Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1158: Taoist, you are too deep into the play!

   "Your holy eye is a bit of a doorway, but it is only right that this girl is indeed a candidate for God."

  Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"You... what's your origin, and what's this girl's origin, are you from the mysterious Taixu? I'm an immortal immortal, I'm an immortal Dao ancestor, although your machete is The ultimate creation, there are obviously flaws, otherwise the monk on the ancient star of Longxiao has been destroyed by you! You can’t cut me, I still have a powerful magic weapon to defend myself!"

  Honggu Taoist frowned, staring at Chen Zheng with extreme vigilance!

   He opened Optimus God Shadow, that is, he was absolutely sure to lead the scimitar master. Originally in his plan, he could deter the scimitar master by his cultivation method. When I saw that Chen Zu was just a fairy, he was even more confident in the first place. He thought he was in control, so he opened the door and said Chen Zheng's scimitar.


  When he used the Holy Eye to take a serious look at Chen Zheng and the little demon girl!

   He was shocked!

  The mysterious inheritance he mentioned mentioned an ancient extreme physique called the upper physique, and people with that physique are eligible to become the upper physique! God is not heaven, God is a supreme being above Heaven, and the creature with the physique of God must also be reincarnated from God, that is to say, this year's loved one and this little demon girl are reincarnated from God!

   "You are indeed a Taoist ancestor, but you are not an immortal immortal, you are too deep into the play."

  Chen Zheng shook his head gently.

   "Ah? Too deep in the drama? What do you mean? How can I get too deep in the drama? Are you trying to mess with my mind? That's impossible, how can I also be an immortal Taoist ancestor!"

  Hong Gudao was stunned for a while, and then said in a deep voice.

This time Chen Zheng didn't respond immediately, but took a move. The Zhengyue machete appeared. When the ancient Taoist saw the machete, his eyes instantly showed greed, and he seemed to want to take the scimitar, but when he saw the machete purple With a flash of light, the restless Yuanshen of Honggu Taoist calmed down!

   "The first month comes to recharge the scimitar."

  Chen Zheng shouted casually.

  The flash of light flashed in his eyebrows, and the princess Masamune with a whip appeared, with a blank expression and a blaze at the scimitar!


   Really burning!

   Scimitar purple mango bloom!

   At this moment, there is a kind of enchanting monster!


The little demon girl holding Chen Zhengyi hid back a bit, but she secretly went to princess Zhengyue again. Princess Zhengyue glanced over and saw the little demon girl slightly stunned, then shook her head and turned into a dim light. Chen Zhengmei's heart.

   " magic weapon...are you so charged?"

  As for Honggu Taoist, I was dumbfounded again!

In his view, if there is a flaw in the ultimate creation-level magic weapon, it will take a long time to accumulate energy after it is used up once, but just now... the small summoned just now Girl, just spray a real fire at the scimitar, the scimitar becomes terrible!

  Hook your soul!

   Deadly poison!

   If you really grab it now!

   I'm afraid it will be cut with a machete!

   This scimitar is too weird!

   Even a Taoist ancestor felt trembling when he looked at the machete Zimang!

"You... your magical instrument has already accumulated energy, although it is strange and terrible, but it can't cut me!" The thoughts of the Honggu Taoists flashed quickly, lowering the voice and continuing: " In addition to being a Taoist ancestor, my Honggu Taoist also has a tyrannical heritage, and my past life is also a big figure, although I have not awakened the memory of my past life!"

   "It's too deep into the play."

  Chen Zheng listened again and shook his head gently.

The Honggu Daoist wrinkled his brows and stared at Chen Zheng. The voice was so low that he said: "Young man, if you only rely on one sentence, you can mess up my Dao heart, and my Honggu Daoist kneels down on his own initiative Recognize you as the Lord! Too deep into the play? I am the immortal Taoist cultivator, I am immortal and immortal, can it still be false! This Qingtian ancient temple, the ancestor is qualified to enter, my ancestor is Real goods! You said that I was too deep into the drama. Am I pretending not to be Taoist ancestor! Huh! You can't mess with my Dao heart!"

"is it."

  Chen Zheng chuckled and lifted his right hand casually, and there was an extra water curtain in the hall. The water curtain was as smooth as a mirror, and he could see his figure in the water curtain at a glance.

"Water curtain light mirror? What do you mean, do you think I am a monster? Huh! My Honggu Taoist is the immortal immortal of the Eleventh Century, and my true identity is the Honggu Immortal King! "

  Hong Gudao glanced at the water curtain, and immediately hummed.

   clutching the little demon girl in Chen Zhengyi's corner, the little face was also full of curiosity at this moment, but when he saw that the previous demon pattern disappeared from his face in the water curtain, he suddenly showed a touch of loneliness.

   "Look again."

Chen Zheng's expression was indifferent, and his right hand was directed at the Honggu Daoist. The Honggu Daoist instinctively stepped back, thinking that Chen was blasting the secret method, but Chen Zheng did not blast the secret method, and the Honggu Daoist did not perceive the power of any fairy. fluctuation.

   "Hmph! Look, look! Can this seat become a monster?"

  The ancient Taoist stared at Chen Zheng, and his eyes moved to the water curtain again. This time he only looked at it, and his face was frozen!

"very scary!"

   grasped the little demon girl in Chen Zhengyi's corner, froze for a moment, a small face showed fear, hiding behind Chen Zheng for a moment, and dared not go to see the water curtain!

"Ah!" The next moment was a scream, Honggu Taoist stared at the figure in the water curtain, and shook his head frantically at this moment: "No! This is not me! I am Honggu fairy I am immortal Immortal fairy, what is this monster, how could this monster be me! I am not a monster, I am a fairy king, I am a fairy!"


   looks like crazy!

  The Honggu Daoist in the water curtain at this moment is no longer a humanoid figure, but a monster with an extremely ugly and strange appearance!

"You are not a person originally, you are a demon, a very powerful demon, you swallowed the real Honggu fairy king, and turned into a Honggu fairy king, maybe you think that the Honggu fairy king has a good identity and is lost. In this heavy identity, I originally thought that the old things of the Wanhua Demon Clan had been eliminated. There could be no more Taoist Demon in the heavens and the earth. I didn’t expect there would be a big fish like you."

  Chen Zheng said, understatement is extremely casual.

"No! I'm not a demon, I don't know what is Wanhua Demon, I'm Honggu Immortal King! I am the Immortal King under the Supreme Age of Immortals, I and the Immortal Kings such as Yongye Immortal King Yitian Immortal King Seven Wonderful Immortal King It’s the Immortal King! You can’t lie to me, you’ve deliberately used some weird secrets to lie to me, you want to mess with my heart, you can’t mess with my heart!"

  Hong ancient Taoist roar!


   Chen Zheng Shen Nian moved, the suspended machete Zi Mang flashed, Hong Gu Dao Ren shuddered, and then his face became unbearable, suddenly turned sideways to stare at Chen Zheng! However, at the next moment, the scimitar was transformed into a purple mango, and the head of the Honggu Daoist was pierced, and under the purple mana that had captured the soul to the extreme, the Yuanshen of the Honggu Taoist was hooked!


   A disillusionment!

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