Chapter 719 Don’t Like Guessing

“Ye Yun listened to my persuasion, or Master Qingyou would apologize. Anyway, everyone knows it, and there are not many holidays.”

Ye Yun shook his head. Now how can he let out the benefits he has obtained, and Master Qingyou, as long as he needs him at this moment, then he will never do anything to him.

“Okay, now Master Qingyou already knows your intentions, he won’t trouble you anymore, and if you have something to do, he is just looking for my dad. If you want to be afraid anymore, then I will say, I will do things alone. I’ll be alone.”

He looked at the Moqi who repeatedly emphasized to him and said with a smile, since the two of them were whispering here, how could the Master Qingyou in front not know?

“Hehe.” Moqi listened to Ye Yun’s words, smiled awkwardly, and stretched out his hand to scratch his head.

He did have this plan, but he also hoped that Ye Yun could survive.

Master Qingyou stopped at this moment, looking into the distance with both eyes.

“Little brother, I asked a sentence at the moment without threatening it. Do you think you can answer it directly?”

Master Qingyou’s tone was calm, and he seemed thoughtful when he looked at the distance.

“Of course, I am very comfortable with the tone at the moment, so if you ask, if I am happy to answer, of course I will answer you.”

Ye Yun’s tone was stable at this moment, with a faint smile on her face, and she didn’t seem to have any opinion on this Qingyou master.

Qingyou is slightly surprised, is Ye Yun always looking like this indifferently? And for the threat of his just now, as a guy who returned to Realm, he didn’t even fear the pressure of breaking Realm. This is a good seed for fighting.

“There are very few people who can take away two Demonic Beasts of the Realm Breaking Realm from under my hand without dying. The Hades is counted as one. Now you want to get only five Realm Breaking Realm from my hand. Demonic Beasts, even if I don’t want to kill you by nature, then I’m afraid I have to deal with you from my rules, aren’t you afraid?”

He looked at Ye Yun and said with a smile. He looked at Ye Yun’s eyes like a black star in a funny way. Under the dark eyes, there seemed to be calmness and his calm temperament, which made people faint. Some are surprised that he is so calm and disdainful of the superiors, plus he has a sense of arrogance.

Ye Yun smiled as he listened to Master Qingyou’s words, and he looked at the Demonic Beasts who were walking in the distance.

Some are looking for food on the ground, some are flying in the sky, seeming to be primitive animals, but Ye Yun knows that those guys are tamed by Master Qingyou, and they are absolutely powerful in terms of combat power, intelligence The upper level is not low, right now it is only controlled by this Qingyou master.

“Of course I am not afraid. As long as I am a valuable person, I am overconfident in myself. At the same time I am overconfident with their strong power, knowledge, ability or background. If I don’t have one of them, I dare to stand here. Then I’m afraid you’ll be thrown directly into the Demonic Beasts. Of course, if you’re useless, you’ll be thrown into the Demonic Beasts too. Didn’t I mean?”

He looked at Master Qingyou and said with a smile, as if he didn’t put Master Qingyou To put in one’s eyes.

Master Qingyou listened to Ye Yun’s words, his mouth twitched, but his face still had that indifferent smile.

“I haven’t seen a person like you for many years, or you are very similar to the Hades, or you are very similar to the leader of the Heaven and Earth Business Alliance, but people like you die extremely fast. If it grows up, it will definitely be earth-shattering.”

Master Qingyou paused.

“Guess what kind of person you are?”

Master Qingyou looked at Ye Yun and said with a smile.

The little guy at the moment has repeatedly provoke his face, if it weren’t for this guy to bring high profits to himself, but also to save his wife.

Then this guy is probably already dead. In this world, only useful people whose value can be recognized by this world can they be qualified to live, barbarous and true.

Ye Yun heard Master Qingyou’s words full of threats, but Master Qingyou’s tone really eased again, which made him slightly comfortable.

“I don’t like guessing. I like to hold the initiative in the hands of owner. You are just helping the Hades to raise Demonic Beasts a little bit. You don’t have own ambitions. Why do you have the confidence to talk to me? ”

His eyes looked at Master Qingyou with a smile, and there was solemnity in his clear pupils, without the slightest fear.

The three guys behind Ye Yun were already sitting on the ground in fright, and their eyes were trembling. From their hearts, 10,000 people were unwilling to meet Ye Yun, even if they were friends just a second. They can be strangers in a second.

After all, life matters, and this person is now Master Qingyou, an old friend of the Underworld Emperor.

Master Qingyou looked at Ye Yun, then turned to look at the three guys behind Ye Yun.

“Hahaha.” He immediately laughed, so this is also a long breath, his eyes looking farther.

“How about saving my wife?” His tone was quiet, without a hint of threat, and his expression at this moment was calm and calm, as if he was full of spirits and became young.

“Ms. own saves herself, I am not free.” He looked at Master Qingyou and said with a smile, and then he held the railing and jumped into the distance. The Demonic Beasts on the top of the mountain were backstabbed.

Hearing Ye Yun’s words, Moqi was so scared that he rushed towards Ye Yun.

“Master, master, it’s just saving people right now, we will save them.”

Seeing Master Qingyou’s face tightened at this moment, Xu Pang immediately got up directly from the ground, and couldn’t help his inner fear anymore.

“Of course, we will definitely save, even if Ye Yun this guy won’t save, then we as friends will definitely do it.”

Horned Elder wanted to run forward, but seeing the demonic Beasts in the mountains and plains was more than a little bit stronger than him. He was simply a strong man in a cage. He was bound by this guy in front of him. Dare to move.

“Definitely! Definitely, Ye Yun will definitely save it.” He said with a trembling, expecting Ye Yun this guy not to say such excessive words again.

Master Qingyou smiled lightly, then directed his eyes to Ye Yun’s face.

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