Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1094: Sky Crystal Tomb

"Kill it."

Just when everyone in the restaurant began to speculate about the identity of Chen Zheng and Bai Mu'er, Chen Zheng's words sounded faintly, and everyone in the restaurant looked sluggish again, and the poet who knelt on the ground suddenly raised his head, and then his body flashed. Suddenly turned into nothingness!

He is going to slip!


Bai Murer snorted, and a breath of terror was instantly released. The flesh and blood have been a transcendental poet. This moment was terrifying. It seemed that he wanted to beg for mercy when he just opened his mouth, but it was completely gone in one thought!


No trace of residue left!


Everyone in the restaurant, even the drunken old man lying on the table, suddenly awakened at this moment and stepped back!


The aura of terror just now is that of the ancestor!

This stunning beauty is not a mortal at all!

She is an ancestor!

Shi Taoren was directly erased by her!

"I...I...kneeled!" Monday laughed tremblingly, kneeling on the ground, and kowtowed at this moment: "My dog ​​doesn't know Taishan with eyesight, I don't know seniors Coming to Fuyinsha City, my old dog is blind! My palm, I'm such a rubbish, I'm so **** it!"


Laughing on Monday, he raised his slap and swept his mouth!


Chen Zheng was too lazy to look at him. Bai Muer swept indifferently. On Monday, Xiao Xiao and several other armor were also wiped out instantly, leaving no blood residue!


Miss Yu's small mouth grew up. At this moment, she only felt that her atrium was pounding and accelerating, just like the little deer bumped. She looked at Bai Mu'er, and her eyes were full of stars at this moment!

it is good!

I miss it!

I really want to rush into the arms of this beautiful sister!

There was a cry at this moment in the heart of Miss Yu!

However, Bai Mu'er ignored Miss Yu directly and other people in the restaurant. She killed the poet and the few armoured soldiers. At this moment, she is like a maidservant standing beside Chen Zheng.

In fact, in addition to Chen Zheng, the other creatures are not much different from ants. She was the first high priest of the Celestial Saint Clan, and a figure of the same age as the ancestor of the Amethyst Saint Clan, Zi Tian, ​​and at the time of the most powerful, it was almost the Taoist ancestor of the ninth realm, even if it was too sacred outside the territory. To the weird woman in the weird Yuan Ruin, Xiuwei degenerated into an ancestor, she still has her pride.

Of course, her pride will not show up in front of Chen, because she knows very well that the Taoist ancestor of the Ninth Realm in front of Chen Zu is nothing.

"You have almost drank this fairy brew, go to Tianjing Tomb to see it."

Chen Zheng got up and said something casually. Bai Muer nodded gently and disappeared in front of everyone.


As soon as the two disappeared, someone couldn't help but scream, and the whole person collapsed. Soon there was a smell of urine in the restaurant. This person was scared!


The middle-aged Duan Jia shook his knees on the ground trembling, and at the moment his forehead was sweating coldly. When he thought of the brilliant woman who just said to take an ancient emperor to change the ancestral realm, he was afraid! Maybe the woman didn't kill herself, it was for Miss Yu's sake, just now Miss Yu was just talking to the woman and the mysterious fairy!

"She is the most suitable candidate for husband in my mind, and Duan Yu will not marry her in this life!"

Miss Yu suddenly smiled, turned into a fairy light and flew out!

"Miss Yu!"

The old lady Linghua's mother-in-law was surprised and quickly turned into a fairy light to catch up!


And after counting the interest, several figures of the fairy appeared and landed on the restaurant. These figures glanced and their brows were tightly locked!

"Ancestral breath!"

"An ancestor has been here!"

"Poetry.....It was here just now, why didn't I see it?"


"Where is the poet? Where did laugh go on Monday?"

A tall man dressed in silver and silver armor asked Shen Sheng.

"Go back... Lord of the city... Poetry... The poet Taoist was killed, and the commander Zhou was also killed! Ancestor, that was an ancestor, a young man beside the fairy Following a stunning beauty in the ancestral realm, the young man and the ancestor went to the Tianjing Tomb!"

Someone was trembling and talking.


The silvery Liangjia's tall and strong Han's eyebrows twisted into a line in an instant.


At this moment an elderly bearded man looked at the middle-aged man kneeling on the floor.

"Back to the old man, Miss Yu went to chase the ancestral ancestor, saying that the ancestral ancestor would never marry!

The middle-aged Duan family responded quickly.


Elder Longbeard heard it, slightly stunned, and then a long sigh, turned into a fairy light and flew towards the direction of Tianjing Yizuo.

"Young man of heaven...being surrounded by a beautiful beauty of the ancestral realm...The poet Taoist seems to be wiped out without even the power to fight back...Is it... ." Bai Yinliangjia's tall man groaned, and suddenly remembered some rumors about Fuyinshacheng about the Tianjing Tomb, and his eyes were horrified, but the next moment he gritted his teeth: "What can I do when I come back?" The Bu Tu Gate is still there, the Bu Tian Tao is also there, and the Three Emperor Sects are still here! Huh! No matter if you are from the same family, dare to come back to this place, then don’t think about escaping again!"

A strong color flashed in the eyes of the tall and mighty Han. Several secret thoughts came out secretly, glancing at the people on the restaurant, and snorted away with his men.


North of Fuyinsha City.

Deep in the Gobi Desert.

There is a big pit surrounded by green.

At this moment Chen Zheng and Bai Muer are already in front of the big pit.

"Because my cultivation was severely degraded, the ancestral celestial celestial lands fell from outside the Thousand Worlds and fell into the world of Futu. Later, they were stared at by the denominations in the World of Futu. The ancestor siege, the Tianjing Saint Clan that once sat on the same level with the Amethyst Saint Clan completely declined, and even the ancestral land was not kept. Between these heavens and earth, I am afraid that there are few Tianjing Saint Clan still alive. The only gratification is that this The creatures in the Thousand Worlds can’t take that thing at all, and I shouldn’t be able to take that thing in my current state. I’m afraid that only Chen Zu can take it out.”

Bai Muer was silent for a moment and sighed.


Chen Zheng asked casually.

"Holy There is Heavenly Blood in the Vial! I was severely degraded in my initial cultivation, and I tried to use Heavenly Blood to restore my cultivation, but the absorption failed, so that the Holy Vial reverted and the ancestral land fell!"

Bai Muer recalled the past and lowered his voice.

"Heavenly blood..."

Chen Zheng heard these two words and showed a smile. He thought of the Master Zhuoxian, the true blood of the second master who was devoured by Wuzhuxian in Wuxian Mountain, and was passed into the Heavenly Blood by the monks such as Huangquanzong.

So is the heavenly blood in the holy bottle of the Celestial Saints also the blood of a certain robbery master?

"I do know that you are a descendant of the Celestial Saints. Her name is Bai Mei. I don't know if I will return to the world of Futu. The combat power is almost the level of the saints of the world."

Chen Zheng thought of Bai Mei and made a comment.

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