Chapter 682: Casting Holy Vessel

“Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, and the old man doesn’t allow us to fight for surnames, saying that we are unworthy, but the old man’s limbs were cut off by others, and he still doesn’t want his children to do something for him. It’s just looking for the enemy.”

He looked at Ye Yun and said with a wry smile, and then he picked up the basin of sand under his feet and sniffed a little.

Ye Yun watched Fatty look for it so cautiously at this moment, and immediately nodded with a smile. It seems that the old man is afraid of future generations.

“Since they are all master refiners, why are their limbs chopped off by others? Wouldn’t the experience of master refiners be criticized by others and attacked by everyone?”

He looked at Xu Pang and said with a smile, since he is a dignified generation of master craftsman, how could he be chopped off by others, and he is also afraid of his enemies seeking revenge. This is a bit weird.

The higher the status, the less they are afraid of enemies, and there are many people like master refiners who ask for help. How can there be so many enemies?

Xu Pang heard that Ye Yun was still asking, and he was no longer obscured, he just told Ye Yun that period of history.

It turned out that the old man was the chief craftsman of the Heaven and Earth Business Alliance, but he was very fond of speculation with the Underworld Emperor on another day, but he was drinking together, and the drunken man came to make a holy artifact for the Underworld Emperor.

But when the sacred artifact was half-casting, it was known by the biggest boss of the Heaven and Earth Business Alliance, that is, the leader, Yang Hao. Therefore, under the battle between the two parties, the sacred artifact was only half completed, but this underground The Emperor of the World just took half of the sacred artifacts and chopped off the leader of the Heaven and Earth Business Alliance half to death.

At this point, the enmity was forged, but it was also before the two men took the throne.

After listening to what Xu Fat said, Ye Yun’s face became even more scorching. He didn’t expect that there would be such a sacred artifact that could slash the Realm on the realm. Then what a sacred artifact.

“Then I don’t know if your grandfather can make one for me, but this is just a later story, I will give it money.” He looked at Xu Fat and smiled.

“What?” Xu Pang immediately stared at Ye Yun with wide eyes, and said in astonishment. A pair of fat fists were also trembling slightly.

Ye Yun was a little surprised at Xu Fat’s face. This guy had a grinning appearance in front of others, but at this time, it was a bit embarrassing for him to cast a holy artifact, especially when he saw this angry look.

Ye Yun looked at Xu Fat’s face and knew it, I’m afraid his grandfather could no longer cast the sacred artifact.

“Since this is the case, then forget it.” Ye Yun said somewhat disappointed.

Fatty’s eyes widened when listening to Ye Yun’s words, and every string on his forehead jumped up at this moment.

“Do you think you said you wouldn’t cast a sacred object without casting a sacred object? Of course, the sacred object must be cast, but you must first give money first, you know?”

Xu Pang looked at Ye Yun and emphasized again and again!

Maybe for Ye Yun, who is not eye-opening, he is already going to do it!

Let him understand a little bit, in this black market, only money is the right way, and everything else is bullshit.

Ye Yun and Moqi both had slightly open mouths at this time, and both eyes looked at Xu Fat in disbelief.

They originally thought that the old man who had broken limbs was abolished, but listening to Xu Fat’s words, they felt that they were really embarrassed to let an old man with broken limbs cast a sword.

Moqi’s sympathy for Xu Fatt has plummeted at this time, especially when he asked his grandfather to cast the sacred artifacts. This guy called for money, and it didn’t mean that his grandfather could not cast the sacred artifacts, what was lacking was money!

“Hey, I said, can you have a little bit of integrity, and what was your expression just now?”

Moqi looked at Xu Fatty and said dissatisfied.

“You know what a fart.” Xu Fat was also pinching his waist at this time, and his stomach was almost touching Moqi’s waist.

“In this world, money can cause ghosts to grind. If you have a lot of money and have great abilities, there is a kind of you who desperately collect money like the world business alliance, knock down pieces of unknown time and space, and sell them to the majors. Middle door, you have the ability to go.”

When Mo Qi listened to Xu Fat’s words, he didn’t say anything, especially the talented hegemons of the Tiandi Business League? It directly knocks down the unknown area and sells it to Sect pieces. If it is sold through the Tiandi Business League, it will be a larger piece of capital income.

The most exaggerated is the city fortress built by the Tiandi Business Alliance. It is definitely a first-class defensive weapon. Moreover, just inputting the energy laws purchased with spirit coins to move the castle can already bombard various sects. The door of the country, the major Sects are even beyond their reach.

In short, this is the currency ability of Lingbi.

Ye Yun was also speechless for a while. He wanted to stabb this Fatty with the Jiuxiao Jade Knife in his hand. No, this guy doesn’t, but he’s not too heavy, so he can play more on the side!

He followed Xu Fatty’s back and stood in front of a yellow wooden door that had fallen out of paint.

I saw that the door of this room was relatively high, and that door was a bit shabby. From the gap of the big door, I could find some equipment in the yard, as well as a few non-human Demonic Beasts that were busy. I couldn’t see many normal objects, the most peculiar thing was a thing with an iron box all over it, where Demonic Beasts were kept busy.

Fatty didn’t dare to push the door directly at this time, just stretched out a finger and knocked gently on the door.

“Brother Tieke, Brother Tieke.”

“Fatty, don’t come here. Grandpa Zheng is already very angry with you, and don’t call me Brother Iron Shell. Daddy is bronze, bronze!” A big iron box slowly opened the one in front of you. A small wooden door.

At this moment, a crowd of people discovered that this iron shell was probably shaped by bronze.

Moreover, there are different inscriptions on his iron shell. Behind him is a large basket, which seems to be convenient for transporting things, but in his basket is a handful of cold treasures. The sword.

Xu Fat watched this senior tin box come out, and immediately bent over and nodded. At this moment, he almost helped the senior tin box kneel down.

“Brother Tieke, I have brought a few big clients here for my grandfather, they are going to cast the sacred artifacts.”

Fatty patted own chest for the first time at this time, boasting to this brother Tiehuo.

The eyes of this big iron shell were two blazes, but at this time it was a white flame.

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