Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1047: It's all vulgar powder!

  Is it difficult to get on the boat?

   In a word of fluttering, almost everyone's face changed. People like the ancient ancestors such as Douxian Patriarch and Fengjian Gongzi only felt like they were slapped by an invisible hand, and they were scorched!

this moment!

  Want to directly squeeze and kill the real human fairy!

   This kid!

  Why don't you just step on the boat easily!

   Most of myself and others were beaten down by the first wave!

   consumes at least 50% of the power!

  A human race is really immortal!

"This kid... It’s hard to come true. It’s like the kid in the picture book "The Holy King". He has the treasure in his body. He just deliberately hid it... otherwise he’s a real fairy, how? It may have been on the Amethyst Yingluo ship in one step..."

   Fat middle-aged man grunted.


  Fujima squeezed his sleeves and entered the cabin.

   "Juetiandu, Changsheng River, Triple Wave, Yingluo Boat This is only the outermost test. I hope that after entering the Amethyst Sacred Clan's ancestral lands, your kid will be able to sustain the incense incense time!"

  Ancestral Dou Xian stared at Chen Zheng several eyes, and also flicked his sleeves into the cabin.

   "Don't care about him!"

   "Go to rest first!"

   "This is the beginning!"

   Fat middle-aged men and other ancient clan saints also entered the cabin one by one.

   "Singing rhinoceros Yingge, son... good means. The river of eternal life is turbulent, as well as the ancient voice of the demon, and the son should also rest in the cabin for a moment."

  The woman with a veil gave Chen Zheng a slight salute.

   "I haven't seen the scenery of the Changsheng River, so stay outside and see the scenery."

  Chen Zheng responded with a smile.

   "Look at the scenery?"

   The veiled girl was startled, and she was curious, but she was only curious. She didn't continue to ask anything and turned into the cabin.

   at the moment.

  On the Yingluo Battleship of the Amethyst Saint Clan, apart from the people of the Amethyst Saint Clan, there are only Chen Zheng and the cold-faced boy holding the sword. The cold-faced boy looked at Chen Zhengshu's eyes, his eyebrows slightly fixed, and he entered the cabin.

"You...may have a powerful magical body protector, who can board the Yingluo ship with the magical weapon, but I still want to remind you that the Changsheng River is not the kind of river in the world, but a variety of heaven and earth. A special channel formed by the chaotic power. In addition to various chaotic powers, there are various ancient demon and ancient demon that do not exist in the large world. You better go into the cabin, don’t blame me for not reminding you. I am an amethyst saint. Deacon Zilan, cultivated as an ancestral realm, and you can do what you say."

  The middle-aged man of the Amethyst Saint Clan glanced at Chen Zheng, and with a light sentence, he took the rest of the Amethyst Saint Clan into the cabin.


   On this huge deck!

   Now only Chen Zheng is left!


   is also at this time!

   Originally, the amethyst Yingluo ship was surrounded by void space and time. At this moment, there was a huge wave from the sky, and the huge wave came to the Yingluo ship overwhelmingly!


   Stormy waves!

   Thunder and lightning!

   is like the most terrible sky-tribulation!

   "What a handsome little brother, come and play!"

   "Hum! A human race in your area is really immortal, and dare to stand on the deck of the Yingluo ship. You look down on us ancient demon and ancient demon! There is a kind of kid who comes down from the Yingluo ship, and I will eat you!"



   in the darkness of nothingness!

  Various sounds!

   "The sound of the ancient demon's overwhelming spirit is so terrifying. I only heard it and felt that the Yuanshen could not stand it!"

   "That kid was stared at, and that kid was about to be taken away!"

   "Once that kid leaves the Yingluo boat, he will definitely die!"

   Although the ancestors of Douxian, Fengjian Gongzi and others are in the cabin, the sound of the ancient demon's obscenity is extremely strange, even if the Yingluo ship is a treasure, it cannot completely resist the obsession.

   There are a lot of ancient saints who are slightly weaker. They are red-eared at the moment, as if they can't control their flesh, they can't wait to rush out directly, and find the ancient demon and ancient devil that make a raging voice!


   Amethyst saints locked the cabin, and someone who wanted to rush out could not rush out!

"The voice of the ancient demon... The old man in my ancestral realm even... some can't resist... The Changsheng River is really terrible, no wonder it will be called a small time long river. "Ancestral Dou Xian took a deep breath, held his breath away, and threw away the miscellaneous thoughts, and suddenly thought of Chen Zheng outside. Shen Nian looked outside and frowned, "This kid... Wasn’t he impressed, is this kid still a man!"


   Other ancient clan saints also looked out with a move!

   This look!

   Only feel bloody!

   at this moment!

   There is a kid standing in front of the huge deck of Ying Luo!

   That kid turned his back to everyone!

   With both hands behind him, a single-sided horror thunder thunder!

   and the ancient demon and ancient demon already appeared!

   Ancient demon are almost all women!

  Every one is the best of the best!

  Every one says that they want to hide and shame!

  Everyone is peerless and charming!

   In a roaring voice, I saw a gleaming finger hooked out, which turned out a strange magical rhyme, but the young man did not move like a stone carving!

   lying trough!

   Everyone in the cabin feels that the blood is burning, only that the flesh is about to explode. That kid was really immortal and could resist the charm of the ancient demon!

   "Is this kid good for the legendary Longyang?"

   The Dou Xian Patriarch frowned.

   "It should be so, otherwise a human race true immortal could not resist this charm, I am a Daojun, if it is not the cabin sealed, I have rushed!"

  Fat-headed middle-aged people focus on the head.

   "So it turns out, I said how could this kid be indifferent!"

  Fujimako sneered.


   "Little brother! Come here! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on!"

   "You can only do happy things if you have a lover. Are you my lover, little brother!"

  The girl who was transformed by the ancient demon, and there was another, I wanted to cover up and be ashamed. At this moment, there was almost only a little single thin robe!

  Nuanyu Wenxiang!

  Hook your soul!


  The middle-aged man with fat head and big ears in the cabin saw this scene. At this moment, he was spurting blood. He was crimson, and he was crazy. He beat the cabin with his hands and wanted to rush out.


   Amethyst Sacred Deacon's purplish blue brow furrowed and pointed at the fat middle-aged man with a little bit, and the middle-aged man's head stunned.

   "The head of the Tianluo Yan clan took action in person, and advised you to block your ears and autism."

   Zilan said indifferently.

   "Tian Luoyan patriarch?"

   "Is there a legendary lady who sucked up a saint on the Changsheng River?"

   "My Dao Zun!"

   The ancestors of the Dou Xian Patriarch, Fengjian Gongzi and others changed their faces, and quickly blocked their ears. Yuanshen directly cut off the outside world and dared not spy on the outside!



   Someone didn't give up, and looked out with curiosity, only to see the ancient demon girl who appeared, screamed on the spot, Qiqiao bleeding blood fluttered and convulsed, dying!


   The rest are horrified!

  Dare to have any other thoughts at this moment, Yuanshen autism cut off the outside world!

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