingyu University is over, we will also select the top 10 of this time.”

At this time, Huo Jiading stood up and said, Cang Nian was also standing by, and the masters of 4 weeks started to get excited. Even those masters who were eliminated did not leave Yunling Land, but were still in Yunling. Sitting down next to the ground, looking forward to the third game of Lingyu Dabi.

Although they were eliminated in the previous battle, they are also more looking forward to seeing Ling Yuda the winner of the third round.

At this time, there are already some gambling around. The content of their gambling is Ye Yun. Also, when Kuang Yansheng collides, who will win, but most people still choose Kuang Yansheng. After all, Kuang Yansheng Yan Sheng has accumulated prestige in the Emperor Lingzong for a long time.

Of course, there are some masters who choose, Ye Yun chooses high Ye Yun’s masters are selected after rigorous speculation.

For such gambling, there is no one in Yunlingdi to stop it. Such gambling can also be said to be a kind of unspoken rule in Emperor Lingzong, which can arouse the enthusiasm of other strong people.

“Lingyu Grand Biography Round 3 will officially begin next!”

At this time, Huo Jiading came out and said such a sentence, after Lingyu Dabi Dingtianlong began to slowly start.

Many masters could come out and stepped onto the arena. Ye Yun walked to the own arena and found that there was a master standing on the own arena. The name of this master was Luo Fei.

Ye Yun was slightly surprised when he saw that own opponent was Luo Fei, because this Luo Fei could have been able to enter the top ten before, but he didn’t expect to encounter him.

No matter how powerful Luo Fei’s designer is, but after encountering himself this time, he will definitely say, and he will defeat Luo Fei very fiercely.

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