Chapter 731: 2 billion photographed

“Little brother, I really like this treasure right now, and there are also auction houses in the Tiandi Business League. How about giving me a little face?”

A man stood beside the deputy leader of the Tiandi Business League, who was the eldest son of White Tiger.

Ye Yun listened to the old man’s words, and immediately sneered. Right now, that guy was exactly what he wanted to kill.

“Not so.” He immediately refused coldly from the current eldest son.

“1.2 billion.”

“Wow!” The surroundings also exclaimed at this time. They didn’t expect that Ye Yun would really dare to increase the price, and the exit was 1.2 billion, which was an increase of 200 million black market coins.

“Let me go, this kid really does not use Spirit Power as money, and he also vetoed the Tiandi Business Alliance.”

“Who says no, this guy not only offended the Tiandi Business League, but also beat a few princes in the black market just now. Don’t you know about this?”

“I’m going, this kid is really a disaster star. I looked at his sick two unlucky faces as if their faces were already ugly. Although there are layers of veils, with this kid, who can look good? Get up?”

Moqi also clenched his teeth at this time. These people were discussing, how could they escape their ears?

“Ye Yun, otherwise, let’s forget about the Netherfire Terrace. After all, fighting over and over will hurt money, and it won’t be good to hurt feelings then.”

He smiled bitterly at Ye Yun.

“Yeah, otherwise, Ye Yun won’t fight for this item, but if the next item is a little better, we will grab it a little bit, and we won’t have to fight like this.”

The elder corner also quickly persuaded him, his eyes also aimed at the Heaven and Earth Business Alliance. Although he said that there was no such imposing coercion, the four words of the Heaven and Earth Business Alliance had already explained everything.

Ye Yun didn’t care at this time. From the black yarn in front of him, he glanced at the big young man under the White Tiger banner. That guy at least has the peak strength of the Realm of Returning Realm, or the strength of breaking the realm, looking at him There is no sword on his body, which means that the weapon is hidden in a relatively secret place and is a killer. As for the airtightness of the other guy, he did not see it.

“1.4 billion.” The big young man under the White Tiger said again at this time, staring coldly at Ye Yun with both eyes.

“1.6 billion.” Ye Yun gritted his teeth at this time, but still had that smile on his face.

“1.8 billion.” The eldest son of White Tiger also snorted coldly at this time, and then turned his eyes to Mu Yao in the seven kills area that was being auctioned.

Mu Yao from the Seven Kills area also shrugged helplessly at this time.

The princes of the three major districts have all been notified, and they will not die here, but they did not say anything about the several big families. After all, this is affecting the reputation of the black market, but now such a shock suddenly appeared from the first floor. Qing, there is nothing left for her.

“2 billion.” Ye Yun said softly, if it is the fourth level of the Law of Chaos, then he must fight for it.

Mingqian frowned tightly in the room on the ninth floor.

“Today was originally the home of the Tiandi Business League, but now it seems that it has become a place for this kid to show off his wealth. I really don’t understand why he did it with the Tiandi Business League for the sake of a Netherfire Terrace.”

“Young Master, the kid at the moment is doing this for us instead. If we act immediately, our knife will be faster, and our eyes will not be nailed to our Ming family. Why not do this? ?” An old man said with a sullen face, his eyes just looking in the direction of the Heaven and Earth Business Alliance.

The eldest son of White Tiger also looked to the side at this time.

“Does this kid have so much money to shoot? Or is your black market currency depreciated?”

He looked at Mu Yao in the Seven Kills District in front of him and said coldly, he couldn’t just make ghosts here because of their black market.

“Then what do you want?” Mu Yao said coldly while looking at the guy in front of him at this time.

“Of course I checked the accounts.” The White Tiger district elder sneered at Mu Yao.

“I don’t think it’s necessary.” A cold voice came from a room, which came from Xu Fat’s room.

“Huh!” The big young man in the White Tiger district of the Tiandi Business Alliance snorted coldly.

“If that kid doesn’t have any spirit coins, isn’t it because your Xu family made all the money?” He looked at the room and said coldly.

“Of course, if there is no problem, then please start, don’t waste any more time.” Xu Pang said with a sneer. The thing Ye Yun bet this time is jade lotus seeds, and the value of that ghost is beyond. With all the treasures in this world, if they are put out for auction, it will cause crazy shocks. Will they still be short of money?

“That’s good! I’ll take down the road war today,” said Road War coldly looking in the direction of Xu Fat’s room.

“Wow!” The crowd exclaimed as they heard that even the Heaven and Earth Business Alliance had to withdraw.

Their eyes when they looked at Liming became even hotter, not knowing why Liming could have so much energy for the Xu family to take over his auction amount.

“This might be a big family that’s not born, otherwise the Xu family doesn’t have to sell his face to offend the Tiandi Business League.”

“From his attitude just now, you can know that this guy must be someone with a little background, do you still need to look at it?”

Ye Yun sneered immediately as he listened to the noise of the crowd.

Yu Zhangshi suddenly ran towards Ye Yun, limping on his leg, only a few slap marks on his face.

“My son, now I invite you to go to the VIP room on the second floor. Your goods have already been delivered.” He looked at Ye Yun and said with a smile, a pig-headed face with a humble smile.

Ye Yun laughed at what Yu Zhangshi said, stood up, followed Yu Zhangshi to the second floor.

There was only one expression of a person with a big mouth slightly open behind him.

“Just now it seems that this is what Yu Zhangshi is on the bar with him.”

“Nonsense, didn’t you watch it yourself? Now it seems that that kid is really a stubborn stubborn stubbornness. The slaughter who was on the bar just now doesn’t know if he can get on the black market.”

At this time, Ye Yun had already obtained a black box in a room on the second floor with a small black platform inside, cold with a green flame.

“Guru~!” Moqi and Jiao Elder swallowed as he looked at this 2 billion Netherfire Platform. This is simply a behavior of throwing spirit coins! Although the two of them said they had seen it, this kind of money has never been spent with this kind of spirit coin, especially Ye Yun’s face was indifferent.

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