Chapter 739 Give up?

The Heaven and Earth Business Alliance originally intended to only take the Scarlet Cloud Sword for nearly 10 billion, but it has now become so expensive!

“100 billion.” Ye Yun said lightly at this time, then opened the door and took in a plate of fairy fruits.

“It doesn’t seem to be the season for you to pick the fruit, it’s a bit astringent, but the sweetness is just right.”

“Kacha!” took a bite of the fruit.

The sound came from the room on the second floor, and everyone swallowed louder, especially when Ye Yun threw out 100 billion, it seemed to be relaxed, without any burden.

“Boy, don’t do too much right now, otherwise everyone’s faces will be ugly.” A voice slowly floated down from the ninth floor, as if with a wave of majesty, making everyone shocked. It is the power of the deputy leader of the Tiandi Business League!

“Why? The Law of Chaos has been applied to the 5th layer, do you feel great? You just learned a little bit. The Law of Void is too weak, it is your weakness.”

Ye Yun looked at the power of the law, and immediately sneered at the law. There was no offensive power. It was just a demonstration, but all of this was very transparent in his eyes.

“What nonsense are you talking about?” The deputy leader of the Tiandi Business Alliance also exclaimed in the room. What he often did not expect was that someone knew the goods, and he could recognize at a glance that the chaos of his law had 5 layers. The one who returned most to the world was that a kid on the second floor was just a kid with a coin. He even dared to say that what he learned was just a fur, and he pointed out the loopholes in the law of the void!

The killing intent in his eyes had disappeared in an instant, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, but anyone who knew him knew that the deputy leader of the Tiandi Business League had already moved to kill.

What’s more, this guy has not been murderous for thousands of years, but this time he really locked Ye Yun.

“Okay! Very good, it is worthy of the talent of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in this black market, I will give 150 billion.” He looked at the second floor room under the stage with a coldly smile.

Ye Yun smiled slightly when he heard this voice.

The price is already high, and he can’t go up anymore, especially since he has promised the money of Elder and Moqi. He has never forgotten these things, but at this time Moqi and Elder are already Being scared to hide in the corner of the room, it seemed that he was afraid that the deputy leader of the Heaven and Earth Business Alliance would run away and attack for a while.

“Crack!” A softly pushing the door sounded in their second-floor room, and then the familiar figure walked in.

“Brother, don’t take pictures now. If you continue to take pictures, we will be disturbed by you.”

The man is Ming Qian, and he will not let Ye Yun disrupt their original plan on the black market.

And this is also the action agreed by their giant gate area and several giants. If they let this Scarlet Cloud Sword be thrown away, then not only the guard of the Heaven and Earth Business Alliance will be raised to a level, but it will also make them Heaven and Earth Business. The people behind the alliance began to move around.

Ye Yun listened to Mingqian’s words, and then patted his hands and turned around.

“Since Ming Shao told me not to come out, I will give Ming Shao a face. I didn’t plan to bid anymore. Why?”

When Mingqian listened to Ye Yun’s words, his face turned black immediately.

The ghost knew whether this guy was going to make a bid, and looking at Ye Yun’s unfinished expression, it seemed that he was about to swallow the next moment, like that scarlet cloud sword.

“Well, since you didn’t plan to want this Scarlet Cloud Sword, then I’m relieved.”

“But…” Ye Yun frowned slightly. Although there was a slight smile from the corner of his mouth, it was more doubtful.

Ming Qian’s heart was raised, why the witch Muyao in the Seven Kills District still didn’t directly knock on her auction hammer, so that the auction of the Scarlet Cloud Sword could be stopped.

Mu Yao deserves to be called a female devil. It’s time for this, and she wants to cheat the Heaven and Earth Business Alliance again, or to earn Ye Yun’s spirit coins.

“But what? Hurry up, I can’t keep up with the time right now.”

Ye Yun nodded indifferently, then stretched out his hand and pointed to the sword box on the table.

“No.” Ming Qian directly interrupted Ye Yun’s going to talk. He knew what Ye Yun was thinking.

“Since you already know about this, brother, we will be rewarded if we succeed, but the sword of the Scarlet Cloud Sword at the moment can’t work together. These two are originally one!”

Ye Yun listened to Mingqian’s words, not only was not disappointed, but a thick smile appeared on her face.

“Then you will tell me what other good things have not been put up for auction, and I will get a few by the way.”

“150 billion once!” Mu Yao’s voice finally remembered.

Hearing the voice outside, Ming Qian slowly let go of his heart. It seems that Miss Mu Yao from the Seven Kill District is still somewhat acquainted.

“The things outside are actually thrown away. It’s just a few more gimmicks right now, and isn’t there the thing you sent behind? That is our Jumen District and Master Beast Tamer discussed it, and behind you There is still a master of contention, so you are allowed to auction some things out of the ordinary, otherwise the black market can’t watch such a big wave, and now it’s a little fake action to end it!”

He persuaded Ye Yun painstakingly, if Ye Yun stayed any longer, there might be another big deal.

Ye Yun laughed immediately after hearing Mingqian’s words.

“Since this is the case, then it is really boring, when do you start?”

Ye Yun looked at Ming Qian in front of him and said with a smile, and then beckoned to Moqi and Elder.

Moqi and Xu Elder walked over with horror on their faces. They hate Ye Yun to death. Although there are some things to ask Ye Yun for help, they cannot be allowed to go to Tiandi at the same time. The business alliance is fighting, isn’t this putting people to death?

“Brother, just say what you have right now. Don’t go to the fire pit anymore. You can’t afford our two little lives right now. I really can’t afford to jump.”

Jiao Elder looked at Ye Yun and said with a wry smile, and then quietly looked at Ye Yun’s face.

“Yeah, brother! Right now you enter the ultimate forest, we have no objection, even if you fight with the Tiandi Business Alliance, we are not against it, but you don’t take us with you.”

“When I called you both, and you both heard the speech between me and Ming Qian, so I said if you don’t do it.”

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