The seven hundred and fifty-fourth chapter is too tender

The real weapon spirit is in the sharp blade in this hand, and the two sharp blades are the same, it’s just a blinding trick.

The knife in his left hand is also extremely sharp, which is exactly how the sword just now has been smelted into the short dagger it is now.

“Ding Ding Ding…” The sound is constantly flowing in this desert, especially after every bone spur, there are countless laws of destruction rushing to his sword!

“Boy, didn’t you think you still have some skills?” The old man saw Ye Yun and said in a cold voice. At this time, his figure also flashed fiercely. The blades of wings behind him were like sharp blades. Turning the Law of Destruction and rushed towards Huang Xiaoyu’s head!

“The law of the void.” At this time, Ye Yun’s hands were also floating with layers of void power, and he pushed directly towards the old man in front of him.

“Naive!” The old man sneered at the guy in front of him, and then his body accelerated, and a sharp sword in his hand pierced Ye Yun’s chest directly.

Ye Yun discovered that the law of the void at this time is actually under the influence of this law of destruction, and there is no possibility of blocking the attack of this law of destruction. This is a chaotic law that can be destroyed together with the law of the void. NS!

“The law of time.” He exclaimed, and then white lights flashed in front of the old man.

The sharp dagger pierced into his time rule, it seemed as if there were waves of white smoke, but his speed was also going to the extreme.

“Dang.” The crisp sound of Ye Yun’s weapons rang in front of their eyes, and Ye Yun began to fight hard in the law of time that was moved!

Strips of phantoms unfolded before his eyes.

“Huh! Boy, your law of time is the most important right now, but it’s not of much use, it won’t hold me for long! Is there still a very strange law of power? Then use it now, what am I going to see? See if my law of destruction is powerful or the law you just killed!”

The old man saw his eyes, Ye Yun said coldly, the power of the law that this guy had just launched had already made him faintly shocked.

For him at this time, he actually wanted to kill Ye Yun, and also wanted to seize Ye Yun’s law for himself to study. Maybe he can take the next step, directly after breaking the realm. Realm shock!

“Huh! If you want to take a look at my rules, come and see your skills, otherwise, don’t just speak the vernacular here.” Ye Yun saw the old man in front of him also roared coldly, and then pulled out. The two sharp blades in his hands counterattacked the old man!

“Kill!” The old man watched Ye Yun rush forward, and immediately stood on his other toe and let out a cold cry.

Immediately he threw the long sword out of his hand. At this time, his body was faster than the long sword, and the wings behind him turned into a spinning golden Lotus flower. But in the center of this Lotus flower, there is a black sharp blade spinning.

“Magic lotus, open!” With the violent roar of the old man, the appearance of the lotus flowers suddenly opened suddenly, as if they had the sense of owning, they usually attacked Ye Yun directly. .

Ye Yun’s eyes widened at this time. He looked at the overwhelming Lotus flower as if it was attacking him with navigation, and the aura of the law was very strong, and he stepped back quickly at random!

“Xiaofeng, the law of fire!” At this time, he looked at the owner of the own armband designer and roared. When his helper put his helper on Own’s chest, it was now revealed from his hand.

“Good!” Xiaofengxiang’s Ye Yun agreed, and then countless violent auras began to slowly ignite on Ye Yun’s body.

“Boom!” At this moment, the desert was like being plunged into a sea of ​​fire, bursts of crackling sounds burned out of this void law, and rushed directly behind the old man!

“Huh! Junior and me playing this trick is a bit too tender.” The old man sneered immediately after seeing the attack in front of him, and then there were layers of laws of destruction behind him!

When the strong law of fire hit his back, he was swallowed by this law of destruction all at once!

At this time, Ye Yun’s mouth also had a smile!

“I want to see if you are too tender or I am too tender! Kill!” He looked at the old man in front of him with a sneer, if he didn’t reach this position in the secret realm right now, then It would be a trouble to go out!

After all, this old man is a realm master, and the Magical Beasts behind him are even more difficult to measure!

“Kill!” At this time, the old man also yelled violently, and countless golden Lotus flowers faintly appeared again in his figure, and layers of outer limbs that looked like ancient white floated on his hands. !

Ye Yun looked at the sudden change, and immediately sneered. He would never shrink from this kind of battle!

“The law of power! A multi-billion-fold increase!” He began to arouse layers of golden light on his fist, and then a wave of wind energy condensed in his hand with countless strange laws.

Especially this law of power turned out to be a layer of power of Ascension under his government, the law of true power! The product of the Law of Chaos is forcibly advanced at an increase of billions of times!

“Boom.” Ye Yun and the old man’s fists were also tightly intertwined at this time, and then countless vigor began to flash in this space.

Ye Yun saw that the strength of the old man’s hand was directly transmitted to his arm, and a series of openings were opened on his skin, and some of them began to pierce the body and fly out of blood. Come!

He gritted his teeth and must get through!

“Xiaofeng, the law of fire!” He roared again at this time, and countless flames emerged from his body, penetrating the law of the void!

“Idiot! Knowing that the law of fire is of no use to me, I still use the law of fire!” The old man sneered looking at Ye Yun, and then bursts of ancient white light flashed out of his figure!

His body was also shattered by Ye Yun, but at this time his Realm is also catering to the strength of his body, breaking the Realm middle stage!

“Kill!” He yelled at Ye Yun Road, and then countless energies began to rush to Ye Yun’s fist, and bursts of bone cracking sounded over Ye Yun’s arm. The pain was not terrifying. Death is already close.

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