The 765th chapter hits the world business alliance

This is destined to be a never-ending chase, and the thunder and lightning will kill Ye Yun!

Ming Qian was sitting on the rock at this time, watching the back of Ye Yun chasing him, especially the sound of the thunder dragon that skyrocketed, which made him frightened. In addition, this layer of sandstorm was even more violent. Between the stones, there is a faint flash of thunder, which can be measured, how terrible this thunder and lightning is!

“If I still call this kid a brother, then I will definitely die of anger.” He followed the atmosphere and said with a wry smile looking at the two rapid rays of light above the desert.

“This Ye Yun will definitely not be able to enter our black market again in the future. A person like this is simply too dangerous. I feel that this time is even more dangerous than the big people we are acting behind the scenes.” Mu Yao was also sweaty. Zhu, especially her forehead is already stained with a few strands of hair, but under the power of her law, the moisture has been faintly dried, but this time it is full of amorous feelings!

Hearing Mu Yao’s words before Ming, he was also slightly taken aback.

“But I also want to make this kid the Elder of our Ming family, and I too…”

“Shut up, if your Ming family sets him as Elder, then you must stay with me every day in your Ming family, don’t go out of the black market, and don’t go to our seven kills area, otherwise I will count all of this account. On your head, I warn you.” Mu Yao looked at Ming Qian in front of him and warned him exactly every word.

It’s the first time she’s seen someone like Ye Yun, and the destructive power is too exaggerated! Even the middle stage of Breaking Realm was chased everywhere by him. The most important thing is that Ye Yun seems to be a 10% realm!

This bastard promotes Realm as easy as riding a rocket, but he has repeatedly committed risks!

Mingqian’s face turned dark, and now this genius witch looked like an Elder in front of him. What could he dare to say at this moment?

Under the layers of lightning and thunder, Ye Yun is already on the rise, especially the people in this secret realm. They dare not approach the thunder dragon for half a step. More people are just watching from a distance. , But it was just seeing a thunder dragon flying everywhere, the two dots as small as dust in the front, so that they could not see the light of the human figure moving!

Ye Yun looked at the hate chased as a bereaved dog and looked at him coldly.

“Hate Ruthless, you are running in the direction of the Tiandi Business League, are you not afraid that your thunder catastrophe will affect all of your Tiandi Business League?” He said coldly, and the speed behind him was faster again!

“Huh! Boy, if you don’t know the background of our Heaven and Earth Business Alliance, I advise you not to follow along, or I will be killed immediately outside the big camp of the Heaven and Earth Business Alliance! No bones left.” He looked at Ye Yun and said coldly.

The speed under his feet picked up again. Although the power of the law in his body was a bit exhausted, he was not afraid of Ye Yun’s intimidation at this time!

“Hehe.” Ye Yun listened to Hate’s words, and laughed instead, especially because of this Hate’s mercilessness. This time, his embarrassed expression was already something that he could see clearly.

“I know you are using the radical method, but at this moment, I also want to see what kind of background your world business alliance has. It can withstand the Heavenly Tribulation in this secret realm, and this is not my threat. You, I am afraid that after you arrive at the Heaven and Earth Business Alliance, the consequences will be particularly miserable!”

Hate chilled mercilessly, and did not answer Ye Yun’s words. Instead, his figure directly rushed into the big camp of the Tiandi Business Alliance!

“Where did the kid dare to help Heavenly Tribulation lead us into the boundless world of heaven and earth? Don’t you know where the Heaven and Earth Business Alliance is?” A loud voice immediately exploded in Ye Yun’s ear, followed by countless times. Murderous aura, flooding at Ye Yun’s body!

“I don’t know what kind of power you have! If you have it, it’s better to use it.” Ye Yun looked at the Tiandi Business League at coldly and said at this time. A thunder dragon let go of the law of split void!

“Roar!” At the moment when Thunder Dragon was released, the lightning that roared countless times directly rushed towards Ye Yun~!

At this time, Ye Yun really started to protect the own body with the own Universe. Some tens of thousands of thunder dragons were on Ye Yun’s body at this time, sliding towards the heaven and earth business like flowing water. Into the camp of the alliance!

“Fight against the enemy!” A magnificent voice once again sounded outside the big cloud of the Tiandi Business League, and then countless rays of light rose into the sky, and four-colored bronze statues were slowly rising around the door in summer!

“Boom!” As soon as his voice fell, the thunder and lightning violently attacked the large array. The bronze statue was slowly magnified, and then began to attract the thunder and lightning! A few pieces of debris fell out of the bronze statues that were struck by thunder and lightning, but at this time, the battle of the Heaven and Earth Business Alliance was undefeated and broken.

“Take people!” The magnificent voice immediately sounded again, and the door of the Tiandi Business Alliance suddenly opened wide and rushed out for a burst of people.

A man in gold armor and crimson anger on his eyes walked out.

“Damn, let this kid run away. If I catch him in the future, he must be broken into pieces!” He looked at the empty field and immediately coldly shouted, only two scorched blacks were left. Footprints! The other traces are gone!

“Boom~!” The second Thunder Dragon in the sky turned his head! The sky is bright with purple light exploding, and some people are challenging this secret realm again!

“No, Yu Lei!” Another exclamation rang from the world business alliance.

“Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!…” The thunder between the sky and the earth is endless, the lightning from the sky flows down like a stream, and the pure power of the lightning makes people desperate!

Ye Yun was lying on the other side of the mountain, holding the stone in his hand and looking at it. Right now, the stone was a few scum from the bronze statue. He felt very curious at this time. The thunder and lightning were all caught by those stone statues!

Based on his understanding of the law of thunder and lightning, if it is not an absolute control force, then the law of thunder and lightning will definitely not obey a certain kind of will power will be absorbed!

“It seems that the horror of the Tiandi Business Alliance is not just the point in front of you.” He also muttered cautiously at this time, and then he got up and took another look.

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