The 680th chapter is just a dead man

Ye Yun opened her eyes slightly as she listened to Mingqian’s words.

But at this moment, there was praise for Ming Qian’s practice, and he was a little surprised.

Especially this Mingqian, but the son of Jumen District!

It would be surprising to say that such violations were made.

“Brother wants to go with us.”

He looked at Mingqian and smiled and said, since it was Mingqian’s proposal, then he should be asked to help lead the way, otherwise they would never know where the Magical Beasts are going, and they still have to. Things to do.

Listening to Ye Yun’s words, Ming Qian frowned slightly, and then shook his head with a wry smile.

“I can’t take you there right now, but I know that I can also tell you a little bit of wind.”

He looked at Ye Yun and said with a smile, and then pointed his finger at Dongfang.

Ye Yun smiled and nodded. He knew that Ming Qian, as the son of the Jumen District, would definitely not be able to lead them.

This would break the rules of the black market. How can a host bring a group of guests to siege and kill another group of guests? This is also non-existent.

“Is it just one direction?” Ye Yun looked at Mingqian and smiled.

Ming Qian shook his head.

“There is the territory of the broken military zone, where ferocious broken troops are stationed there, and private fights are popular there, and wanton wars are also allowed. Therefore, the Magical Beasts are the most present, and they will definitely go there. And cannibalism can be implemented there.”

He looked at Ye Yun and said with a smile, then took another sip of wine, and now he looked thoughtfully at the street below the restaurant.

Ye Yun nodded in vain.


He said softly, and then stood up with his own Jiuxiao Jade Knife.

“Where?” Ming Qian looked at Ye Yun and said with a smile, still a little worried.

“Of course I did it, otherwise, where do I go, do I have to wait until it’s dark before I do it?”

He looked at Mingqian and said with a smile.

Mingqian looked at Moqi at this time.

Moqi did not sit still at this time, especially when he brought Ye Yun in, and Ming Qian knew it too.

“Some things should be done well at night. After all, it is normal for everyone to open one eye and close one eye, and I also know that there are not many people stationed in the military area, and the market there is not built. Most of the casinos are open, and they are more popular than fighting. If they are opened there, it will definitely be a battlefield in the Shura field…”

Moqi explained to Ye Yun in detail, explaining all the rules of the Baku Military District, but the current Baku Military District has not been established, and one of the three generals in the backstage of the Po Military District has no time to come here to manage. After all, most of them enter the secret realm for profit. If in this secret realm, instead of entering the destiny to fight for treasure, but to break the army and fight, then it is a bit emotional to give up the last. .

Ye Yun also listened for a while, and immediately nodded with a smile. It seemed that he was indeed a little impatient.

Mingqian looked at Ye Yun’s unsatisfactory appearance, and immediately smiled and shook his head.

“What? Which girl does this brother like?”

He looked at Ye Yun and said with a smile.

“Of course not.” Ye Yun directly vetoed Ming Qian. He went to save it only because the woman was a human race, and she still owed herself two treasures. The two are the same, but there is no difficulty.

Ming Qian nodded slightly, but there was indeed doubt in his eyes.

Especially the guy Ye Yun turned into the realm of Magical Beasts for a woman.

Although the behavior is understandable, the Cultivation Base is not a fool. Whoever dares to provoke the Magical Beasts is crazy!

This kind of thing is disdainful to do. After all, it is against a force, but Ye Yun is only for a woman, it is absolutely not worth it, unless the woman is the man’s wife or love.

“Then since Xiongtai came to my giant gate area, most of them have to provide me with some secrets, auctions, or buying treasures, or else there will be fine mineral supplies and items. It’s peddled, isn’t it a refining device, or something like pill refining medicine.”

Ming Qian looked at Ye Yun and asked curiously.

The guy in front of him hasn’t made the breakthrough to Realm, but he already feels faintly that Ye Yun can really fight Realm, and he’s just like himself.

But he psychologically felt that Ye Yun was putting pressure on his own. He always felt that Ye Yun hadn’t tried his best. He had already used 90% of the force in the blow just now, but Ye Yun’s face looked very sad. It’s easy. At this time, I am more curious about Ye Yun’s mysterious identity.

Ye Yun nodded slightly when listening to Ming Qian’s words.

“I came to Ascension to check the quality of my Jiuxiao Jade Sword, and I used my Qingxiao Sword.

He directly took out the Qingxiao sword from his cloth bag and placed it on the table.

Ye Yun has a good impression of Ming Qian, and he is not afraid of things.

Ming Qian also stared at Ye Yun dumbfounded at this time, looking again and again, as if he was looking at a monster.

Ye Yun felt a little strange, isn’t this guy from the Jumen District? How can it be like this!

“What? Isn’t it allowed to refine tools here? Or maybe you don’t have a master refiner here?”

Ye Yun frowned and looked at Ming Qian, especially the look of this guy in shock.

Xu Pang looked at this sword, and immediately shuddered, and then looked at Ye Yun like a ghost with his eyes.

“Are you the one who killed the Young Master Lu Jiasan under the White Tiger Alliance of Heaven and Earth?”

He looked at Ye Yun and asked in a hurry, watching the sword drooling in his heart.

Ye Yun nodded blankly.

“It’s just a dead individual. Is there any fuss? And your black market always seems to be dead.”

He looked at Xu Pang and said with a smile.

Ming Qian and Xu Fat’s eyes widened, especially Ye Yun, who can kill the people of the Heaven and Earth Business Alliance casually. Although they say that they are not afraid of the Heaven and Earth Business Alliance in the black market, they are free in this secret realm. Killing the people of the Tiandi Business Alliance is like killing Mingqian in the black market. Generally, things are very serious.

Moqi was proud of his face. Seeing that these two guys who were better than him couldn’t keep up, he was shocked, not to mention how happy he was, but he was also afraid for a while!

Xu Fat raised a thumb at this time and compared it to Ye Yun.

“Great! Great! If you go out, if you can live within 7 days, then you will be even better!”

He looked at Ye Yun and said with a smile, and then he was silent.

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