Chapter 703: Enemy Attack

“Well, today I will reluctantly give up my love, but my introduction fee has paid a full 5 million yuan, and the old man is in urgent need of money, and the billing requires two to eight cents. If the auction price is good, then Necessary to talk about it separately.” He looked at Ye Yun and said anxiously.

Ye Yun listened to Moqi’s words, the steps under her feet did not slow down, but faster.

“Who is two and eight, this has to be made clear, or my son, Daddy won’t be able to figure it out, and then Master Qingyou will be a stalker from it. I’m afraid I won’t be able to get the money.”

He looked at Moqi and said with a sneer.

“Of course it’s you. He knows that you are holding that thing. He knows that the value of this time is unusually high, and that he wants to save his wife. So he didn’t grind this time. These eight are for you, and they can be on his head. Now he is a smasher and is ready to save his wife.”

Moqi looked at Ye Yun and said anxiously, if this guy really slips away, then not only his interests will not be available, but also his 5 million spirit coin introduction fee this time. .

Ye Yun frowned slightly when she heard Moqi’s words.

“Didn’t his wife enter the ultimate forest to chop him down? Why is he going to save his wife now?”

He had some doubts, and his eyes were also looking at Moqi at this time.

“Say quickly.” Xu Fat also looked at Mo Qi with expectation. He was still very interested in this kind of dog blood.

“Hey,” Moqi listened to Ye Yun’s words, and immediately sighed, and then smiled bitterly.

“Walk around, let’s talk about it in remote places.”

Several people nodded at the same time, and then entered a small restaurant, which was relatively quiet.

“Master Qingyou told me not to tell others about this. If others knew about it, then he would kill me.” Moqi looked at the two people in front of him mysteriously and said.

“Say quickly, don’t talk anymore.” Xu Fat also poured himself a bowl of wine at this time, took a sip quickly, and looked at Moqi with bright eyes.

Ye Yun lightened up the hammer in his hand at this time, especially the ultimate forest, which can let people break through the realm and enter the next level of Realm. He is only the return realm now, but for the broken realm. He is also very interested in what Realm looks like after the Realm.

“Don’t talk about it anymore, or you won’t have your share.” He looked at Moqi and said with a smile, and then his eyes were also looking around.

“Okay.” Moqi nodded slightly.

“That old guy was chased by his wife and hid in the ultimate forest, but there are countless riots in that forest, and some are the beasts that break the realm, and some are the beasts of the beast. Now that you don’t understand what I’m telling you, it’s better to tell you why his wife is in trouble again…”

“Say it! Speak it fast! Don’t grieve it. Right now, I am not a stingy person. If you make it clear this time, then I will give this batch of wine money.” Xu Fatty is rare and generous. Once, he took out a bag of spirit coins and smashed it on the table.

“Bah.” Moqi looked at Xu Fat’s appearance, and immediately spit out.

“That old guy was beaten by his wife as a miserable one. He dropped a Realm. But halfway through the fight, his wife found out and entered the passage of the next Realm. She was trapped in a secret cave. Among them, so now he has Zhou Luoling coins, and he is looking for Qian Yuguo to help his wife break through the Realm on the next floor. Now there will be a big auction in the Tiandi Business League in a week, so this Once he valued this auction very much, and he also spent his money on his family…”

Ye Yun gave a wry smile after hearing Moqi say it. He didn’t expect Master Qingyou. This guy is quite infatuated. He was beaten so miserably. Now that the prodigal son is looking back, why bother? But he can save a lot of money this time.

“Let’s go, there is no need to go on, now I will go to Master Zheng’s house, I want to retrieve my Jiuxiao Jade Knife.”

After speaking, stand up and leave.

“Don’t go, I haven’t heard enough here, what happened afterwards?” Xu Pang hastened to hold Moqi at this time. Regarding these dog-blood things, if he doesn’t listen to them all, then It feels a pity.

Moqi just slammed his sleeves abruptly at this time, and directly broke free of Xu Fat.

The three of them walked out of the street and walked into the alley next to them. Then they started looking for the shop where his grandfather was located step by step.

“You two bastards, it made Daddy really miserable. A cold voice sounded behind the three of them, and then I saw an old monster wrapped in white cloth.

Ye Yun turned his head and threw out the holy stage refiner’s giant hammer in his hand. Moqi drew out the long knife of own. The silver light flashed, and then wave marks rushed out. .

“Don’t do it! Don’t do it, right now in the black market, it is absolutely forbidden to do it, hurry up.” Xu Fatty hurriedly pulled the two people in front of him at this moment. These two guys are really too violent. Realm can hold these two people just now.

But when he met Ye Yun, he realized that this guy should also be Realm. At this time, his heart surged like a stormy wave.

Hearing Xu Fat’s words, the two of them put away their own weapons slightly, but the light has already been cut out, and the big monster wrapped in white cloth strips dodges from left to right, and will also be avoided by him.

Hearing the sound of the black houses collapsing around him, Xu Pang exclaimed immediately, “Go!”

As soon as his voice fell, there were countless auras visiting, and there were a bunch of people and horses here, and they began to glide densely in the sky.

Ye Yun frowned at this time, he should not fight here, especially in the land of the Emperor of Underworld.

Several people dodged and hurriedly followed from the small alley. This Xu Fat got rid of the chasing soldiers behind him.

“By the way, who was that guy just now?” Xu Fat looked at these two people. At this time, they were already vying for the door of the master’s shop. Even if the group behind chased them, they would probably just leave.

“Who knows who that guy is? It’s really crazy.” Moqi also cursed angrily. Just now that guy suddenly appeared, and it scared them silently.

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